Longevity Martial Arts: I have a black water snake clone

Chapter 186: King Quan Sword Appears! I am Ligong!

In the heavy rain and majestic night, thunder flashed from time to time, clearly illuminating the rotten mountains below, and also clearly illuminating a legion.

At this moment, the notorious Lightning Leopard Cavalry has followed several generals and successfully arrived at the old place where the wooden emblem caravan was fighting against the Black Tiger Gang.

The land is devastated, the peaks are cracked, trees are toppled, corpses are broken, and flesh and blood are flying everywhere.

Even if the rain is getting heavier, it can't wash away the blood on the ground.

The team leader Cheng Hu and Ye Xunwen looked at each other, and they both saw the horror in each other's eyes.

"This kind of power is definitely a match between the fifth-order powerhouse!" Cheng Hu said in a deep voice.

He lightly kicked the Lightning Leopard Thousand Beast King with his right foot, and the tall and ferocious Lightning Leopard Thousand Beast King immediately led him forward, rushing to the large pit created by Wang Dahu's killing move, Fei Tianbiao.

Leaping forward, Cheng Hu bent down to touch the dirt in the deep pit, feeling the sword marks.

"Fifth-level kendo fighters, fifth-level transformation fighters!" Cheng Hu affirmed.

"There are still fifth-level wooden martial artists..." Ye Xunwen sighed, looking at the grass and vines emerging from the cliff.

In the end, they said in unison: "The one who survived is the fifth-level sword cultivator!"

For a moment, Cheng Hu and Ye Xunwen fell into silence.

They are all disciples of the Qinglu Taoist Temple, and because of their meritorious service in strangling Pengcheng General Mo Jiuyou, they were able to stay in Luocheng to lead the army.

In the past few years, they have experienced no less than a hundred battles, big and small. After a little comparison, they can see how terrifying the strength of the fifth-level swordsman is.

Accompanied by their silence, the Lightning Leopard Cavalry Legion also fell into a cold silence.


At this moment, a sword light suddenly appeared in the air.

The sword light expanded, revealing two bronze gates like mountains.

The bronze gate is dark and dilapidated, leaving countless traces.

Every trace exudes a simple and terrifying atmosphere, and the electric light leopard cavalry lowered their heads one after another, not daring to look at them.

After the bronze gate was fully revealed, the auxiliary head turned into two old ancient beasts and landed on the ground.

Several bucket-thick black chains came out from the back of the beast and connected to the door knocker.


Accompanied by the sound of drums that seemed to shatter the sky, the two ferocious beasts slowly moved forward.

Inside the door, a Taoist riding an old ox came out.

The Taoist is immortal, with a calm temperament.




Facing the different names of his subordinates, Li Zixing nodded gently with a gentle face.


Suddenly, the King Quan sword on Li Zixing's waist trembled violently, as if encountering a formidable enemy.

The Wangquan sword is a straight and square sword, and the combination of seven swords is a holy weapon.

Since its birth, it has been jealous of evil, suppressing all kinds of evil like a thunderbolt.

At this moment, it feels a serious threat.

This threat obviously comes from the sword marks created by Tianhe Sword!

"Oh? From this point of view, Zhu Yejie and Wang Dahu's defeat was not unjust." Li Zixing realized something, because he was the general behind Wang Dahu.

Immediately, he got off the back of the ox, identified the venue himself, and searched for the information left by the mysterious sword repairer.

While investigating, he put himself in the position of the mysterious sword repairman.

The more the comparison, the more Li Zixing was amazed.

If he didn't rely on the power of Wang Quan's sword, he would probably be just a brother to that mysterious sword repairman.

"With such strength, aren't you afraid of losing it here?" Li Zixing was puzzled.

Afterwards, he clapped his hands and began mobilizing spies to search for the mysterious swordsman.

On the Cangjiang River, a large ship floated down to the port of Pengcheng.

In the big boat, the incarnation of swordsmanship is wearing a short body of labor, carrying bags of rice bags on the boat, carrying them "difficultly" to the shore, and handing them over to others.

Ever since he overthrew the wooden emblem caravan, Hong Yuan has become more cautious, keeping in mind the word "stable", and fully aware of the truth that half a hundred miles is half the time.

Hong Yuan changed into a tattered and rough clothes, and became a refugee, and later became the handyman of this big ship.

A strange and powerful martial artist suddenly appearing in a small place will attract extra attention, but a poor household like thousands of refugees will not be noticed.

During the war years, refugees appeared everywhere.

Hong Yuan appeared in Pengcheng as a refugee, which is so reasonable!

"Huchi, Huchi..." Hong Yuan was 'panting for breath', and supported himself on the wooden barrel with one hand to catch his breath.

There are several laborers who look like him, and they looked at each other with tacit smiles on their faces.

The work is endless, but the body is one's own.

"Yezi, do you have any plans after finishing this ticket?" An old laborer took out a bong from his pocket and asked Hong Yuan.

Hong Yuan smiled shyly: "My mother hopes that I can marry a girl who is more diligent. I want to go to Pengcheng to see if there is a big girl who is willing to come with me."

"Hey! Ye Zi, you also want to buy a big girl? Let me tell you, the girls in the Shanle Square in the outer city are the best!"

"Although the girls in Shanlefang are good, they are not from scholars' homes. In my opinion, Ye Ziyou might as well take the boat a few more times and save money to go to Zhishu Street."

"Don't misunderstand my son, how could such a rough Ye Zi get along with girls from those scholars' families."

When it came to the big girl, the Lifus became excited, wondering where they could buy one.

In troubled times, human life is worthless. For a bite to eat, anything can happen.

The incident of buying a wife in the history books of Qianchen was so openly placed in front of Hong Yuan, and everyone seemed to be accustomed to it, which inevitably made Hong Yuan a little dazed.

For a moment, Hong Yuan suddenly understood why the prime ministers and generals came from the states and counties.

"Yezi, don't listen to their nonsense."

"If you really want to marry a big girl, you have to go to the outer city to find a house to live in after receiving your wages. It doesn't matter whether it is shabby or not, as long as there is a house that can shelter from the wind and rain."

The old laborer looked like someone who came here, shook his bong, exhaled smoke rings, and just now explained the reason: "Otherwise, if you marry a big girl, she will run away."

Hong Yuan smiled innocently and nodded silently.

After resting for a while, without being urged by the manager, everyone started to work consciously, carrying rice bags, wood and other goods again.

The more chaotic the era, the more precious a job that can make a living.

After a busy day, when night fell, red lanterns were hung on the bow of the boat, and three rectangular tables were set up.

In front of the rectangular table, three accountants in gray cloth robes were sitting at one place each, their fingers swipe quickly on the abacus, snapping calculations.

Behind the rectangular table, three long lines of laborers lined up, waiting in an orderly manner to receive their share of wages.

"Li Ergou, you get three hundred rice bags and nine hundred copper coins!"

"Zhang Dashu, if you move two hundred rice bags, you will get six hundred copper coins!"

Satisfied, one after another laborers grabbed the white cloth bags and left the big ship.

On the shore, a number of skinny and ragged refugees stared enviously at the laborers.

"Niu Zizi, if you move three hundred rice bags, you will get nine hundred copper coins."

"Yes Yes Yes."

Hong Yuan nodded quickly, with a bright smile on his face like other laborers.

Holding the cloth bag tightly in his hand, Hong Yuan left here following veteran worker Zhang Xiaohua.

With the help of veteran laborer Zhang Xiaohua, Hong Yuan spent 500 copper coins and successfully rented a cold kiln with broken tiles that can shelter from the wind and rain in Sanlifang in the outer city of Pengcheng.

Pengcheng and Hong Yuan just sneaked in without any disturbance.

As long as the specific information on Zhang Chenye, Zhang Baicun and others is collected, the Tianhe Sword will be unsheathed again!

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