Lord of Deception

Chapter 321 Awakening by Thunder, the Second True Form (5k)

The Hungry Ghost, the Lord of the Tricks, Chapter 321: Awakened by Thunder, Number One in the Queue whose second true form is sleeping, is definitely the most honest fallen god that Yu Ziqing has ever encountered.

Yu Ziqing had peeked at the memory of No. 1 in line from the wheel, the stick figure, and Wang Zixuan.

In the beginning, this guy was a relatively honest person. At that time, although his ideas still followed the general direction of the gods, his actual actions were different from those of the gods.

The war back then was not what Yu Ziqing originally understood. It was a binary opposition and camps were divided based on identity.

Either you die or I die, this is the concept of the gods among the gods.

The gods who are being held hostage, and even the other races and humans being held hostage, are actually not so extreme.

If it was really that extreme, he wouldn't have deceived the Moon God back then.

Number one in the queue is a god who prefers the Moon God type. He is trapped by the environment and has no choice.

In fact, the gods who could be reduced to the sludge sea in troubled times, these teammates of the Wheel, and the opponents, who were the strongest during their lifetimes, are actually far inferior to the Cliff God King and his ilk.

It is a routine operation for a dependent clan to be exterminated by the same god.

The existence of the gods is somewhat good at it. Not only do they look down on the human race, but they also look down on the races that honestly follow the gods, and they will show it openly.

If it weren't for Yu Ziqing's well-informed experience and the memory of direct peeking, he would really not dare to believe it.

The family members who were number one in line back then were exterminated, and his true form was destroyed. If he hadn't been protected by someone, he would have been annihilated.

Moreover, he did not die at the hands of humans or other races, but at the hands of a god-king.

As for the crime, it's quite a bit like trying to incriminate someone.

Because he has a personal relationship with a strong human race man.

This crime would have been fine in the early and middle stages of the war, but the problem was that in the later stages, the war would have turned into a pot of porridge.

Because of the long-term war, the hatred caused by it accumulated. In the later stage, there were wars between gods and gods, and there were also wars between various tribes.

At that time, the main battlefield of the gods was fighting against the demon clan. At that time, the demon clan had strong men and strong bloodlines.

There are actually conflicts between the human race and the demon race.

At this time, among the gods' dependents, some people came to join forces with the human race, hoping to deal with the demon clan together, even if they did not clean up the demon clan together, instigating conflicts between the human race and the demon clan, and asking the humans not to help the demon clan.

It was against this backdrop that No. 1 in line was accused of having an affair with a strong human being.

Yu Ziqing peeked into the somewhat flawed memory of No. 1 in line through the channels of the three people in the wheel, and felt that this guy was a little unfair.

He just met a strong man who had the same temperament and shared a common language. The two of them did not care about each other's status. They could be called the friendship of gentlemen. When they communicated, they were also pursuing the truth.

The strong man from the human race even generously told him some core understandings, but just holding power was too wasteful and went astray.

Truth is important, but so is the process of pursuing it.

As the saying goes, if the No. 1 in line back then could truly understand this sentence, he would definitely be able to take a different path.

Unfortunately, the moment the gods opened their eyes, they already had power that they could not understand.

He also generously told this sentence to another god.

As a result, when he was questioned, he actually told the truth. After that, he was regarded as a model and was killed by a god king.

A guy with such an honest temperament, placed in that kind of environment and with such an identity, is destined to not have good results.

But precisely because of this, Que Que No. 1's credibility within the Que Que Faction and even among the opposition is quite good.

It is precisely because of this that such an honest person like him can be ranked at the front.

Because everyone may not believe in wheels, and those who sit on the fence may not believe in stick figures, but most of them are still willing to believe in number one in line.

And Yu Ziqing came out with No. 1 in line and went through the routine. This guy really listened to Stick Man and Wheel's words, took a solid blow, and fell asleep in one breath until he woke up.

There is a saying that Yu Ziqing himself cannot be this kind of person, but he still likes this kind of person, at least he can feel at ease.

It is good for Hong Hijab to wake up as the first person in line. He can live in peace for a while.

Yu Ziqing was more concerned about settling in the No. 1 position than settling in the red hijab.

"Are you awake?"

The consciousness of No. 1 in line was faintly awakened, and he could feel the breath outside. It was like a new life without the endless malice.

He didn't do anything in a hurry, he just quietly felt the new life, even though he didn't even have his true form now.

Yu Ziqing could even feel the mood of No. 1 in line, which was completely different from the wheel and the stickman.

Even in this situation, he still likes and cherishes beautiful things.

He is now considered the second state summarized by Yu Ziqing, which is closest to the original state when he was a god.

In this state, it can be compared to the third state of Wheel and Stickman after they obtained their true form and the road to promotion. Whether he died unjustly or not, at least it was not surprising.

It is impossible for the diode-thinking gods to tolerate him.

"I know your real name, but I have never called you by your real name, and I have translated your real name.

What true shape do you want?

I think it might be better to have a true form that suits you best. "

Yu Ziqing was very polite and let him choose the number one in line.

Line up for Lane 1.

"I don't know what I want, and I don't know what the new true form might be. Can you wait a moment?"


Yu Ziqing did not release No. 1 in the queue, but just took him with him to let him feel the outside.

After feeling this way for several months, No. 1 in line finally couldn't bear it any longer.

"Is the world already so desolate?"

Yu Ziqing looked around. For several months, Jinlan Mountain was still a land of ice and snow. The whole world was covered in silver. It looked indeed cold and lifeless.

In fact, the coldest time has passed now. In normal times, this season has actually passed the cold winter days.

It's a pity that the changes in the wasteland are not getting better than they were a few decades ago, but are actually getting colder.

Winter days are getting longer, and summer is actually not hot at all.

The location of Jinlan Mountain is pretty good. It is in the north of the wasteland, north and west of the earthquake. It is extremely cold. In some places, it is covered with ice and snow all year round.

"This place used to be green and full of life, but now the winter is longer. In another month, it may be spring."


"Yeah, maybe, because winter is getting longer and longer, and sometimes it's uncertain. I can take you to other places."

"No, I want to come out, is that okay?"


Yu Ziqing did not expel him, but took the initiative to leave the queue, ending the state of praying to God.

He had no real form, he was floating and flickering, like a mist that was difficult to see through. Feeling the cold wind, he seemed to be unable to suppress his inner feelings any longer.

The mist continued to condense, and the true shape of No. 1 in line began to condense on its own.

Yu Ziqing did not stop him. He was a little curious. After all, this was the first time he had seen a guy pulled out of the sludge sea of ​​troubled times be able to condense his true form on his own.

The red hijab has been out for so long, but there is no sign of it.

The wheel is defined by its true name and becomes its true form, while the stick figure is forcibly beaten and condensed into its true form.

“My good friend, he once taught me a lot of things, but I don’t even remember a lot of them.

After being out for so long, I vaguely remembered something he once told me.

The cold loneliness covered with ice and snow is not without life.

Life lies dormant under the ice and snow, but it breeds and grows stronger vitality, waiting to explode.

When the thunder of spring sounds, in the dead silence covered by ice and snow, the most tenacious little yellow wildflowers will bloom wantonly.

I remembered it, and I also remembered his name. "

"What do you call this senior?"

"His name is A Zhen. That year, he took me to sit in the snowfield for several months. Finally, the little yellow wild flowers he mentioned bloomed. I felt the tenacious vitality he mentioned."

As the number one in line murmured, a very gentle yet magical force continued to gather.

Slowly, the first person in line began to gather his true form.

He turned into a round drum, with a purple-red body covered with a drum head made of an unknown material.

At the moment when the true form was condensed, an ancient human character suddenly appeared on the drum skin.


The next moment, a low but unstoppable drum sound exploded like thunder.

In the sky, there were no clouds, but there was an invisible and extremely soft ripple, spreading in all directions at an imperceptible speed.

Yu Ziqing was shocked, as if waking up from a dream, his eyes widened.

His consciousness was as clear as ever, and he felt that the power in his body seemed to have experienced a long sleep. The physical fatigue also seemed to dissipate, and everything was reviving at this moment.

As far as the eye can see, in the large area covered with ice and snow between Jinlan Mountain and Sophora grove, rich vitality bursts from the ground.

The young seedlings broke through the ice and snow, emerged from the ground, and then slowly stretched out, blooming into small yellow wildflowers.

The bright yellow life, like a waterfall sweeping across the world, quickly spreads in all directions from under your feet.

And in those gloomy locust trees, under the rich yin energy, strong vitality began to burst out at this moment.

The branches of the locust tree are no longer filled with the dead gray flowers, but with tiny white flowers hanging all over the fingers. After the flowers bloom, the strong floral fragrance gathers into an intoxicating taste.

Yu Ziqing stood there, quietly watching the changes in the entire Jinlan Mountain.

As if in an instant, it transformed from a cold and dead place to a vibrant and beautiful place in the cold wind.

Yu Ziqing looked into Jinlan Mountain, and he even felt that even the Yuhua Tomb seemed to be affected, awakened to vitality, and the recovery speed had qualitatively changed.

In the southwest corner of Jinlan Mountain, the magic plants were cheering, as if celebrating the passing of the cold winter, and the juices stretched out.

Winter has not completely passed, but the vitality of the earth has begun to be awakened.

Yu Ziqing floated into the air, his vision reached its peak, looking in all directions, and then he took a step forward and disappeared.

He used the steps to move dozens of miles at a time, all the way south. It can be clearly seen that the impact was not only on Jinlan Mountain, but also on Jinlan Mountain all the way south, the desolate wasteland seemed to be awakened to life.

Close your eyes and sense that there are little bits of life, as if there are suddenly stars shining in the dark world, more and more.

Yu Ziqing also felt the tenacious vitality, which is the beauty of life.

The impact might be wider. He returned to Jinlan Mountain and waited quietly to see how long this state could last.

However, when the day was over, the tenacious little lives still existed, but the big drum that Queue No. 1 had transformed into disintegrated and turned into mist again.

"What's going on with you?"

"I don't know, I just feel that the true form seems wrong, and I can only maintain that true form for one day.

That sound of the drum was the strongest power I could unleash, but it would dissipate after a day and could no longer be condensed. "

"That's not your true form?"

"It was my true form, but in just one day, I lost this true form.

It’s not like I’ve lost it, it’s just that I can’t always have this true form. "

"This is troublesome..." Yu Ziqing frowned slightly, and there was a new situation.

He thought that Queue No. 1 could really form a new true form on his own, but he didn't expect that he would be knocked back to his original form with just a shudder, and return to the original state without true form.

So what to do next? Find him a new true form?

The problem is that the first person in line said that he did not lose his true form of the drum, he just couldn't manifest it after that blow.

So, can he have two true forms?

Yu Ziqing looked at the countless small yellow flowers blooming in the snow. He had seen them in the wilderness before. They were the most common flowers and their vitality was stronger than weeds.

But when the weather in the wilderness became colder and colder, this small yellow flower like a weed also disappeared.

Yu Ziqing temporarily put away No. 1 in line and maintained his condition.

He thought about what he had felt yesterday. It was not an infusion of vitality, but an awakening.

So even if the power dissipates, the changes that have been made will still remain.

Yu Ziqing thought of a word, Jingzhe.

After thinking about it, Yu Ziqing suddenly had some ideas.

The power of number one in line is really special. Although the duration of awakening life is too short, the magic and power are far stronger than those of wheels and stick figures.

Yu Ziqing went to personally inspect the Yuhua Tomb, then looked at the magic plants and juice, and looked at the stupid dog patrolling the mountain.

It seems that everything can be affected and awakened by that power.

It's just that the effect is different.

Yu Ziqing came all the way to Juice and took out a golden book.

"Today I will tell you something called Jingzhe..."

After telling Juice a story, Yu Ziqing didn't go anywhere, just quietly feeling the changes in Jinlan Mountain.

A year has passed, and the vitality of Jinlan Mountain has indeed become stronger. The vitality of the area near Jinlan Mountain has also become stronger.

It's as if spring has been awakened early, and in the cave sky, everything has withered but still returned to its original state, at least on the surface.

On the same day of the second year, Queue No. 1 said that he felt that after a full year, he seemed to be able to take on his true form again.

He turned into a big drum again, and when the word "shock" appeared on the empty drum surface again, thunder exploded, and the scene from last year was repeated again.

Yu Ziqing knew that if he hadn't queued up to wake him up, given the environment of Jinlan Mountain, it would have been absolutely impossible for him to return to that explosive state of life after spending the cold winter.

It's so cold that after winter, the weed seeds buried under the snow can't germinate.

Even if he experiences an awakening and his vitality becomes stronger, it won't work.

One day later, No. 1 in line was once again unable to condense his true form, and Yu Ziqing was completely sure.

This guy's true form has great flaws. All the power within a year will explode on this day or with the sound of a drum.

Without Yu Ziqing's help, he might not have been able to survive the year without his true form.

We must find his second true form.

Yu Ziqing tried to recite his real name, translate his real name, and locate him in the language of the human race, but failed.

Then Yu Ziqing could only try the backup plan.

He told Juice some short stories and took Queue No. 1 to Dadui.

"I'm trying to find a second true form for you that can exist stably, but there may be some side effects, and you may be affected by the person who sacrificed you.

My philosophy, I think the wheel has already told you, is that I want you to gain a new true form in a similar way.

Otherwise, your state cannot exist for a long time.

I can't help you maintain it all the time. "

"I listen to you."


Yu Ziqing didn't want to give up No. 1 in line, not because he had special powers, but because he felt that he was more human than many people.

Entering Dadui, Yu Ziqing handed Lao Zhang a jade slip and asked Lao Zhang to handle it.

No matter how popular Yu Gui is, even ordinary people in mountain villages are no longer surprised.

Learning knowledge and popularizing knowledge became possible with Yugui.

Otherwise, if we want to achieve the same effect, it would be impossible for Dadui to assemble a large team of teachers.

Now with the help of Yugui, other things are beginning to be transmitted, mixed with some things, and spread subtly.

Yu Ziqing stayed there for three years. By the time some places began to follow the spread method and people began to offer sacrifices, the day when number one in line was approaching was about to turn into a big drum.

"Let me ask you one last question, if my method helps you condense your true form successfully, you will never be able to get rid of the human race from now on. Don't you regret it?"

"I don't regret it, I was right."

Yu Ziqing asked a question about not regretting it, but the first person in line answered that he had never regretted his friendship with A Zhen, a human race, even though he had been in trouble for many years, and he did not feel that he was wrong.

Yu Ziqing smiled and nodded.

"Okay, even if you don't succeed this time, I promise that I will definitely find the second true form for you."

Oops, time flies so fast, it’s already the last day of this month. I feel like it’s only the 20th...

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