When Huang Yi was cooking just now, Xu Zheng and Chen Huang also left for a short while.

The two went to the tool room, took the chilled watermelon out of the refrigerator, and used a knife to cut the watermelon into small pieces first, and then put it in the juicer to squeeze juice!

Of course, this process is very complicated, after all, the homemade juicer is small and cannot squeeze a lot of juice at once.

But they also showed patience, who made everyone pay labor today, and this sacrifice also touched them!

Many people will hate Xu Zheng or something because of the first impression.

But in fact, Xu Zheng is just a “knife mouth, tofu heart” person, he does less than anyone else.

He planted rice under the bottom, he helped carry stones and build the stove, he helped get watermelons, he helped squeeze juice!

He never stopped….

I believe that after the show is really broadcast, it will definitely make the audience change their opinion of him.

“Wow, this watermelon juice is also amazing!” He Jiong said immediately, “Director Xu, you are really amazing!” ”

“Average! You all work so hard, I can’t hold back! Xu Zheng said with a smile.

“You found that no, in fact, Zhengzi is a person who says nothing but is more honest than anyone, from him to the mushroom house, he has never stopped!” Huang Lei also said at this time.

“Really! Director Xu, isn’t your purpose not to tire yourself in order to complete the task? Are you tired then? Huang Yi also looked at Xu Zheng and said.

An embarrassed expression appeared on Xu Zheng’s face, “Am I tired?” Don’t get tired! You see, I’m doing well! ”

“In this way, then after eating, you will chop firewood for a while, just cooking and burning all the firewood cut by Dahua, tomorrow there will be no firewood!” Huang Lei immediately squinted and said.

“Huh? Can it still be like this? Xu Zheng’s expression instantly collapsed, “I’m joking, I’m exhausted now, my back hurts, and I’m very hungry… Everyone should be hungry, right? We ate, we ate! ”

Looking at Xu Zheng’s look of recognition, everyone laughed.

And all the dishes on the table were lifted, along with the cooked pot of rice.

“If you want to eat noodles, you can eat noodles, everyone eat today!” He Jiong also played the style of the master at this time and greeted everyone.

Huang Lei also nodded, looking at Huang Yi with a look of emotion, “Xiao Yi is really our good helper, even if something happens to me in the future, don’t worry that you will be hungry!” ”

He Jiong glared at Huang Lei, “What do you say, so unlucky!” ”

“Haha, nothing!” Huang Lei smiled and shook his head, “Let’s toast Xiao Yi first, it’s not easy to make this table dish!” ”

Xu Zheng also looked at the vegetables on the table at this time, “I want to take this dish of mine away, it affects the overall harmony too much!” ”

Caixin was taught by Huang Lei to stir-fry, the simplest… But it’s still scorched.

“No, I have an appetite when I look at it!” Huang Yi said with a smile, just clamped a chopstick…

Everyone watched him put the dish in his mouth, but soon the smile on Huang Yi’s face froze.

“How? Is it okay for me to do it? Xu Zheng looked at Huang Yi expectantly, wondering his answer.

Chen Huang next to him laughed, “Hahahaha… If I’m not mistaken, my uncle must have taken salt for sugar again! ”

Huang Yi took a tissue on the table, turned around and spit out the dish, “Director Xu, this… I can’t act this, it’s really too salty, and the salty ones are a little bitter! ”

“Huh? No way? Xu Zheng was stunned, and also took a bite with chopsticks.

Suddenly his expression changed, he quickly picked up the greens on the table, stood up, and poured them directly into the trash.

“Ahem, nothing happened just now…” Xu Zheng said with a somewhat embarrassed expression, and then glanced at the table, “Sure enough, without that green vegetable, it looks much more comfortable!” ”

“Zhengzi, don’t be disappointed, cooking is a thing that pays attention to talent, you look at our family Xiaoyi, how old is this, there is such a level, that absolute talent!” Huang Lei also said cheerfully at this time.

“A cup to our family Xiaoyi!” He Jiong also said with a smile at this time.

Apparently, their names have changed slightly.

The main thing is to add three more words “our family” in front of Xiao Yi!

This is a bit of a taste of parents being proud of their son and being proud of their son….

In this way, everyone officially began to eat.

“This slice of meat is really fragrant!” Wei Daxun said with praise.

Bai Jingting was eating bean sprouts, “I feel that the greens in this boiled meat slice are better than meat, it’s great!” ”

Zheng Shuang was sweating profusely, “Xiao Yiyi, I will go to your house more in the future, you still hide such a hand, it’s too good!” ”

Chen Huang wiped his mouth with a tissue while spitting out his head, “Although it’s so spicy, it tastes good… And this shrimp, it’s really delicious! I don’t even know how to describe it! ”

Everyone is praising Huang Yi’s cooking skills.

Even Huang Lei shouted several times, “It’s so delicious… Everyone is also welcome! ”

“Woooo I feel like I’m flying! He Jiong also said beautifully.

“Fight, hold back again!” He Jiong said to Xu Zheng with a smile.

“Although I don’t lose weight, I think I should still control it!” Xu Zheng had already eaten three bowls and said embarrassedly.

“What to control, you have done so much work today, you should eat more!” Huang Yi next to him instigated.

“Okay then, some more!” Xu Zheng compromised….

“Hahaha… I feel that my uncle is so funny, I want to eat but dare not eat it, it’s so funny! Chen Huang next to him also laughed.

In this way, they laughed while eating, and a dinner was satisfied and happy.

Soon everyone finished eating, no one spoke and no one moved.

Just sit in your place and quietly enjoy this moment of silence.

Of course, this is the life they aspire to….

Doesn’t people live all their lives just to eat?

When this condition is met, it is easy to feel happy….


Today is full of sincerity, please pay attention! Thanks ~~~

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