Lord of Nine Stars

Chapter 901 The shell of the beautiful world

People's talents cannot be generalized.

After Rong Taotao learned Pyroblast and Yanyan Cannon one after another, Rong Yuanshan and Ye Nanxi had not yet learned all the one-star adapted lava soul skills.

For Rong Taotao, the lava soul skill can only be regarded as a life hack.

Just like he has several Lei Teng soul skills, but they are only used to charge his mobile phone

At Rong Taotao's level, in the battlefields he participated in, soul skills of such low quality could not be brought to the table, and it would be difficult to exert any effect.

How should I put it? Well, you don’t have to be overwhelmed by your skills.

After learning all the one-star lava soul skills, Rong Taotao did not relax, but took advantage of the opportunity to continue filling the lava soul power in his body.

I thought the night would go by peacefully, but I didn’t expect that at three o’clock in the morning, a soldier’s sonorous voice came from outside the door: “Report!”

On the sofa, Rong Taotao opened his eyes and glanced around the living room. Everyone who was practicing hard frowned slightly and had a bad premonition in their hearts.

After all, if there is nothing urgent, the soldiers will not disturb them at this time.

"You guys keep practicing, I'll go take a look." Rong Taotao said, got up and walked towards the door.


Rong Taotao put one hand on the door handle, looked at the soldiers standing guard outside the door, and asked doubtfully: "What's going on?"

The soldier looked unhappy: "Commander Rong, there is an old man who wants to see you."

"Oh?" Rong Taotao was stunned for a moment, "Who is it?"

"Report! I don't know." The soldier looked embarrassed, but facing Rong Taotao, he had to explain the truth, "The mysterious old man insisted on seeing you. We tried to capture him, but..."

"The opponent is very strong?" Rong Taotao secretly thought something was wrong and asked hurriedly, "Are the brothers injured?"

"No, the opponent's attack was not heavy and did not endanger the lives of our soldiers, but he..."

"Let's go, take us to see." Nancheng's voice suddenly came from behind Rong Taotao.

Rong Taotao turned around and looked, only to find that his father also stopped practicing and followed him out.

"Let's go." Rong Yuanshan and his son looked at each other and nodded.

The father and son have developed some tacit understanding during their recent run-in. Although they didn't say anything, they found common concerns in each other's eyes.

Old man?

Upon hearing such a title, the Rongs and his son had to think of a certain group of people.

Under the leadership of the soldiers, the group of people walked through the long corridor and arrived at the lobby of the guest house.

Although it is called a "lobby", this guest house does not have a high star rating, and the entrance hall is not large, and there is only one couch.

An old man from a foreign land with gray hair sat calmly on the sofa, not minding the vigilant soldiers around him.

His eyes of unknown color have gradually turned gray under the baptism of time and wind, and his wrinkled old face has a seemingly friendly smile.

Gray shirt, gray shorts, and a pair of ordinary sandals.

With such an appearance, you look like a tourist?

Of course, in Spark City, which is close to the border, there are faces full of exotic charms everywhere, and Rong Taotao is not sure whether the other person is Wai Guoren or a Chinese Shaomin.

Just like the Wanqi brothers, they bought a skin before the game started?

"Hello, General Rong." The old man said with a smile, "In order not to make the soldiers too nervous, I won't stand up."

General Rong?

This title is quite new.

And the old man seems to only have Rong Taotao in his eyes?

This is extremely abnormal. You can even ignore Rongyuan Mountain, but you absolutely cannot ignore Nancheng.

"Mountains and rivers" are here. It's not a question of whether you can see it or not. It's that your whole body will be enveloped by the aura of Nanhun General.

Rong Taotao looked the old man up and down and said, "Russian is good, where are you from?"

In the long course of history, due to various operations such as invasion and disintegration by Russian bears, a considerable number of countries in Central Asia speak Russian.

Such language is a professional counterpart to Rong Taotao.

"Is it important?" The old man grinned, "Which country are you from, which era are you from, are you male or female, old or young?"

Rong Taotao frowned: "What do you want from me?"

Old man: "Maybe we should communicate alone."

From behind, Nancheng waved to the soldiers: "They're all gone."

In a short time, only Rong Taotao, Nancheng and Rong Yuanshan were left in the hall.

Rong Taotao was not polite. He grabbed the coffee table in front of the sofa with one hand and dragged it back 2 meters. He straddled the coffee table with one leg and sat on it.

After sitting face to face with the old man, Rong Taotao realized that his legs seemed a bit long, too?

Since when did he become a long-legged little brother like Lu Mang?

so amazing.

Nancheng stood to the side behind Rong Taotao, not moving, while Rong Yuanshan sat on one side of the couch, blocking the direction of the door exit.

"Name." Rong Taotao said.

The old man looked strange. He also didn't think the name was important, but...

Rong Taotao suddenly laughed: "No matter how the world changes or how absurd it is, who you are is very important."

The old man's face was startled, and he vaguely understood the deeper meaning of Rong Taotao's words.


Rong Taotao nodded thoughtfully: "Usayil, please forgive my pronunciation, so... what do you do? Why are you looking for me?"

But Usayil smiled: "I have a hunch that you already know."

Rong Taotao shook his head decisively and did not answer.

Usayil: "I noticed that you brought some ice dragons from the Far East.

This morning, Ys City also announced that your purpose of coming here is to improve the harsh environment of the lava vortex, right? "

Rong Taotao looked directly at the old man: "These messages are released to the whole society, you can understand them however you want, I won't answer them for you.

You should tell me why you came to me? "

Usayil: "Everything is as you said. This world has changed a lot and is also very absurd."

Rong Taotao: "So?"

Usayil: "So you know some information, which can save me a lot of words.

Why don't you stay here, take your dragon friends with you to improve the living environment of human society, and then wait quietly to see what will happen in the lava vortex? "

Rong Taotao raised his eyebrows slightly: "I seem to hear a threat."

Usail's smile remained calm: "It's more of a suggestion, a friendly suggestion."

Rong Taotao's face looked a little strange: "Do you really think that if you show up here out of nowhere and say a bunch of inexplicable words, I will stay in Spark City and not go to the lava vortex?"

"Well," Usayil pondered for a moment and then said, "You know some information, maybe from your principal, or from other old people.

No matter what, you should know that everything you do is useless and is for a false world. "

This sentence goes straight to the point and reveals the purpose!

Behind him, Nancheng had bright eyes. No matter what the outcome of this negotiation was, this old man must stay here tonight.

Rong Taotao sat on the coffee table, leaning on his knees with his elbows, leaning forward and confirming: "A false world."

"Isn't it?" Usayil sat on the sofa and looked at Rong Taotao with an almost pity look, "You know, this world is not like this.

That being the case, why do you still fight for a false world? "

Rong Taotao raised his hand and pinched the tiger's mouth of his left hand, feeling the pain: "I am very young, born in the mid-1990s, and I don't know what happened in the middle of the last century.

But what is clear to me is that I am real.

All the people around us, all the creatures living in this city and this world are all real. "

Usayil looked at Rong Taotao quietly, with a strange luster in his gray eyes.

After a long silence, Usayil said softly: "Your Russian is very good."

The sudden praise was something Rong Taotao didn't expect.

Do you praise me?

While we were chatting about the main topic, suddenly talking about these irrelevant things seemed to mean that the negotiation was over.

Obviously, Usayil saw Rong Taotao's determination and knew that some things could not be changed.

That’s right, why should I harbor illusions and hope?

He is indeed Rong Taotao, the most dazzling soul warrior of this era.

But in the final analysis, he is also a person born in the new world.

The knife didn't really penetrate into the hearts of these people, so how could they empathize with them?


This was the sound of the mental barrier shattering in Usayil's mind.

The next second, a ball of flame suddenly rose in the old man's eyes, preventing the two parties from intersecting their eyes, but his body did not move at all.

"Haha." Usayil laughed dumbly, the flames in his eyes burning more and more fiercely, and his words were filled with endless emotion, "I once thought you were special, I once thought you were different from others."

Rong Taotao said solemnly: "I am a soldier, and my mission will not end because of an inexplicable word."

"Yeah, you're a soldier."

There was a hint of sadness in Usayil's sighing voice: "Unfortunately, your firm belief is built on an illusory ivory tower.

It is also a pity that a unique child was born in a false era by mistake.

what's next? General Rong, what are you going to do with me? "

Rong Taotao looked at the old man with burning eyes and said, "From your words, I understand one thing. The abnormality of the lava vortex is inseparable from you.

You will tell me your purpose, your plans, and everything you do. "

With that said, Rong Taotao stretched out his hand and gently patted Nancheng who was standing next to the coffee table.

Such behavior of overstepping one's rank and giving orders is against the rules, but who makes Nancheng someone's Aunt Nan?

Nancheng was very used to Rong Taotao, and she only had a mission in her heart. But the moment she stepped forward, Usayil suddenly said: "Then have you ever thought that I am also false?"

As he spoke, Nancheng had already held down Usayil's shoulders.

However, Usayil's shoulder suddenly turned into a ball of flame, causing Nancheng, who had originally grabbed the old man, to catch nothing with one hand.

At this moment, Rong Taotao seemed to have seen the lava version of the snow realm soul skill, Shattered Snow Remains.

And this lava soul skill must be above the epic level!

Because only the shoulders of the old man's body turned into balls of flames, the other parts were still flesh and blood.

"I will pay for my naivety, Rong Taotao." Usayil didn't care about Nancheng at all.

He leaned forward like this. Although there were only flames in his eyes and no eyeballs, he still made a gesture of "looking directly" at Rong Taotao.

Usayil: "I will abandon this body, you know, I will not let you follow the flames to find my traces.

But you have to thank me for my innocence and my fantasy, Rong Taotao.

Remember, I gave you enough respect and gave both of us a chance.

You are not ignorant, General Rong. You know all the information, but under this premise, you still rejected me. "

Rong Taotao felt bad, and a lotus flower immediately grew in the palm of his hand. At the same time, he stepped on Nancheng's calf and pushed her to the side.

Usayil grinned: "Protect your partners and protect the faith in your heart.

When the beautiful shell of this new world peels off little by little, one day, you and I will meet in the truth. "

As the words fell, Usayil's whole body turned into flames and suddenly lit up!

Rong Taotao, who had heard all the news as much as possible, was also not slow in his movements. When he pushed Nancheng away with one kick, the lotus in his hand had already bloomed, and he also pressed hard towards Usayil.


The body of flame exploded!

But the layers of blazing fire and the surging lava waves did not cause much trouble to the guest house lobby.

Because at the moment Usayil exploded, the blooming hell lotus bones had already swallowed Usayil.

The people connected to him, along with the layers of flames and air waves that exploded, and even the sofa under Usayil's seat, everything shrank rapidly and were swallowed by the hell lotus flower.

The hell lotus flower closed rapidly, with a few flames pouring out, and then was completely sealed.

And the sound of "Puff" also came from the lotus bone in Rong Taotao's palm.

Although the sound of the continuous explosions was small, it lasted for more than ten seconds.

In the past few weeks, with the assistance of Zha'er and Zheng Qianqiu in research, Rong Taotao has deepened his understanding and application of the complete flower composed of nine lotus petals by more than one level.

Is the flower blooming in Rong Taotao's hand the Hell Lotus Bone Flower?

This description is actually not accurate.

It is the lotus bone flower, but in the process of using it this time, the hell lotus petals in it exerted a little more effect.

At least Hell Lotus, within the scope of its own responsibilities, filled the missing half of the young lotus with an illusory half of a petal.

Until the "puff" sound in the lotus bud disappeared, Rong Taotao clenched his palms tightly, crushed the lotus bud, and looked at Na Cheng: "Sorry, Aunt Nan."

Nancheng shook his head: "This is the best way to deal with it."


If it weren't for Nancheng's trust and laissez-faire, would Rong Taotao's power level be able to support a towering mountain?

As he spoke, Nancheng turned his head and looked at the corridor behind him: "Notify all parties to be on alert.

In particular, the Snow Realm Dragon entrenched in the Dongcheng Military Camp and the Dark Abyss Dragon parked in the Starfield Vortex were surrounded by more security personnel. "

Ye Nanxi: "Yes!"

Nancheng: "Also, notify Professor Zhang Shanzhi in the Hoshino Vortex and ask him to come out first. Now go to the camp in Dongcheng District and wait for me."

Rong Taotao understood Nancheng's meaning and turned to look at Rong Yuanshan who was in deep thought: "Dad, shall we return to Dongcheng District now?"

Rong Yuanshan stood up and said, "Let's go."

A big plot is coming soon, I hope this story can be written well. Please support me with your monthly ticket!

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