Lord of Pets

Chapter 1,179: Curse: The Arrogant King


In mid-air, the forbidden witch Ye Duoer grabbed the long bow in her right hand and pulled the bow string with two fingers.

The next second, the sound of the piano filled the night sky, like a small boat sailing on the sea, encountering a huge storm that is rare in this era. Fast, chaotic, crazy, fierce... became the main melody.

Heavenly Demon Divine Bow——Crazy String!

This is an arrow move. When it is activated, Ye Duoer can shoot hundreds of arrows in one second.

The arrows shot are as delicate as needles. When they collide with the prey, they can often penetrate easily and be beaten into a beast-shaped sieve alive.

What she is aiming at is not arrogance, jealousy, or greed.

But the fourth one, a pink-eyed woman who didn't have time to change her form.

However, her skill failed, failing to truly lock onto the host of lust, and ended up splattering to the ground.

"What a beautiful half-human creature. Are you interested... in dancing with me?"

The provocative spiritual thoughts, like white and smooth palms, caressed the taboo witch's ears.

Ye Duo'er's skin was full of goosebumps, and she suddenly flipped the bow string in the opposite direction, launched an arrow-style "fish leap", and retreated five thousand meters away to a relatively open place.

"Boring." The lustful voice became dark and low, and the pink-eyed woman also disintegrated.

The torn pieces of flesh and blood fell into the magic cauldron, and the volume of the five-color vortex suddenly expanded by a large circle.

"Qiang - Qiang Qiang -"

The sound of swords never stopped.

The first one to use attack skills was Big Mantis Xiao Ci.

But the first one who dared to fight in close combat was the Six-Winged Sword Sect God Angel Xing!

Holding the great sword of her ancestors in her hand, she entered into a fighting state of harmony between heaven and man. She concentrated 120% of her mind and control the forty-nine divine swords to chop down the magic cauldron and provoke evil spirits.

"Supreme Divine Beast, I haven't experienced this power for a long time. I really miss it..."

Lust's true form is a pink little fragrant pig, which looks soft and weak and has no lethality.

However, what was revealed in His tone was not fear or fear, but relaxation and teasing.

"We are not fighting alone now..."

"The origins are fused together, even if gluttony and rage are missing, not just a seraphim can offend and blaspheme."

"Kneel down and be my slave, okay?"

In the language of the soul, the mixed sound of charm surged, and Xing's guardian sword shattered on the spot, unable to resist and block it.


A milky-white holy fire, as thick as juice, was poured over the magic cauldron wildly.

In less than half a breath, the Arrogant Crab blasted away with one claw, and the second claw flashed like a ghost, hitting the lower jaw of the Buddha's Angry Kirin, almost causing the giant Kirin to disintegrate in its peak form.


Bai Wushang transformed into the God of Light, forming a link with all the summoned beasts present.

The Qilin Faxiang, which had almost collapsed, stabilized in an instant. General Cang hurriedly distanced himself and continued to target the evil believers on the ground as his primary target.

Enemies killed by its world-purifying fire seem to have much less energy and material integrated into the magic cauldron than Senpo.

The two characteristics of being able to ward off misfortunes and ward off evil spirits and slay evil spirits are ultimately unique.


The little rabbit and the sun are together.

The solar meteorite smashed into the magic tripod.

The sky is a great furnace, cooking all things.

The jealous duck screamed and stared at the little rabbit with hatred, but the figure slowly collapsed and then regrouped.

"Arrogant, kill them!"

With a faint hum, a light wave radiated over a wide range erupted with the golden crab as the core.

Bai Wuxin's head trembled, and he had the illusion that he was omnipotent and could kill evil spirits even if he fought with bare hands.

This is... spiritual pollution!

Even the Pope's three-piece suit cannot stop the evil force!

However, Bai Wushang discovered that his body and soul were really strong to a certain level.

With this kind of deceptive inducement, he can not only detect the problem, but he can immediately get rid of the entanglement and restore the clarity of his spiritual world.

Ye Duo'er, among the lightning and flint, turned the pages of the book of time and spirit.

Use status backtracking to restore your normal state one second ago.

Even if she does this, she will lose a lot of her essence, which is comparable to resurrecting a mature level extraordinary creature.

But she succeeded, removing most of the pollution, and the remaining bits were able to be digested and erased by her own level.

Xiao Ci... relied on his elusive speed to escape before the golden light reached his body.

Sen Po was struck, the violent wicker suddenly stopped, and the consciousness at the end of the contract was caught in the battle between heaven and man.

Bai Wushang sighed softly, and before he lost control completely, he forcefully recovered the Emerald Tree Demon Emperor. He could only wait until the battle was over before purifying and rescuing him.

Although Cang Jiang is in a weaker realm, he possesses the crown of warding off evil and slaying evil.

The cursed king's full blow shattered the crown on its head, leaving it seriously injured.

But the pollution was offset once and no trace of it splashed on the body.

Bai Wushang also retracted, fearing that the big unicorn would be beheaded or manipulated, leaving him in dire straits.

"Not enough! These divine creatures are too powerful!"

The greedy fox roared: "Fusion, further fusion!"

"The half-step evil god is too weak! Only by continuing to fuse can we truly crush him!"

"So...starting with you?"

The Arrogant Crab suddenly clamped its grip on the Greedy Fox's neck and cut it off with a single stroke.

"I will not allow my pride to lose control of my body."

"You can keep yourselves."

"But you can only become a supporting role in your new body."

"Hiss!" The greedy fox tried to struggle. It was not afraid of death, but in the face of arrogance, it felt briefly panicked and helpless.

It is difficult for outsiders to kill evil spirits.

But among evil spirits...especially those who were born from the same mother's womb, it is relatively easy!

"Arrogant, remember your promise!"

Finally, the greedy fox gave up resistance, became rations, and merged into the body of Arrogance.

The arrogant crab's momentum soared crazily, surpassing the raging lion's strongest state by a large margin.

"It's not good. Just the combination of the two is such a threat?"

Bai Wushang took a deep breath, and in the blink of an eye, countless thoughts arose.

Garuda... is the key to killing evil spirits!

Released at this time, Bai Wushang was confident that with Xing, Xiaoci, and Duoer, the trinity of harassers, combined with Garuda, could at least kill an Evil Curse instantly.

The advantage of doing this is undoubtedly to further prevent the resurgence of the evil curse of the fetal ancestor.

But once he did this, Bai Wushang was very worried that some evil spirits would see that the situation was not right, give up the game, and use the Thirty-six Stratagems to escape.

By that time, Bai Wu was too sad but too weak to do anything.

Each of the remaining five sins is a poisonous sting.

If it cannot be solved at once, just escaping one of them will require extra energy, time, and cost, and it will become more and more like a bottomless pit.

"Bai, I'm awake."


With Bai Wushang's mind in a state of turmoil, the Tianling Cap rippled with thousands of feet of golden light, making the sky-holding light god closer to a god.

He no longer hesitated, the silver-white Book of Oaths emerged, and the surrounding light was like a storm, beginning to pour crazily towards the dark, lonely figure that seemed to be running counter to the world...


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