Lord of Deception

Chapter 444: Let you tamper with it, the way of the ancient gods (6k)

Yu Ziqing muttered silently and added one more thing.

In a place that has been tampered with, if someone remembers the history that has not been tampered with, they will feel out of place and awkward when they appear here in person.

Because history has been tampered with, this is just a psychological feeling.

Looking at the location of the mine at this moment, Yu Ziqing thought for a while and continued to add his own speculations.

Since the history he knows and the memories in his mind have not been tampered with, what has been tampered with is only a little bit that seems insignificant.

Just like the miner, when he loses his direction, it stands to reason that he may dig in any direction, and it is even considered normal to dig in any direction.

It was a dispensable place, but a little push changed the result.

In other words, although the so-called tampering with history sounds particularly awesome at first glance, it must have great limitations.

In addition to things that cannot be tampered with, the places that can be tampered with are definitely not the most direct and critical places.

This tampering was definitely not just to hide the tampering.

Because of the change of place, if Yu Ziqing is the other party.

Yu Ziqing thought about it, and the first thing that came to his mind was to try every means to tamper with history so that Yu Ziqing could finish his meal early.

It would be best if he didn't even have a chance to turn into a hungry ghost, so that the hungry ghosts wouldn't appear.

He died early and the hungry ghost did not appear, so there would be no almsgiving ritual and no sweet rain.

The demonic cannon fodder in the abyss rift valley is not just cannon fodder. When gathered together in sufficient numbers, it becomes a source of pollution, and the ninth level must be careful.

80% of the ten-level roads will not be opened.

Even if Da Dui comes back and opens the tenth level road, 80% of Da Dui will be useless.

Chaiwan will not die, and nine thoughts will not die.

Etc., etc……

Everything will be different from now.

Yu Ziqing thought carefully about how he could kill himself if he had the ability to tamper with history.

After thinking about it, based on what he had just speculated, from the perspective of a bystander, he would push the panicked people around Yu Ziqing a little and let them interfere with Yu Ziqing at the moment when the sun broke out in the sky. Yu Ziqing had no time to escape.

The moment when the blazing brilliance completely exploded, it only took one breath, no, half a breath.

If there is no time to avoid it, just the dazzling brilliance, blooming to the extreme moment, can blind Yu Ziqing's eyes, and it is impossible to block it with his eyelids.

As long as the first wave arrives first, everything in sight can be turned into a shock of light, unable to escape.

A blind man who can't even speak the local dialect, doesn't know the local characters, and doesn't know the various local customs and habits.

Under the circumstances at that time, it was impossible to survive for seven days!

Ten percent of the time, they will die in the wilderness, and maybe after death, they will be chopped open and hung on a shelf to dry.

Yu Ziqing closed his eyes and pondered for a long time, and quickly found seven or eight possibilities that could kill him with only minor changes.

Since the other party can tamper with history, there should not only be one chance to tamper with a place.


Yu Ziqing suddenly thought of something he had heard several times.

Time is always on the side of the gods.

It makes sense to slightly change this sentence and understand that history is always on the side of the gods.

In this case, he is still alive, and the hungry ghosts are also there.

Moreover, he can still remember things before they were tampered with.

It only means one thing, the other party cannot kill him by tampering with history.

In fact, even what he knows cannot be tampered with.

Then, Yu Ziqing thought about the slow progress of the super large spirit formation, but he personally went down to the grassroots level and spent several months to explore the entire industry chain.

Several places where progress was slow have begun to change from continuous downhill to uphill.

But this time he personally appeared in this mine, and personally drilled down to a depth of 500 feet from the deepest part of the mine.

Even if he doesn't say anything, the rich ore here will definitely be discovered.

The declining output here will also increase. The biggest buyer is the Hungry Ghost Company. The last branch will be completed and returned to normal conditions.

So now there are several possibilities.

First, the most obvious one is that Yu Ziqing can go to the tampered place in person based on what he knows, and can manually restore the initial tampered point to its original appearance.

Strictly speaking, there is an opportunity and it can be done, but it has to be looked at based on the actual situation.

Second, Yu Ziqing, a guy who has not been tampered with, will also have an impact if he goes to places affected by tampering.

It was as if he had just gone around in a circle, and the historical data line he had formed in his mind started to go downhill and then started to look up.

He didn't do anything to bring about positive recovery.

On the surface, it seemed that it might be because he came in person. Seeing how concerned he was, the people below became even more interested.

By adding layers of code and passing it on all the way, it may bring about positive effects.

But after Yu Ziqing came here in person, he could see the big things through small things, and he could probably understand that just pressure may not be useful.

It was his appearance that had a passive impact.

But Yu Ziqing is not sure whether this is because he knows the impact of the things before they were tampered with, or if it is the impact he himself brings.

This is the third possible key point. It has not been tampered with.

And this only means that the other party cannot do it, and it is absolutely impossible that the other party does not want to do it.

He cannot be tampered with. The closer something is to him and the more deeply he is involved, the more difficult it will be to be tampered with.

Just like this time, among the many data he listed, very few corners had been tampered with inside Dadui.

As for the branches that extend out of large projects and after Dadai, the proportion of tampering accounts for more than 90%.

If this conjecture is true.

As the emperor of Dadui, it is naturally difficult to tamper with the things inside Dadui.

And Dadui has everything now, most things, most people, can have a deep relationship with him.

Yu Ziqing's many measures allowed Dadui to return, set national policies, decree the twenty-four solar terms, transform the Riddler, etc...

Taken together, the lives of almost all the people of Dadui have been greatly interfered with.

Taking a closer look at the data listed before, the affected areas within Datui are all areas where he had little direct or indirect involvement.

Many small policies are formulated directly by the cabinet.

This supports Yu Ziqing's speculation.

With his identity, there is no isolation, and the radiation affects many, many things.

Moreover, he is like a gangster, running around all day long, and is directly involved in countless things.

This has enough data to support it, and it can probably be confirmed that the more deeply he is involved in something, the smaller the probability of it being tampered with.

But this cannot be said to be fatal. There are no absolutes. It is just a matter of probability and difficulty.

Just like in Jinlan Mountain, Yu Ziqing never felt out of place.

The difficulty of tampering with Jinlan Mountain would probably be extremely high, to the point of being completely impossible.

Yu Ziqing took a deep breath, remained silent, and turned around to leave.

This was the reason why he had to come in person this time. It would be useless to ask his subordinates to come.

Yu Ziqing probably understood why the Four Divine Dynasties had always had a tradition of going to the secret room when talking about important matters.

The Fudo Immortal Dynasty is even more extreme. The royal family has created an ultimate enhanced version of the secret room.

Moreover, even in such an extreme secret room, most things are not recorded, and they are all remembered by the portraits.

With this ability to silently tamper with history, one cannot be too careful.

Yu Ziqing quietly went around Bushi Town, personally entered the Hungry Ghost Trading Company, and checked the accounts himself.

Even if he knew that many of the accounts were the result of tampering with history, he still had to make amends and do a test by the way.

After walking around in a circle, Yu Ziqing didn't say anything, encouraged the profiteer and hungry ghost, and then left.

The profiteer and hungry ghost were left trembling and thinking there for a long time.

Finally I figured it out, he was afraid of a hammer, he was not interested in money at all, he was only interested in the process.

Besides, my lord will definitely not have time to investigate the corruption of Hungry Ghost Company. This is not possible.

When Yu Ziqing returned to Dadui, he wandered around like a gangster.

Regardless, he went through all the important and relatively important things.

Construct a big data list in your mind, and integrate the unimportant corners into a whole data.

He will construct the entire big data of Dadu in his mind.

Lao Zhang and the others didn't understand what Yu Ziqing was doing, but they were used to it.

My Majesty, I often wandered around like this in the past, especially when I had a whim, it was common for me to go deep into the folk to eat and drink.

No one thought there was anything wrong with this.

During this process, Yu Ziqing also continued to arrange the twenty-four solar terms.

This time, he planned to spend several years to arrange a suitable location according to the solar terms.

What he did, in the eyes of those bastards, was that he was not practicing and wasting time, trying his best to arrange things for them.

From Lao Zhang's perspective, this was because His Majesty was trying his best to borrow those bastards to complete various things for the sake of redemption.

Yu Ziqing has been busy for several years, summarizing various data from bottom to top, and verifying it himself, and finally has a complete prototype of big data.

He worked tirelessly for several years, taking a look and touching even the smallest corners.

When he closed his eyes, a towering tree seemed to appear in his mind. The main trunk was Dadui, the emperor.

The thicker branches are the cabinet, the courtiers, the Riddler, the bastard of the twenty-four solar terms, the land beast, etc...

Then it branched, kept branching, kept branching, and finally included all aspects of Dadui, including almost everyone.

After Yu Ziqing finished all this, he returned to Jinlan Mountain and visited all of Jinlan Mountain. He met everyone in Jinlan Mountain, including some who were new and whom he was not very familiar with.

Especially the international students who came from the earthquake all received a kind and special training from Yu Ziqing.

After all this was completed, Yu Ziqing moved out the small table, made a pot of tea himself, took a sip, and exhaled slowly.

Yu Ziqing felt furious.


Tamper with a hammer, let me see how you tamper with it this time.

I'm just a bastard, someone who can't sit still, someone who likes to meddle in everything and watch the fun everywhere.

Get involved and interfere with all the details.

The emperor of the Great Earthquake, Great Liaison, and Great Qian would certainly not do such a thing.

They only know one general direction and spend most of their time practicing in the palace, just like a normal monk.

They will definitely not have nothing to do. They will go to a mountain village and eat and drink together.

But Yu Ziqing knows how to do it and is still having fun.

Yu Ziqing has been to the dormitory of Datu Palace only a handful of times.

The quiet room used for Qi refining and meditation was never used even once.

Yu Ziqing didn't refine his Qi, so he couldn't use it.

This time he was fierce. If it didn't take too long and he had to be more leisurely, Yu Ziqing was even prepared to meet all the subjects in the entire Dadui.

Now let’s see how that guy tampered with it, and whether he can still tamper with it.

Hold on.

Next, if there is another tampering on Da Dui's side, any small tampering, Yu Ziqing only needs to compare the data in the records to find out the clues.

After discovering the clues, as long as you look for it yourself and see the tampered places, you will definitely feel out of place and awkward.

Yu Ziqing drank tea with a calm expression and calm eyes.

The director suddenly appeared opposite Yu Ziqing and sat down to drink tea with him.

After a few cups of tea, Li Chang asked with some doubts.

"You seem to be very angry when you come back this time."

"Is there any?"

The director turned his head slightly and glanced at Erhan in the distance.

Erhanpi lay there with a bruised face and a dozen big bones broken in his body.

Lying there now was purely because he didn't want to take the healing pills and wanted to recover on his own, but he recovered too quickly and became a target again.

Beside Erhan, the villagers of Jinlan Mountain, the overseas students who had been shaken, and the juniors were all lying on the wooden bed.

Their condition is not much better than Erhan.

Basking in the sun here, I heard it will help you recover faster.

In fact, they don't want to recover too quickly and avoid being arrested by Yu Ziqing for special training.

Now lying here, the words on his lips are just for the convenience of observing other people's special training.

“I’ve been slacking off over the years.

Like Erhan, he was a tough guy back then who had dozens of bones broken and was still able to hold on.

Only a dozen bones had been broken, and he was already groaning.

Others are even worse. If there is an emergency, we may overestimate our overall strength. "

Yu Ziqing's words were serious and thoughtful.

Li Chang had a dark face and nodded.

"They have been a little slack in these years. Next, I will personally train them again.

After an arm was broken, he had no fighting ability.

If a leg is broken, it's as if a person is almost useless.

This is still a lack of training.

If he went out, he would be easily beaten to death.

In this case, it is better to kill him directly in the mountains, at least he can keep his whole body. "

When Yu Ziqing came back, he immediately started giving special training to the people in Jinlan Mountain, and the results were not very satisfactory.

After the good days have passed, people become a little slack, and their bones are not so hard.

The first wave of people who came out of Jinlan Mountain back then were what ruthless characters they were.

When it's injured and it's not human, it can still pounce on it and fight back with its teeth.

Even though dozens of bones were broken, he was still able to control his physical body with his energy and blood, running for hundreds of miles and escaping from the siege.

Now, these have a good foundation, a high level, and seem to be stronger, but in fact, in the eyes of the leader, they are all rubbish.

If you don't have enough ruthlessness and courage, then don't go out and embarrass yourself.

While drinking tea, a little girl of about five or six years old with pigtails ran over with short legs and threw herself into the arms of the chief.

"Grandpa Li, I'm hungry. Uncle Erhan said that Uncle Yu is back and wants a big meal."

"Okay, let's have a big dinner." Li's dark face suddenly showed a smile, and he stood up and hugged the little girl.

The chief held Han Dong's daughter in his arms. When he passed by Erhan, he gently touched the little girl's head and asked her to look to the other side. He gave her a gentle kick.

Without hearing any sound, Erhan's figure turned into an afterimage and flew out.

After several breaths, I heard the sound of Erhan hitting something.

The leader had a smile on his face and cold eyes as he glanced around at the others.

"It's time to eat soon. Remember to come. No one is missing."

The headmaster hugged the little girl and left.

The person lying there, wanting to fish, feels so cold in his heart.

There is no way to escape, and we have to start new training tomorrow.

When the chief walked away, he saw someone taking out the elixir, taking it, grinning, reconnecting his bones, and jumped off the wooden bed without saying a word.

All the natives of Jinlan Mountain do this.

Some people have misaligned bones and have to break them off and reattach them, and everyone has to say something during the whole process.

Before he could recover, someone started working on preparing for the banquet.

The foreign students who came from the earthquake were stunned for a moment. Most of them had never seen such a scene.

I thought someone would complain.

Unexpectedly, no one even said a word.

Judging from the looks of those people, it was not that they had no choice but to accept it, but that they were really willing to accept the special training.

Now, no one dared to say anything.

Special training is special training.

According to the characteristic slogan of Jinlan Mountain, three hundred years of sentient beings like cattle and horses, and three thousand years of all living beings like buddhas, dragons and elephants.

If you get beaten, just get beaten. Although it's a bit hard now, the effect is excellent. After you get out, the survival rate will be ridiculously high.

The highest record currently held by people in Jinlan Mountain is a guy who had two legs cut off when he went to explore the ruins. One arm, one hand, and his chin were all missing. With half of his arm, he could Escaped abruptly.

By the way, he bit an enemy's neck and his head fell off.

That's quite vicious.

Yu Ziqing calmed down and continued to read and study in Jinlan Mountain.

Watch the headmaster give special training to others, and watch the fun all day long.

The banquet is held more than a dozen times a month, and no one is allowed to be absent.

Not taking medicine to recuperate your wounds? Don't even think about it.

In the depths of the deep sea, in that unknown perspective.

The ancient gods are still busy, from tiny waves, they accumulate into waves, and when the waves accumulate again, they will become a tsunami-like trend.

If you don't accumulate small streams, you can't reach the rivers and seas.

If you want to accumulate unprecedented momentum, you must rely on accumulation bit by bit.

But recently, she felt that changes related to Da Dui were becoming more and more difficult.

A little bit of tampering in a small node often fails to accumulate into a small wave.

But she didn't notice anything wrong.

Everything is normal.

Yu Ziqing is like a bastard, not just for one day or two days, but for one or two years.

In the words of Li Chang, Yu Ziqing has always been like a dog who can't sit still in the nest.

But the things she did related to Da Dui were getting more and more difficult.

Just like Yu Ziqing didn't understand why the progress of the super large spirit formation was getting slower and slower at first, even though everything was normal.

She doesn't understand now why it is getting harder and harder, and everything is normal.

In the void, where the ancient gods fell, there is nothing here as always.

Lao Qianhuang is sitting there, hanging here. The ancient aura on his body is getting stronger and stronger, and there are more and more ancient cracks on his skin.

Slowly, in this void of nothing, some ancient rhythm seemed to emerge, slowly sinking into Lao Qianhuang's body.

The Liuyang Demon was frightened and frightened, with a hint of trembling in his voice.

"How dare you? How could you do this!?"

"Nothing is impossible, I have mastered the Heavenly Glory Art.

Don’t you think that this magic is nothing more than that?

You should know best what Baoshu is. "

"You want to use me to hone your way, just so that I can help you cultivate the way of the ancient gods?" Liuyang Demon's mentality became even more explosive.

The ancient gods and the gods were once mortal enemies.

There are various connections between them.

Borrowing one of the gods, borrowing the place where the ancient gods fell, and having the Heavenly Glory Art, it is really possible to cultivate the way of the ancient gods.

"I have already been exposed to the ways of the ancient gods." Lao Qianhuang looked calm and continued to absorb the charm of the ancient gods that remained here.

The Liuyang Demon didn't know why, but he began to be afraid.

He is not afraid of the human race, or in other words, except for a very few human races, he is not afraid of the rest.

But the Ancient God, he really had no choice but to be afraid.

When he was first born, the Ancient God overlooked the existence of all gods.

"Do you think that by cultivating the way of the ancient gods, you can defeat the gods?" Liuyang Demon asked.

Lao Qianhuang closed his eyes and ignored him.

When in this land where the ancient gods fell, the remaining charm of the ancient gods was swallowed up by the old emperor and the moment the shield disappeared, the Liuyang Demon was ready to do something, at least send out a message.

But Lao Qianhuang took his time, and when the shield disappeared, he directly took the Liuyang Demon into his body and continued the shield with himself.

This made Liuyang Demon even more frightened.

Lao Qianhuang's body was filled with an aura of simplicity, and he stepped forward in the void.

After an unknown amount of time, in a corner of the void, a dead world slowly grew larger in his eyes.

The dead world seemed to have been stripped of its sky, lifeless and motionless, as if it were dead.

Lao Qianhuang had no expression on his face and stepped directly into it without any pause.

He released the Liuyang Demon and continued to hone his skills.

"Here...here is...what do you want to do? Do you want to devour this dead world?" Liuyang Demon was filled with despair.

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