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“Hey, why did they come back so soon?” At this time, He Jiong saw that the back door was opened and said in surprise.

“Didn’t you let Xiao Yi take them around for a while?” Huang Lei also said curiously.

He Jiong also greeted him.

“We picked up all the firewood, so we came back!” Zhao Liying said with a smile.

“Wow, that’s so capable!” He Jiong praised, “It seems that we have two more sincere girls here, it’s so good!” ”

“Someone is helping again!” Saying that, He Jiong turned around and said to the live broadcast computer next to him with an evil smile.

“Teacher He, I didn’t expect you to be like this!”

“Ah, ah, don’t pit my Yingbao, Teacher He, is my knife not long enough?”

“Don’t bully Yingbao and Reba, their strength should not be used for farm work!”

“Teacher He, you give me your address, I’ll help you do all the farm work!”

“Upstairs, we’re going to help!”

The water friends in the live broadcast room were all surging.

Obviously, they also fought for their idols.

Di Li Gerba also walked up at this time, “Just now Yibao promised to make us a bubble machine, so we quickly got all the firewood!” ”

“Huh? Bubble machine? We don’t have it here! He Jiong said with some stunned.

“That’s why he agreed to do it!” Zhao Liying said with a smile, “The next time is to witness the miracle!” ”

Huang Yi also laughed, “You two take a break and go help make the canopy, I’ll get you a bubble machine!” ”

“Shake, you go and rest, just leave it to me here!” Xu Zheng next to him also said at this time.

A smile appeared on Chen Shao’s face, “En, okay, I’ll go and help Brother Yi!” ”

Because he was about to leave here, Chen Huang wanted to get along with Huang Yi more, but just now Huang Lei arranged for her to be a canopy, so he could only see Huang Yi leaving with two beautiful women.

Of course, Chen Huang also knew that he and Huang Yi basically had no chance, and he could be an admirer silently…

I only hope that Huang Yi will not forget her in the future, and it would be better if he had the opportunity to cooperate or something!

Huang Yi did not refuse Chen Huang to give him a hand, after all, if someone helps, he can get the bubble machine out faster.

Huang Lei glanced at Huang Yi, “Xiao Yi, I feel that you should have multiple titles in the future!” ”


“Mushroom House Luban! I feel like you’re always going to have something weird in your head! Huang Lei said with a smile.

“It’s just casual play, besides, we can’t always do things here when the star guests come, right? It’s also important to have fun once in a while! Huang Yi explained.

He Jiong nodded, “This bubble machine can be made, it is best to make a popcorn or marshmallow or something, it is also possible!” ”

“This one can really have!” Huang Yi said with a smile, “It’s just like a season of sunflower seeds, and it won’t be too complicated to make!” ”

“Okay, then it’s settled, you get the bubble machine out first!” The smile on He Jiong’s face became brighter, “I originally wanted to buy it on Koala overseas, but I didn’t think Xiao Yi would do it all… I found that Xiao Yi is really all-powerful! ”

Huang Yi naturally didn’t know He Jiong’s evaluation, and he had already started to make it.

If you want to make a good bubble machine, you naturally have a complete set of processes in your mind.

But this is also the first time he has done it, so Huang Yi’s inner core will also have some small expectations… Can it be successful?

“Shake, you get me some foam!” Huang Yi instructed Chen Shake, “By the way, take a useless empty bottle by the way!” ”

“No problem!”

After explaining Chen Shao, Huang Yi began to start.

He first broke off the branches of the bamboo, selected a few thicker ones, and divided them into seven.

Immediately, all the leaves on the branches were removed, and the very small branches on the tip of the branches were embedded in the middle of the branches to make a shape similar to the candy of the waves, of course, hollow.

“Brother Yi, are these enough?”

“Enough! It’s really fantastic! Huang Yi smiled and praised.

A simple word of appreciation made Chen Huangxi smile, of course, Huang Yi ordered her to prepare dish soap, sugar and green tea…

Chen Huang also began to get busy, while Huang Yi continued to produce.

Cut the bottles that Chen Huang gave over one by one, and then stick them on the edge of the branches that had been made before, and glue them with transparent glue.

This is the shape of a windmill, as long as there is wind, it can turn!

And bubbles come out of the circle through the branches above!

Huang Yi was working hard here, and the sweat on his forehead came down.

Di Li Gerba next to him was a little suspicious, “Yingbao, do you say he can really make a bubble machine?” ”

“Absolutely!” Zhao Liying said with a firm face, “You will doubt that I don’t blame you, but as long as you have cooperated with him, you will not doubt it!” ”

“Huh? Why? ”

“He’s a man who does what he says, and he feels safe with him!” Zhao Liying said with a smile.

Di Li Gerba looked at Zhao Liying and couldn’t help but laugh, “Yingbao, how do I feel that you fancy him!” ”

Zhao Liyingqiao’s face turned red, “Where is it?” Besides, where am I worthy of him…”

Di Li Gerba’s expression was a little stunned, “You are so good, how can you not be worthy of him?” ”

Zhao Liying sighed, “You haven’t gotten along with him, and you don’t know how good he is!” Have a chance to work with him, you will understand this! ”

Di Li Gerba raised her eyebrows, is it so exaggerated?

It actually made a goddess like Zhao Liying feel ashamed of herself!

Dahua next to him saw the two chatting, and also wanted to join, “What are you talking about?” Can I participate? ”

“Nothing!” Zhao Liying said directly, “What are we doing next?” ”

“Spread the oil paper, just pounce the paper on it!” Liu Xianhua said with a smile, “We actually built two nests in less than two hours, we are really amazing!” ”

Xu Zheng next to him also stood up straight and stretched his waist, “Phew, my old waist… I didn’t expect to come out like this when I left, it was too hard! ”

He Jiong also came up at this time, “Director Xu has worked hard, so I think this chicken nest and sheep’s nest should be named after Director Xu’s name, are you right?” ”

“Yes! Director Xu is too hard! Liu Xianhua nodded.

Xu Zheng was embarrassed, “How can it work, everyone has the strength, I can’t grab the limelight alone!” ”

“Then you give it a name, this will always work!” He Jiong said.

“Then this chicken nest is called… Xu Zheng took four children to make chicken and sheep nests! Xu Zheng hesitated for a moment before saying.

“Poof, ha…”

In an instant, everyone was amused by Xu Zheng!

This name, absolutely! _

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