The young girl wearing a windbreaker is naturally Li Ge and Liz who came all the way to Xinyele.

This is already the third day since the two entered the neutral zone.

In other words, the two of them drove for two full days in the desert before arriving at Sinyele, which is located above the oasis.

On the way, the two of them actually wasted a lot of time due to various things.

This neutral zone seems to be an uninhabited desert, but in fact there are many more dangers lurking here than in the Mapros Territory.

In the past two days, Li Ge and Liz encountered more than one sandstorm and almost lost their way in the desert.

There are many monsters lurking in the desert, some lurking in the sand, and some flying in the sky. Even if Rige flew at full speed with Liz, he still encountered a lot of obstacles.

Li Ge and Liz also passed by an ancient battlefield, where a group of people from the Kingdom of Jinas and people from the Kingdom of Rebru were fighting. It seemed that both sides were not wearing the equipment that the army should have, but no one knew what was going on. .

At that time, Liz attracted the covetousness of these people because of her outstanding appearance, and was involved in the fight. In the end, Li Gedu went to kill him personally, and stained a lot of blood.

Therefore, the two of them put on windbreakers after arriving in Xinyele. Firstly, it was to conceal their appearance and avoid unnecessary trouble. Secondly, they really needed to protect themselves from wind and sand, otherwise there would be a lot of dust on their bodies.

In this way, the two of them arrived at Xinyele two hours ago and entered this famous neutral city.

The reason why Li Ge showed up at the Sunset Tavern with Liz was all because he got some information on the way.

When Li Ge asked some passers-by how to obtain as much internal information as possible in Sinyele, the passers-by almost unanimously told him to come to the Sunset Tavern.

The Sunset Tavern has a great reputation in Xinyele, and its backend is strong enough. Even among the common people, many people know that it caters to both black and white, so they told Li Ge that when he was in trouble, he came here to spend some money. It was a difficult problem. It will be solved easily.

However, the other party also told Li Ge that ordinary people were not allowed to enter the Sunset Tavern. Those who hung around in the Sunset Tavern were either rough and unreasonable mercenaries or lawless underground workers. Among the people who came and went every day, there were even some long-established people. If you're a good swordsman and you don't act carefully, you're likely to be targeted by something bad.

Li Ge naturally didn't care about this kind of thing, and immediately brought Liz with him, intending to get information about the ancient ruins unearthed near Xinyele, so as to make the next step.

However, now it seems that this matter is not so easy to solve.


Li Ge picked up the snake blood wine that had just been served and thought silently in his heart.

"If it were so easy to obtain information about that ruins, then the Franzel family wouldn't know everything."

According to Yuli, both the Kingdom of Jinas and the Kingdom of Rebru once sent people to Sinyele to investigate the ancient ruins. As a result, the two kingdoms avoided the matter after that. Even King Hemulimp was reluctant to mention it.

The city lord of Xinyele also blocked the news in this regard and prohibited anyone from approaching the ruins again.

Although I don’t know what exactly happened, judging from the current situation, the existence of that ruins involves some secrets, and they are secrets that cannot be spread or mentioned casually.

"In this case, this matter may really be a taboo in Xinyele."

Thinking this way, Li Ge subconsciously took a sip of the snake blood wine, which was similar in color to red wine but exuded a strong smell of blood.

Just such a sip, Li Ge immediately felt as if he had swallowed a piece of solid ice, and there was a ball of fire frozen in the solid ice. The ice around the ball of fire seemed to melt the moment it rolled into his throat, making that The fire burned violently in the throat, making the throat painful.

"Is this the magic wine made from the blood of the two-tailed basilisk?"

Li Ge couldn't help but shift his attention, feeling the wine pouring into his stomach like fire, and his face turned slightly rosy.

After entering the stomach, the wine penetrated into various parts of the body bit by bit, and was injected into the internal organs, blood and muscles one after another, making Li Ge feel a little itchy in the skin and flesh all over his body.

"Can it really nourish the body and slowly improve physical abilities?"

Li Ge couldn't help but sigh.

Although it has little effect and even has the disadvantage of taking too long, this snake blood wine is indeed worthy of being called a magic wine. If ordinary people can withstand the power of this glass of wine, they should be able to greatly improve it. What's your physical condition?

If you can drink this magic wine for a long time, it may have the effect of strengthening your body and extending your life.

"It's a pity that this cup costs one hundred gold coins, and most people can't afford it."

Li Ge started to drink in small sips, which made the people around him talk about it again.


Liz had been paying attention to her surroundings and found that the atmosphere around her had not recovered. People around her had been pointing and whispering, and she felt a little uneasy at the moment.

"What happened to them?"

Liz still felt a little uncomfortable.

Being in the middle of a group of illegals, the little princess was like a delicious lamb thrown into the pack of wolves, and she always felt very uneasy.

"Ignore them." Li Ge didn't even look around, and said calmly while drinking: "They are observing us now, trying to see where we come from. Maybe there are some people who are attacking us." Bad thoughts, the more you can't help paying attention to them now, the more likely they are to come and cause trouble for us."

"So, just ignore them."

Although Li Ge didn't say these words in a loud voice, he didn't restrain himself very much.

At least the guests at the neighboring tables must be able to hear him.

These people began to have cold eyes, staring at Li Ge and Liz with ill intentions, which made Liz's body tense up.

At this time, a person sitting alone in a seat without any companions spoke up.

"You don't have to be nervous, these guys don't dare to attack you."

The speaker was one of the few women in the tavern.

The other party, like the surrounding mercenaries, was fully armed, with a sword beside him, and he looked pretty good. If girls like Liz and Yuli could score nine points and nine points, then they looked young, so they should Only women in their mid-twenties can score an eight.

Unfortunately, although this person looks good, her tone of voice and every move exudes a sense of rudeness, and her skin is slightly dark. She is not so much a female mercenary who has experienced hundreds of battles as she is a domineering mountain girl. thief.

This female bandit didn't show any stage fright at all. She kept silent. Seeing that her words attracted Liz's attention, she immediately grinned.

"Although I don't know how much you weigh, baby girl, but the companion next to you is a ruthless person who can order a glass of snake blood wine without changing his expression and drink it one after another without being affected at all. He has some discernment. Who dares to provoke you casually?"

The waiter had already said that snake blood wine was a magic wine that could knock down a strong man at the level of a swordsman in one glass. Ordinary people could not drink it at all, and it might even burn their throats.

The results of it?

Li Ge not only ordered it, but also drank it calmly in front of everyone, without being affected at all.

Isn't this enough to explain something?

"Listening to your voice, you don't seem to be very old, right?" The woman turned her eyes, looked at Li Ge, and said very directly: "You can drink snake blood wine as water without changing your face at such a young age, so I will I like a man like you.”

"How about it, little one? Do you want to go to the room above with me and have some fun?"

The other party's tone became provocative, causing many people to look at Li Ge with envy in their eyes.

Only Liz showed a blank expression after hearing what the other party said.

"Is there any room up there that can make people happy?" The little princess was confused and exclaimed: "What an amazing room. Is it some precious magic prop?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the tavern first looked at each other in shock, and then burst into laughter.

"What, is it a chick?"

"Is there such an innocent Hina in this world?"

"It's really strange."

Many people started laughing, and their eyes looking at Liz became even hotter.

The woman was also laughing and crying for a while, and said something to Liz.

"That's not what my sister is talking about. Well, you will understand later. If you don't understand, just ask your companion here." The woman snickered: "You have such a good figure, you should be a rare beauty. I believe your companions will be happy to teach you happy things."

"Yes, really?" The little princess immediately looked at Li Ge and said, "Master, are you willing to teach me?"

"Ah this..."

Li Ge suddenly didn't know what to say.

Seeing the people around him laughing more and more unscrupulously, and a malicious atmosphere quickly spreading, Li Ge frowned clearly.


The next moment, Li Ge pushed open the handle of the black knife at his waist without leaving any trace, revealing a small section of the blade, letting a slight sound echo around.


At this moment, everyone in the tavern felt a chill in their hearts.

They felt that they were locked, and warning signs were blaring in their hearts.

At this moment, everyone looked at Li Ge in a different way, with fear and fear.

The woman's expression changed even more, and her eyes gleamed when she looked at Li Ge.

"Let's go, Liz."

Li Ge dropped these words coldly, stood up and left.


Liz didn't expect that Li Ge would leave suddenly. After exclaiming, she quickly followed.

The people in the tavern watched the two people leave, and then they started making noises like a pot exploding.

"Who is that guy?"

"It's so scary..."

"It seems that we have a ruthless character coming from Xinxile."

"Let's inform them and tell our people not to cause trouble outside recently."

Amidst such discussion, some people quietly left the tavern and followed Li Ge and Liz.

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