“666, this is the best product placement I’ve ever seen!”

“Hahaha Let me laugh for a while…”

“Emperor Yi, do you want to laugh at me to death so that you can inherit my ant flower? Hahahaha…”

“Is there a replay, I still want to watch it again!”

“It’s wonderful, it’s really wonderful! If I advertise like this in the future, I would watch it ten times! ”

“How much the boss appliance gives, our side gives ten times!”

“How much fragrant soy milk is given, I will give twenty times as much as Vita!”

“Mom asked me why I was on my knees watching the live broadcast… As an advertising planner, I got on my knees! ”

“Confirm the look, you are the one who wants to advertise and laugh at me…”

“Chen Duxiu is not as good as your show, it is simply a show of flowers!”

“Hahahaha, red and red, red and red, trance…”

The barrage exploded in an instant.

An advertisement can give them such a trick, the effect is simply explosive!

The water friends of the barrage were amused, but the three parties quickly calmed down.

“Phew, at this rate, we can finish all the commercials before the show is officially broadcast!” Huang Lei exhaled and said to the two with a smile.

He Jiong nodded, “Don’t be too witty to advertise like this… And I feel that the effect will be much better than if you read the advertising words bluntly! ”

Huang Yi also nodded, “In this way, we seem to have cold acid spirit advertisements that have not been hit, I will try!” ”

Saying that, he trotted into the room, and He Jiong and Huang Lei outside looked at each other, and they were laughing crazy!

“Xiao Yi, I think you were born for variety shows! It’s really funny! He Jiong covered his stomach and said.

Huang Lei also smiled, “This kid is really excited, and the advertisements have been beaten out by him!” ”

At this time, Huang Yi also ran out, “Teacher He, Teacher Huang, what is the origin of this cold and sour spirit advertising slogan?” ”

He Jiong and Huang Lei were stunned, and they both showed a confused expression.

“Why don’t you think of one temporarily?” He Jiong blinked his eyes and looked at Huang Yi, “The script you wrote before was very exciting, so talented, it should be no problem to think of an advertising word, right?” ”

Huang Yi smiled bitterly, “Teacher He, you’re bringing me a top hat!” ”

Huang Lei also laughed, “I have read your book “The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years”, my wife also likes it very much, and it is indeed well written, especially the parallel space concept mentioned later, which is particularly novel, so… It should be fine to get an advertising message, right? ”

“This… Sure enough, the urban routine is deep, I want to go back to the countryside! The corner of Huang Yi’s mouth twitched, and he said a lot of foreshadowing words in front, and the final purpose was simple, that is, to make him make an advertising word.

However, for the cold acid spirit, Huang Yi still has a little idea!

The main thing is … I also had this toothpaste in my previous life!

“Haha, come one!” He Jiong said with a smile.

Huang Yi nodded, and with a flash of light, he looked at the camera, “Cold sour spirit toothpaste, hot and sour, eat it if you want!” ”

He Jiong and Huang Lei were originally full of smiles, but as Huang Yi’s words came out, the two were stunned at the same time!

This slogan… That’s awesome!

Every toothpaste has the selling point of each toothpaste, since the name of this toothpaste is cold acid ling, it is to let people know that use this toothpaste when the teeth are allergic!

And Huang Yi’s simple words make people feel full of selling points!

Simple, easy to remember, and most importantly, distinctive features!

He Jiong applauded, “Xiao Yi, I can be considered obedient, your talent is absolutely barbaric!” ”

Huang Lei also gave a thumbs up, “In order to reward your talent, wait for you to eat more!” ”

“Okay!” Huang Yi also had a smile on his face, “Actually, I still have an idea here, do you want to hear it?” ”

“Okay!” He Jiong nodded.

Huang Yi smiled and said, “Cold acid spirit toothpaste, this is a professional anti-allergy. Sense of premium toothpaste! ”


He Jiong applauded again!

He Jiong said with a smile, “Xiao Yi, I feel that the cold sour spirit toothpaste should give you a creative fee!” ”

Huang Lei also nodded, “I feel right, I especially like the previous sentence, hot and sour, eat it if you want!” Catchy and catchy, but also very easy to remember, the most important thing is to conform to the elements of cold acidity! ”

A smile appeared on Huang Yi’s face and looked at Huang Lei, “So Teacher Huang, can we eat?” ”

“That’s it! Go wash your hands! Huang Lei laughed and put the green onion bun on a plate….

And just like that, their first meal at the mushroom house officially began!

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