Looking Forward to Another World

Chapter 528 Artoria’s concerns

Generally speaking, it would take at least three days to get from the Unknown Forest in the west of southern Britain to the port city of Norwich.

Because the port city of Norwich is located in the easternmost part of southern Britain, it is far away from the Unknown Forest in the westernmost part of southern Britain, separated by the farthest distance.

On the way from the Unknown Forest to Norwich, you have to pass through Salisbury, pass through Oxford, and even come close to the Great Cave.

After arriving in that area, not only Morse will appear frequently, but also wild beasts and Warcraft will become very common.

These beasts and magical beasts are much more ferocious than those in other places. Once they find someone approaching, they will almost 100% attack.

Many fairies believe that this is because of the existence of the large cave.

It is a large hole in the center of Britain, and to the north is Camelot, which was built as if to confront it.

It is said that the large cave is a place where ominous objects are discarded.

Things that are no longer needed, things that cannot be used, things that cannot be broken, or even things that are in the way, and other useless things are said to be thrown there.

It sounds like it's a place for disposing of non-burnable garbage, but it's actually more taboo than others think.

This is because there are rumors that goblins who have offended the queen and committed major crimes in the goblin country Britain will also be thrown there and executed.

Therefore, the Great Cave is a well-known forbidden place in the fairy country of Britain. It is a place that no one wants to mention and is more feared by fairies than the Nameless Forest.

Many goblins even believe that even looking directly into a large cave is a very unlucky thing. Some people once believed that the reason why goblins were cursed and turned into Morse was because they were close to the large cave during their lifetime.

Of course, this is just a rumor and not a confirmed fact.

But one thing is certain, that is, the closer you get to the big cave, the higher the frequency of Morse's appearance, and the greater the chance of powerful beasts and Warcraft appearing, so much so that there are often rumors of goblins being attacked in this area.

Morgan takes this very seriously, and will send troops to patrol the area every once in a while, regularly clearing out Morse and Warcraft.

But this measure that made the goblins feel at ease was an unstable bomb for Li Ge and his party.

I also knew that if they encountered a patrol from Camelot, with their current status, Li Ge and others would definitely be arrested.

In a word, no matter what they encounter along the way, Li Ge and others will most likely have to fight each other.

Under such circumstances, the time required to get to Norwich will definitely be extended. If there are too many battles and conflicts along the way, it may take five or six days to reach the destination.

Fortunately, this situation was avoided after Li Ge woke up.

Li Ge did two things.

One is to summon an eight-legged horse. The eight-legged horse with amazing leg strength and endurance can act as a mount for pulling the carriage, which greatly increases the speed of the journey.

The other is to use intelligence-based magic to monitor the surroundings in real time. Once an enemy is found approaching, one can either use concealment-based magic to cover their tracks, or use special enchantments to disperse or avoid the enemies. Sometimes, two Mercedes-Benz cars can also be moved directly using teleportation magic. The carriage in the carriage was teleported a certain distance together, and all the enemies were avoided.

If Li Ge had never been to Norwich and could not calculate the distance between himself and Norwich, he could have sent everyone to their destination through a [portal] without wasting time on the journey.

But even so, Li Ge greatly shortened the time of traveling and improved the efficiency of traveling.

Thanks to this, in just one day, they had already passed through Salisbury, Oxford, and even the area near the Great Cave, leaving only a short distance left. Arrive in Norwich.

Oberon claimed just after dark.

"At this rate, we should be able to reach Norwich tomorrow morning after another three hours or so of traveling."

In other words, you can rest on the spot tonight and set up camp without having to rush on your way.

After a day's journey, everyone must be tired.

So, everyone hit it off and prepared to find a place to camp and have a good rest.

At this time, Li Ge stood up again.

"[Creation Fortress]!"

As the tenth level of creation magic was activated, Li Ge pressed one hand on the ground and let the magic power flow out quickly.


Suddenly, the ground shook, and a huge tower tens of meters high rose from the ground and appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"This this……"

At this moment, everyone present, including Oberon, was stunned.

This scene made Artoria feel very happy.

"I knew I wouldn't be the only one who would be surprised."

Artoria was extremely happy.

On the other hand, everyone else sighed after learning what Li Ge had done.

"Is this magic too?"

Matthew was amazed.

"If this is magic, then this magic can be considered a Noble Phantasm level, right?"

Da Vinci was slightly speechless.

"Speaking of which, if you want to build it, wouldn't it be better to build a palace?"

This is a very underplayed Oberon.

"...If someone could use magic like this when we were on the march during our lifetime, it would be much easier for us."

This is what Tristan thinks.

As for Fujimaru Ritsuka...he is still sleeping.

"It's just a trivial little trick." Li Ge ignored the complicated expressions of others and said, "Let's go in and rest."

At that moment, Li Ge walked into the tower-shaped fortress with a group of people with complicated expressions.

Arriving all the way to the luxurious hall in the center, Li Ge asked everyone to choose their rooms as they pleased without being polite to him.

Oberon was the first to readily accept this.

"Since I was summoned, I have never lived in such a luxurious place. I am really worthy of the name of the Fairy King. I want this one."

Oberon chose the corner room.

"Let's work in pairs, so we can take care of each other."

Da Vinci said this to Matthew and Tristan, making them nod in agreement.

As a result, Mashu and Leonardo lived in the same room, and Tristan and Fujimaru Ritsuka lived in the same room.

Only Artoria was left, being stared at by Rige.

"You don't want to sleep in the corner of the hall again, do you?"

Li Ge half-closed his eyes and said so.

"Why, how, how...how is it possible!"

Arturia seemed to feel very embarrassed. She didn't know whether it was because she felt embarrassed in front of so many people, or because she remembered the last time she slept in the hall. Not only did her face turn red, but her words also became stuttering.

"I choose this one!"

In the end, the elf girl did not refuse to live in the room like last time. Like Oberon, she chose a room in the corner.

"Then I'll take this one."

Li Ge felt relieved and randomly chose the room next to Artoria, which made Artoria feel relieved for some reason.

In this way, everyone chose the room together and lived in it comfortably.

Maybe he was really tired. Not long after, steady breathing came from various rooms, telling others that they had fallen asleep one after another.

Li Ge has told everyone that the defense of this fortress is very strong. Even if someone attacks here, they will not be able to break in in a short time, so no one volunteers to stay and watch.

Li Ge also took a comfortable bath and was about to go to bed when there was a knock in the room.

"...Is she that girl?"

No need to think about it, Li Ge knew that there must be only one person who would come looking for him at this time.

That is Arturia.

Sure enough, when Li Ge opened the door, the elf girl who put down the staff of choice appeared in front of him.

"That... didn't disturb your rest, right?"

Artoria asked weakly, which earned Lige a blank stare.

"Come in." Li Ge gently knocked on Artoria's head and said, "You have something to discuss with me, right?"

"...So be it."

Artoria had a heavy look on her face, which made Rige feel a little strange, who thought that Artoria was coming to talk to him about Chaldea.

Could it be that this girl came to find him because of Chaldea?

"Tell me." Li Ge brought Artoria into the room and asked, "What else are you worried about?"

This made Artoria a little unhappy.

"Don't talk about people as if they have many moods, okay?"

The elf girl made a small protest.

"Isn't it?" Li Ge said bluntly: "You just think too much, especially after ringing the patrol bell and getting your own memory of pan-human history."

Arturia did not deny this.

"Is it still difficult to face Matthew and Tristan with a normal heart?"

Li Ge told what he thought.

In his opinion, Artoria had some thoughts of avoiding suspicion towards Mashu and Tristan, so that she had not been able to safely communicate with the people of Chaldea.

Who made these two people Knights of the Round Table?

Nothing can be done.

"Just a little bit." Artoria said angrily, "I also know that this is wrong. After all, I am not King Arthur or Artoria Pendragon. I should treat them more calmly. "

"Since you know, I won't eliminate you because of this." Li Ge suddenly smiled, and then said: "Looking at you, it doesn't seem like you came to discuss this matter with me. Tell me, what are you doing? What did you think of?"

Arturia fell silent.

Li Ge was not in a hurry and waited quietly for Artoria to speak.

After a while, Arturia raised her eyes and looked at Li Ge.

"Do you really think I should go to Norwich?"

Why did Artoria say that?

the reason is simple.

"I'm a little concerned about the prophecy of the Mirror Clan."

Arturia's whisper made Derig startled at first, and then he reacted.

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