Looking Forward to Another World

Chapter 510 Merlin? Oberon?


In the indescribable silence, the atmosphere at the scene changed slightly.

There was not much change, but Oberon, who was in this atmosphere, knew that this was by no means a good atmosphere.

"...What do you mean by this?"

Arturia turned around and looked at Oberon, the emotion in her eyes was quite obvious.

That's displeasure.

That's unpleasant.

Although it was not to the point of being angry, Oberon knew that Artoria had understood what he wanted to say.

She knew that what Oberon was going to say next would definitely not be what she wanted to hear.

This is also true.

"Although you don't want to hear these words, you may even think that I am deliberately provoking. If possible, I don't want to say these words when I first joined this group and make you think that I have ulterior motives, but there is no way I can do it with that person. There may only be one chance to talk about this matter when I'm not here."

Oberon seemed to be mentally prepared to be disliked and even suspected by Artoria. The helpless look on his face gradually subsided and he looked directly at the elf girl.

"I don't know what you think of that person, but in my opinion, he is undoubtedly a suspicious person."

"He is not the son of prophecy, not a fairy from paradise."

"He is not a person from the history of pan-humanity, nor is he a traveler from a foreign land."

"Of course, he is not from Britain, the fairy country, and has nothing to do with this Lost Belt."

"In that case, who is he? Where does he come from? What is the purpose of coming to this fairy country, Britain?"

Oberon has actually considered these issues more than once.

Although he only met Lige and Artoria in the past few days, Oberon had already paid attention to Lige long before that.

After the battle in Salisbury, Lige's name spread throughout the elf country of Britain, and everyone paid attention to him. Oberon was naturally no exception. He also paid attention to this man who could block Lancelot at the same time. , Gawain and Woodworth, and the so-called son of prophecy who made Morgan even leave the all-important Amyrlin Seat to show up in person and capture him.

Especially after knowing that Li Ge was not the son of the prophecy, Oberon could not help but have doubts.

That is, who is this so-called son of prophecy that Morgan did not hesitate to take action personally, but also made Lancelot, Gawain, and Woodworth fail?

So Oberon launched an investigation.

As a result of the investigation, Oberon has confirmed that Lige is not an elf from the elf country of Britain.

In this case, Li Ge could only come from the outside world, which made Oberon begin to wonder whether Li Ge was a person who drifted over from the history of pan-humanity.

Although the fairy kingdom of Britain is a lost zone, it and the history of pan-humanity are both histories that appeared on the earth, so sometimes there will be some external things drifting over from the other side of the sea for various reasons, including Humans and fairies from other places.

Oberon suspected that Li Ge was such a person, and even doubted whether he was someone sent by Chaldea in the history of pan-humanity.

For this reason, Oberon launched another investigation, and found that during the time when Lige appeared in the fairy country of Britain, there were no sightings or even signs of unidentified drifting objects on the coast around Britain. .

In other words, there is a high possibility that Li Ge did not randomly drift to the fairy country Britain from the outside world, but had another channel to enter this strange world.

This is a bit intriguing.

Even if he was not from the Fairy Country, nor did he drift randomly from the outside world, how did Li Ge come to the Fairy Country of Britain?

If he came here on purpose and not by accident, what was his purpose?

Is it really a coincidence that he met Arturia and pretended to be the child of prophecy?

Why would Morgan leave the all-important Amyrlin Seat and take action personally for him?

Who is he? Where did it come from?

Various questions have not been answered until now.

Oberon realized that his investigation could only go so far and that he would not make much progress if he continued. Only then did he choose to meet with Rige and Artoria directly after they escaped from Camelot. They work together.

Now, Oberon is also telling Artoria the questions in his heart and giving her a heads up.

"It seems that he knows a lot about the fairy country of Britain, and even knows a lot about you and Morgan. He even seems to know a little bit about me."

"This is why?"

"He is not an elf from the elf country of Britain, nor is he a foreign traveler from the history of pan-humanity. How on earth does he know so many things?"

Oberon spoke this eloquently as if he wanted to get rid of all the doubts in his heart.

"So, I think he is very suspicious. It's not that he may be harmful to us, but I don't know his origins or his purpose. This is something we really have to be careful about."

This is what Oberon wanted to say to Artoria.

He didn't expect to get much information about Li Ge from Artoria.

It can be seen from Artoria's performance that although she inexplicably trusts and even relies on Rige, she also does not know much about Rige, and she has used various methods and various behaviors against him more than once. Show surprise and surprise.

But when dealing with a character of unknown origin, Oberon felt that Artoria still had to be on guard to a certain extent.

From his point of view, this is what must be done, and his various suspicions are reasonable. After all, Li Ge's origin is indeed mysterious and suspicious.


"...If you put it that way, aren't you also suspicious, Oberon?"

Arturia looked at Oberon as if she were looking at a big liar.

no way.

"Although your position seems to be the same as ours, and what you said is basically not a lie, you also didn't tell the truth and hid a lot of things from us, didn't you?"

Arturia's blunt accusation made Oberon look helpless again.

"Are these your fairy eyes?" Oberon scratched his head and said, "As expected of the savior from paradise, you were born with this special ability that has disappeared in the fairy country of Britain."

The ability of fairies to see through lies is not Artoria's exclusive ability.

In fact, in the beginning, all goblins had goblin eyes, able to see through other people's lies and see the truth in others' hearts.

The same is true for the fairies in the fairy country of Britain. At least the original Rokuya Suzu who first came to the earth from the inner sea of ​​stars had fairy eyes.

But with the changes of the times and the proliferation of the fairy kingdom, I don’t know when the fairies in Britain began to lose their fairy eyes and became unable to distinguish between true and false.

Therefore, the goblins can only distinguish goblins and humans using characteristics such as magic power, smell, and appearance. If they still have goblin eyes, Lige will not be able to hide his human identity in front of them.

Only fairies like Artoria, who were not born in the Fairy Kingdom of Britain, but came here from Paradise, still possess the eyes that fairies in the Fairy Country lost.

This also proves Artoria's quality as a fairy.

Knowing this, Oberon did not think that he could easily gain Artoria's trust from the beginning.

Just like Artoria said, although he never told lies in front of them, he basically never told the truth.

In other words, everything he said must be true, but there were some truths that he did not choose to say.

For example, Oberon told Rige that his fighting ability was not strong and it was best not to count on him.

This is real.

At least, in his current state, his combat ability is really dispensable.

But if he returns to his true self, that's another matter.

Oberon was half-truthful and half-hidden like this, which is why he was in this weird state of basically not telling lies and basically not telling the truth.

This was naturally very suspicious in Artoria's eyes.

"I don't deny this." Oberon raised his hands in a gesture of surrender and said, "But it's not that I don't want to say it? It's just that the time hasn't come yet, so I can't say it casually."

This is also true.

But, again, Artoria thinks Oberon is a big liar.

There is no other reason, just because, although they are all telling the truth, Rige has never thought of being secretive, unlike Oberon who is secretive everywhere.

Li Ge didn't explain his origin, not because he didn't want to say it, nor because he had any unavoidable reasons, but because it was troublesome to explain, so he didn't want to say more.

Oberon was different. He deliberately concealed something and told half-truths on purpose.

The former is aboveboard, but the latter really looks suspicious everywhere.

This is also the reason why Arturia is more willing to let go of her guard against Li Ge instead of letting go of her guard against Oberon who did not lie.

In view of this, Artoria said this.

"Since you feel that the time has not come and you can't say it casually, how do you know that Li Ge is not like this?" Artoria retorted: "Maybe he also feels that the time has not come and is not deliberately hiding it?"

"...If you say that, then I have nothing to say." Oberon sighed and said: "I'm just reminding you, just asking to see how well you know him, nothing else. You should be able to tell what I mean, right?"

In front of the goblin's eyes, it was easy to tell whether what Oberon said was true or false.

It's a pity that Arturia has understood that telling the truth does not mean that it is not a lie.

Even if Oberon didn't mean anything else, it didn't mean anything.

Perhaps, he just wanted to see how well Artoria knew Li Ge, and then decide what to do next?

It doesn't mean he doesn't want to do anything.

If Oberon hadn't been a Servant from the history of Pan-Humanity, an existence that was undoubtedly opposed to Morgan, what he had said before about the crisis of Pan-Human History and his desire to assist them and become their partner were all genuine, Al Tolia didn't even want to have much to do with him.

Compared to those goblins who have one thing on the outside but another on the inside, but can be clearly seen through by themselves, and people like Oberon who are the same on the outside but are so secretive that others can't see their true meaning, Artoria is definitely more different. fear.

In Artoria's eyes, the world is just a malicious storm.

Li Ge is the sun that can illuminate him and give him warmth in this storm.

And Oberon, in Artoria's eyes, was like a shadow hidden behind the storm and the sun. She didn't know whether this shadow would cover the storm or the sun.

This made Artoria somewhat want to stay away from Oberon.

But on the other hand, Artoria didn't want to go against Oberon.

If you want to say why...

"Are you really not Merlin?"

After hesitating, Artoria finally asked this question.

In response, Oberon frowned.

"The Merlin you are talking about should be referring to the legendary great magician who mentored King Arthur and trained King Arthur to become a genius, right?"

Oberon said so.

The great magician, Merlin.

This is also a character from the legend of King Arthur.

Legend has it that he is a magician from Paradise and a dream demon living in an ideal land.

He was King Arthur's teacher, and he was the driving force behind the birth and growth of the girl Arturia Pendragon, and ultimately, she pulled out the Sword of the Chosen King and became the legendary king of Britain.

Some people regard him as a sage.

Someone is a disaster for him.

But it is undeniable that he has always played a very important role in King Arthur's life. Without him, there would be no King Arthur in this world.

The legendary King Arthur is Artoria's counterpart in the history of pan-humanity.

Now, Arturia actually mentioned Merlin's name in front of Oberon many times. This situation is inevitably a bit imaginative.

"Did someone teach you your magic? That person was Merlin?" Oberon said, half enlightened and half smiling: "That's a pity, as you can see, I am not Merlin."

He is Oberon, that's for sure.

Whether it is true or false, Artoria, who has fairy eyes, naturally has the answer in her heart.

"...Then I will treat you as not Merlin."

Artoria lowered her eyes and turned around to leave as if she had confirmed something.

"Wait! Help move people out!"

Oberon glanced at the three people he rescued lying on the beach, and quickly spoke to Artoria.

Arturia paused, then picked up the smallest person, who was like a child, and left here.

"...Isn't it right? The rest belongs to me?"

Looking at the remaining two adult-sized people, Oberon grimaced.

"It seems that our son of prophecy also has a temper."

After saying that, Oberon could only grimace, pick up the remaining two people, and walk outside.


Blanca followed Oberon, fluttering her wings and flying slowly.

The thread has been removed and everything is normal.

Will resume updating tomorrow.


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