
When Sglento's heart was full of malice, the girl suddenly turned her head and looked at him as if she had noticed something.

"what's on your mind?"

The girl's ice-blue eyes stared straight at Sglanto, causing Sglanto's heart to freeze unconsciously.

This woman is still the same as before, with a frighteningly sharp sixth sense.

The other party can always detect something that even he is not aware of. This has been demonstrated more than once since entering the ruins.

Of course, it would be fine if the senses were just a little sharper.

The problem is, this woman's strength is also undeniable.

Although she is only 25 years old, she was promoted to Sword Master three years ago. Before the appearance of Lige Brighaut, she was known as the youngest and most talented Sword Master in the mainland. In the past three years, she has continuously created A series of horrific achievements.

Two years ago, she defeated a veteran swordsman.

A year ago, she fought two sword masters alone, and finally won.

In her country, she is known as the Valkyrie. She not only has extremely high popularity, but also has a lofty status, with countless supporters.

Because of her inhuman growth rate and terrifying record, she was also awarded the position of leader of the national knights. She manages and commands all the knights belonging to the country. It can be said that she is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

To be honest, Sglento had no confidence that he could defeat this woman.

Especially this woman, who carries an extremely terrifying secret treasure.

Thinking of this, Sglanto cast a vague glance at the weapon at the girl's waist, his eyes full of fear.

If this woman wasn't really difficult to deal with, how could she have allowed her to appear in Sinyele again and again?

From his personal point of view, it is not a good thing at all for a sword master other than himself to appear in Sinyele, let alone that the other party is still interested in this ancient ruins.

Therefore, if he had not been able to do anything to the other party, Siglanto would have taken action against him long ago. How could he have waited until now?

Now that the fire dragon was in front of him, Sglanto didn't dare to do anything to this unfathomable woman, lest something unexpected happen.

So, he could only suppress all the thoughts in his heart, look away, and stop talking.

This made the girl look at Sglento deeply, but she didn't say anything. She looked away and continued to pay attention to the work of the magic dolls.

The atmosphere between the two began to become a little subtle, as if there was some invisible barrier.

Only the magic dolls were still diligently collecting the gold powder from the Nibelung Pillars.

If you look closely, you will see that they sometimes avoid the runes on the golden pillars, and sometimes scrape off one or two of the runes.

Thanks to this, the radiance emitted from the golden rune pillar seemed to have dimmed slightly, so that the dragon's power emanating from the ancient fire dragon suppressed below became even more intense.

"...Are you sure this is really okay? You won't lift the seal of this dragon?"

Sglento's face had become a little frightened.

"No." The girl replied coldly, but her eyes were fixed on the fire dragon, and she said: "According to the ancient book records collected by "Tian Shou", the seal of the Fire Dragon King is not only sealed by Column of the Nibelungs. "

"The Pillars of the Nibelungs are only part of the seal. What truly seals the Fire Dragon King is the ruins themselves."

"This ruins built by the last queen of Reinnail before her death is a large-scale secret treasure in itself."

"The real function of the secret treasure is to seal the Fire Dragon King. The Nibelung Pillar only binds the Fire Dragon King underground. Even if something goes wrong with the Nibelung Pillar and the Fire Dragon King wakes up, it will leave this ruins."

In other words, unless the ruins are destroyed, it will be impossible for this ancient fire dragon to lift the seal.


"The seal will not be lifted, but if something goes wrong with the Nibelung Pillar, the Fire Dragon King will most likely wake up. Just in case, you'd better be mentally prepared to escape at any time."

The girl's words slowly made Sglento's eyes widen and he became angry.

"You never said anything like this before coming in...!"

Sglento glared at the girl.

"It's just a possibility just in case, but it doesn't necessarily happen." The girl looked at Sglanto with disdain and said, "You are also a veteran swordsman after all, how can you even take such a risk?" Can’t afford it?”

Sglento almost cursed loudly.

Is this a bit risky?

Is this a bit risky?

This is a fatal danger!

This hateful woman...should not cooperate with her!

When Sglanto was so angry and kept cursing secretly in his heart, finally, the work of the magic dolls was completed.




They flew through the scorching atmosphere one after another, came to the girl, and handed a box to her.

"Did you make it?"

The girl's eyes lit up and she stretched out her hand towards the box.

Sglento looked at the ancient fire dragon first and felt relieved when he saw that the other party showed no signs of waking up.

Just when the girl's hand was about to touch the box, her movements suddenly stopped.

Then, without any warning, the girl suddenly waved her hand towards the box to the side.

There, another hand appeared silently.


The next second, the two hands collided fiercely, causing a burst of muffled explosions and impact, which shook each other apart.

The girl was so shocked that she took several steps back on the spot.

The owner of the sudden hand was also shaken away some distance and appeared in everyone's field of vision.


Before Sglanto could react, his expression just changed.

The magic dolls were shocked and began to retreat.

It took a while for everyone present to realize what had happened.


The girl covered her red wrist and looked forward coldly.

Sglento also looked over quickly, and his expression immediately changed again.

"Lege Brighaut...!"

The person who suddenly took action was naturally Li Ge who was hiding in the dark.

"Li Ge Brighaut?" The girl was also stunned, her icy blue eyes flickered slightly, and said: "Are you Li Ge Brighaut?"

Li Ge didn't speak, he just raised his head and looked at the girl and Sglento.

In his arms, Liz had been put down and was looking nervously at the napping fire dragon.

"Why are you here?"

As the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet. Looking at Li Ge who suddenly appeared in such a place and in front of him, Sglento's eyes instantly turned red.

"Why can't I appear here?" Li Ge said calmly: "Does the City Lord think that I will be intimidated by the so-called taboo?"

"You, on the other hand, have clearly issued a ban that no one is allowed to get involved in this ancient ruins. Violators will be severely punished, but you secretly came here with a group of suspicious people. What do you call this?"

"oppressive rule?"

"It's really interesting."

Hearing this, Sglento's face became extremely ugly.

Of course he was not refuted by Li Ge.

In Xinyele, his words are the imperial edict and the absolute rule that no one can disobey. Who dares to openly accuse him?

He is the publisher of the rules, so he is naturally not restricted by the rules. He can come to these ancient ruins whenever he likes, so who can say anything?

What really aroused his mentality was not Li Ge's indifferent words, but Li Ge's calm attitude as if he didn't take him seriously. That was what made Sglento the most angry.

But at this moment, Li Ge no longer paid attention to him, as if he had lost interest in him, and turned his eyes to look at the girl.

The girl was also looking at him.

The two people's eyes met, one was calm, the other was indifferent, but they were both young and powerful, creating a confrontational aura that made it difficult for others to breathe.

After a while, Li Ge spoke slowly.

“‘Ice Girl’? "

——"Ice Girl".

As soon as this title came out, the girl's beautiful brows suddenly moved.

"...You actually know this name?"

The girl looked at Li Ge with a slightly different look.

"It's not difficult to guess." Li Ge said calmly: "I have entered the body of the underground monster Yarakulon, arrived at that ancient city, and met Maya. I still thank you for your gift."

"Maya told me a long time ago that she was deceived by seven mysterious guys before we went in."

""Sky Hunter", "Giant Soldier", "Tyrant", "Ba Snake", "Giga", "Fire Lady", "Ice Girl"... That's what those seven people called themselves. "

"And you don't look like the young woman Maya mentioned that she likes to chat with her. If that's the case, then you are naturally the so-called "Ice Girl" who has been following "Fire Girl". "

In terms of personal characteristics, this person is also very similar to the "Ice Girl".

According to Maya, this "ice girl" is a beautiful girl about twenty years old. She has a cold appearance from beginning to end and doesn't like to talk to others at all.

This is also consistent with the cold girl in front of her.

Therefore, when he saw those magic dolls and learned about the existence of the girl from the memory of the magic dolls, Li Ge had already guessed that this woman must be "Sky Hunter", "Giant Soldier", and "Tyrant" , "Ba Snake", "Gigabit", "Fire Girl", "Ice Girl", "Ice Girl" among the seven.

Now it seems that his guess was obviously correct.


The girl immediately spoke expressionlessly.

"So, I got the information from that woman, so it's not surprising."

"It's a pity that this information is not so easy for people to know, but I didn't expect you to get it easily."

"It's all the trouble caused by that bastard "Gigabit", I will definitely make him look good when I get back. "

This is equivalent to admission.

This man is indeed one of the main messengers behind the magic doll.

At the same time, he is also the enemy Li Ge is looking for.

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