Looking Forward to Another World

Chapter 386 I won’t participate

The Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick and the sky above the surface cemetery.


With a blur of light and shadow, Li Ge appeared here and left the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.

He glanced at the tattered surface of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick below and looked at the increasingly severe crystallization of the crater. After a while, he turned around and left without any nostalgia.

The gentle breeze blew through Li Ge's body, allowing him to finally focus on other things after being immersed in the fierce battle for nearly two months.

For example... because the whole body has become tattered, with only a pile of rags barely covering the body, it looks cold.

"...If someone sees me like this, they will definitely be scared away, right?"

Smelling the faint smell coming from his body, Li Ge smiled bitterly and felt uncomfortable.

So, Li Ge used magic.


A faint magical light flashed across his body, causing the peculiar smell on Derig's body to be eliminated instantly.


The second kind of magical light flashed and wandered through Li Ge's body, eliminating all the dirt and dust on Li Ge's body.

These are two types of magic that do not exist in "YGGDRASIL". They are original level magic created by the indigenous people in this world. The two levels are not high. They are both the lowest level magic of the first level. But for For people who have been wandering around all year round, such life magic is still very convenient, so Li Ge also found an opportunity to steal these magics from his colleagues in the Adventurer Guild.

Thanks to this, the odor and dirt on Li Ge's body disappeared, all the blood stains were removed, and his skin became clean.

Then, Li Ge used decomposition magic to decompose the rag strips on his body, and then activated a new magic in 0.01 seconds.

"[High-level item creation]."

In an instant, a set of clothes made of magic appeared on Li Ge, fully equipped at the speed of light.

Only then did Li Ge completely recover his human appearance and return to his original mysterious and handsome boy.

"Lord Brighaut...!"

"Your Excellency Brighaut...!"

Just as Li Ge regained his image, several voices rose from the ground to the sky and reached Li Ge's ears.

Li Ge took a closer look and found that at the edge of the prairie, in a large forest, several people were standing there in full gear, waving excitedly at him.

That, surprisingly, were the girls of [Blue Rose] and Brian.

"They really haven't left yet, are they staying nearby?"

Li Ge was a little surprised, but not surprised, and flew towards the people below.

"Lord Brighaut (Your Excellency)!"

When everyone saw Li Ge landing, they immediately rushed towards him with great excitement.

Especially Brian, who looked overjoyed.

"I knew that Lord Brighaut would be able to come out of that monster's lair...!"

Brian seemed particularly excited, as if Li Ge's safe return had given him great encouragement and comfort, making him tremble all over.

"It's a shame you could come out of that place..."

Even Evileye, after carefully studying Lige for a while, made a sound that was either emotion or surprise.

"Are you okay? Mr. Brighaut?"

Even Laisi looked panicked for the first time, with a look of shame and guilt.

As for Gegelan, Tia, and Tina, they breathed a huge sigh of relief, as if a big stone in their hearts could finally be moved away. They were not only excited, but also showed relieved expressions.

Seeing this, Li Ge scratched his cheek and spoke to everyone.

"It seems that I have made you worried, I'm sorry." Li Ge said: "But as you can see, I am completely intact."

Well, at least for now.

As for how many injuries Rige suffered during the fierce battle on the eighth floor of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, and how many times he lost arms and legs, that is something only he knows.

The girls of [Blue Rose] and Brian began to greet Lige one after another. It was only after they were completely sure that he was in normal condition and that his body was intact that they finally let go of their worries.

Laxi stood up, bowed deeply to Li Ge, and saluted.

"Thanks to you this time." Laisi said with a solemn and respectful look: "If it weren't for your intervention, we might have met the worst ending. Please allow me to represent all the members of [Blue Rose] to express my gratitude to you." Thank you, thank you."

With that said, Laxus bowed again, causing all the members of [Blue Rose] standing behind her to bend down and salute.

Even Evileye seemed to be completely convinced by Li Ge, and he bowed deeply to Li Ge with an attitude of respect that he had not seen before.

"Really, if it hadn't been for Mr. Brighaut, I would have definitely been doomed this time."

Brian also smiled bitterly and thanked Rige.

"It's just a simple effort." Li Ge shook his head and said, "I'm not here just to save you. Even if you don't have anything to do with me, I will come here sooner or later."

This is not deliberately modest or evasive, but this is indeed what Lige intends to do.

Although Laches and others did not understand this meaning, even if they did, it would not change their minds.

"No matter what, we were rescued only because of Mr. Brighaut, so please let us express our gratitude."

Lassie smiled, but then quickly suppressed her smile.

"Without this encounter, we might not have known until our death that such a terrifying group of monsters appeared in this world."

Lassie's speech made everyone present feel heavy.

Because of this encounter, they were fully aware of the existence of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, and they were also aware of the existence of monsters with extraordinary powers such as Ainz, and their hearts were extremely heavy.

When I think about monsters like Shalltear Bradfallen gathering in groups in such a deserted prairie, and forming an organization and a force, let alone Lahagi. Si and others were waiting, and even Evileye felt a chill in his heart.

As the vampire prince who was once known as the "Nation of Destruction" and an undead person who has survived in the world for more than two hundred years, Evileye can say this with certainty.

"Those are definitely a group of enemies that are much more terrifying than the demon gods. If they become active, they will not only recreate the chaos of the demon gods two hundred years ago, but also recreate the conflict between the Eight Desire Kings and the various races on the mainland five hundred years ago. A world war is possible, right?"

Evileye's words made everyone feel heavy, and they felt as if they had encountered the end of the world.

Even Laxu seemed to have turned back into an ordinary 19-year-old girl, looking particularly weak, powerless, and confused.

Seeing Laxi and others like this, Li Ge also mourned for them in his heart for a while.

There is no way, for the natives of this world, encountering a large group of monsters like the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick is really a disaster.


"You don't have to worry too much." Li Ge said: "Although I can't guarantee that everything will be fine, I have reached an agreement with the leaders of those monsters. From now on, they should not cause too much damage to humans. "

These words made everyone feel shocked.

"Agreement?" Laxus couldn't help but say something, "Has Sir Brighaut reached such an agreement with those terrible aliens?"

"That's right." Li Ge nodded and said calmly: "Don't imagine them to be too scary. They also have things they want to protect and are unwilling to bear unbearable damage. Therefore, as long as they can truly pose a threat to them, , then you can still have a little game with them."

After hearing Li Ge's words, everyone looked at each other in shock.

"...I think the only person who can do such a thing is probably Mr. Brighaut."

Brian smiled bitterly again.

Everyone nodded in unison and looked at Li Ge with respect and admiration.

"If that's the case, then things really won't be too bad." Laxus cheered up and said, "Your Excellency Brighaut, what do you think we should do next?"

"You ask me?" Li Ge raised his eyebrows and said, "To be honest, this is not a good idea."

Li Ge's position is actually quite ambiguous. Although he will help innocent civilians for the sake of being a human being, he does not completely side with humans and is considered a half outsider.

Ainz was right when he said that Lige was not a kind person who hated evil as much as he hated evil.

He doesn't think that all human beings are worth saving, and he doesn't intend to be a hero of the tribe. If something he can't bear to happen is not happening in front of him, he would actually prefer to watch the actions of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick with a cold eye. .

If it were a situation like Demon Slayer World, where humans worked together to fight against the atrocities of evil spirits, then Li Ge wouldn't mind helping.

But look at the humans in this world, what are they like?

The Silian Theocracy is a typical human supremacist. They will sacrifice everything for the survival of the human race. They are not voluntary sacrifices, but forced sacrifices. As long as they can achieve their goals, they will do it without hesitation even if they kill a small number of their own race. , as evidenced by the merciless slaughter of the villages near Karn Village and the fortress city of E-Rantel.

They also regard all demihumans and aliens as enemies, and even regard them as dirty monsters that hinder human beings. The kingdom has abolished slavery, but there are still demihumans and even forest elves in the Silian Theocracy. The human species were treated as slaves and ravaged at will. From these signs, it can be seen how highly they think of themselves.

Needless to say, the Kingdom of Li Yestije has basically done nothing. The nobles are corrupt to the point of corruption. The top officials regard the safety of the country as nothing. They fight among themselves just for their own interests and wantonly oppress the common people. As a result, they suffer. The victims are all innocent people, but the royal family and nobles are focused on internal fighting, and only a few people care about the safety of the common people.

Just one look at this situation would completely give up the idea of ​​helping them resist the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.

Therefore, unless the disaster happened in front of his eyes like the one in the royal capital, and innocent people suffered in front of him, Lige would basically not care about the life and death of the kingdom and the theocracy.

To sum up, Laxus really got the wrong person when she came to ask Li Ge for his opinion.

Not to mention, Li Ge doesn't have much time left in this world.


"You should discuss this matter among yourselves."

Li Ge said bluntly.

"I will not participate."

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