Looking Forward to Another World

Chapter 547 The savior who wants to return to paradise

"That goblin is Morgan."

Li Ge's words without any hesitation made Ji lose his words, as if he didn't know what to say.

"...Are you her disciple?"

I don't know why, Ai asked such a question.

As a human disciple, this is not a strange existence to Ai.

But Li Ge shook his head.

"Although I did get part of the power that should belong to her from her, I am not her disciple." Li Ge said indifferently, as if talking about other people's affairs: "The relationship between me and her Relationship, in her words, is husband and wife.”

"I am her husband, this is what she will say every time in front of me."

"Even though I don't know why she did it."

These words made Qi fall into silence again.

Then, out of some unknown idea, Ae changed the topic.

"Then what are you going to do next?" Ai asked, "Are you going to find a way to go back?"

After all, Li Ge does not belong to this era. In any case, he will try his best to return to 2017 in the Queen's calendar, right?

If he was going to do this, Qi felt that he could help him.

She also wanted Li Ge to go back two thousand years later and not stay in this era.

Although, Ash wanted to know what happened in the future, why Morgan came to power 400 years after the end of the Autumn War, and what happened to Britain after Uther came to power, and whether her long-cherished wish was fulfilled, but from Li Ge's In his attitude, Qi always had the feeling that what happened in the future would be unsatisfactory.

She was scared.

Afraid that future developments will shatter your hopes.

Afraid that Britain would become something other than what he imagined.

At the same time, Qi is also afraid of Li Ge.

Because it was really hard for her to imagine what kind of impact this man who claimed to be Morgan's husband would have on her in this era.

That kind of urge that makes Ai close to him, get close to him and even hug him all the time really scares Ae.

After all, she knew very well what kind of tragedy would eventually happen to those who were too close to her.

She no longer wanted to see something like that happen again.

Therefore, Ai hopes that Li Ge can return to the future.

However, Ai was disappointed.

"It's not urgent." Li Ge actually said: "Now that I'm here, I won't go back until some mysteries are solved."

Rather, even if Li Ge wanted to go back, he couldn't.

[Water Mirror] is a great magic that can only send people back to the past and does not involve the future.

In other words, this magic is a one-way ticket that can send people back to the past, but it cannot send people back to the future.

Even if he could, Li Ge couldn't use the [Water Mirror] technique. Morgan only gave him the power of the "Tower" but not the "Mirror".

Therefore, it is usually not an easy task for Li Ge to return to the future.

Fortunately, he has found a solution to this matter.

"With the Dimensional Rubik's Cube here, this matter is not difficult to solve."

Li Ge silently thought in his heart.

He has read the instructions for using the Dimensional Rubik's Cube and knows that dimensional travel allows you to choose the landing location when opening the dimensional passage in a designated world.

Take the Dicuo world as an example. If Lige, who has already been to that world once, needs to go there again, he will need to consume ten times the dimensional energy to start a dimensional shuttle to the designated world.

After initiating the dimensional travel to the designated world, Li Ge can either choose to land at the location where he first arrived during the first dimensional travel, or he can choose to land at the location at the end of the first dimensional travel.

In other words, if Li Ge goes to the wrong world again, he can either come to the city of Orario when the first dimensional travel comes, or he can come to the 37th floor of the dungeon at the end of the last dimensional travel. Descend in the main room of the floor.

In this way, when Li Ge wants to return to this world next time, he can also descend at the place where he first descended during this dimensional travel.

If Li Ge chooses this way, he can return to the underground cell in Tintagel Village the next time he travels through dimensions.

If Li Ge chooses this way, he can also choose to return to the era when he first arrived, but the time he has experienced in this era will still be counted.

In other words, how long Li Ge has been in this era will determine how long the era will pass in the future.

If he stays in this age for a month, the age to come will pass by for a month.

If he stays in this era for one year, the era in the future will pass away for one year.

Therefore, using this method to return to the future during the next dimension travel, Lige will no longer return to the time point calculated by the time ratio between the time he returned to this world and the time he spent in other worlds, but will return to his own time. The time experienced in this era is calculated to the time point in the future, and is calculated from the moment he was sent to this era by [Shui Jing].

Calculating this way, when Li Ge travels back to this world in the next dimension, more than a month will have passed in the future.

As for why it is more than a month, it is naturally because Li Ge can only stay in this world for more than a month.

The time ratio between the main world and this world is 1:90. The time that Li Ge can stay in this world is 90 days, a total of three months.

And he has been in this world for more than a month, and the remaining time will naturally be more than a month.

In more than a month, Li Ge will return to the Akasha continent. When he uses the Dimension Cube to return to the place and era when he first came to this world, more than a month has passed in the future.

After more than a month, the main events in the fairy country of Britain are definitely not over yet.

In the original book, there was almost two months between the beginning of Chaldea and the collapse of the Lost Belt in Britain and the collapse of pan-human history.

In this case, even if more than a month passes in the future, when Li Ge comes back next time, the incident in the British Lost Belt will not be completely over yet.

After all, it had only been a few days since Chaldea arrived in the Lost Belt of Britain, and it was still a long time before the final time limit of almost two months.

It was because of all this that Li Ge took the initiative to go to Norwich to understand the mystery in his heart, and plunged into the [Water Mirror], and together with Norwich's "disaster" came to the 400th year of the Fairy Calendar. this era.

Otherwise, without knowing how to return to the future, Li Ge would not come to this era casually, lest he end up in Morgan's "coffin" like Matthew who was also sent to this era in the original work. After sleeping for more than two thousand years, he can return to the future.


Ji, who didn't know these things, saw that Li Ge was not in a hurry to go back, so he nodded immediately, not knowing what he was thinking.

"What about you?" Li Ge asked, "Do you have anything to do next?"

"I..." Ji didn't seem to expect that Li Ge would ask him this question. After thinking about it for a while, he said: "Now, what I want to do most is to attend User's coronation ceremony in a few months. Witness the true unity of Britain."

"After participating in the ceremony, I will return to the paradise with the "bone bells" of each major clan. "

Hearing this, Li Ge said without surprise: "Are you planning to return to the paradise?"

"Yes." Ai nodded and said, "After all, this is not the place that belongs to me, and it is not appropriate for me to stay here."

After saying that, Qie changed her tone again.

"However, there are still many mysteries on this island that have not been solved, and I am very concerned."

Hearing this, Li Ge raised his eyebrows.

"for example?"

He looked at Qie with a half-smile.

"...For example, everything that happened here a long, long time ago."

Qie lowered her eyes slightly and muttered softly.

"I probably know why Paradise sends goblins like me to Britain."

"But why Britain is what it is now, I don't quite know yet."

"The mission of the Paradise Goblin is to save Britain and save the goblins, but does that really count as salvation?"

"Also, why does Britain have such a thing as a "disaster"? "

“Why is there that ‘hole’ in this land? "

“What happens to that “tree” planted on this land? "

"These are all things I want to figure out."

Li Ge could naturally hear what Ai meant.

"In other words, do you want to solve these mysteries before attending your disciple's coronation ceremony and returning to paradise?"

Li Ge said this casually.

"That's right." Ji glanced at Li Ge, as if he wanted to see something, and said: "You who come from the future probably know a lot of things that I don't know, but these things are all based on what you tell me. I don’t know what impact it will have in the future.”

"Britain is very fragile and something small can turn into a big problem here."

"So, I really want to ask you something, but I have to hold it back."

"This is all for Britain."

Saying that, Qi stood up.

"My companions are also nearby, ready to help me at any time." Ai smiled at Li Ge and said, "How about it? Do you want me to take you to meet them?"

Since Li Ge is not going to go back to the future, he has to keep an eye on him to prevent him from doing something that will affect the future.

Even if I really want him to leave, that's the same.

"A companion of the savior?" Li Ge didn't notice Ji's mood, so he stood up and said, "Forget it, just let me see him."

"Okay." Ai nodded and said, "Please follow me."

Ji turned around and walked deeper into the forest.

Li Ge turned around and once again looked at the unknown coast that had turned into ruins and looked at the crystallized pit.

Not long after, Li Ge turned around, followed behind Qi, and left here.

The two walked into the forest one after another, but the shadows under their feet merged together. I wonder if it showed the fate between the two.

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