Lord of Pets

Chapter 1,209: Giant Guarding the Mountain

Inside the Titan Palace.

The furious saint giants gradually calmed down after hearing the conversation between the two god giants, falling into an atmosphere of depression and silence.

The giant guarding the mountain saw this, and while wiping the muscular body with the old skin shed by the mythical beast, he smiled and said:

"In a few hours, when the barrier is on the verge of destruction, it will be my turn to appear."

"Shen Shuang, you must control your temper."

"Your strength is actually not bad, but every time we compete, you are defeated by Twilight, who is at a similar level. In my opinion, what you lack is that composure..."

The mountain-guarding giant warned seriously, but the ice-blue frost giant's shoulders trembled slightly and his finger bones cracked.

After a long time, he closed his eyes and sighed softly:

"Shoushan, you can go with peace of mind."

"When you fall, I will eat the forbidden divine fruit, burn my life, and stop the invasion of evil gods..."

"Okay." Shouyama smiled, looked back at the saint giants who were probably only as high as his thighs, and said encouragingly:

"Children, among you, there are many newly promoted Supremes who should have a brighter future."

"But now... there is nothing we can do."

"The evil spirits outside the gate and within the gate are moving forward together, getting stuck at the weakest node, trying to break through the gate of our clan and commit plunder and destruction."

"The giants...have reached a critical moment of life and death!"

"Don't be stingy with your blood in the next battle. If you don't fight hard now, you won't have a chance."

"By the way, when I look at the battlefield, there are still many spiritual evil spirits. You must stick to your faith and try not to let them take advantage of the loopholes..."


Outside the Titan Palace, the ghost ax has been chopping for a day and a night, and the ax head can circle around the second domain.

As early as half a day ago, He lost his bohemian smile and became taciturn.

From time to time, His heavy breathing could be heard.

The feeling of exhaustion from the inside out struck the hearts of the army of evil spirits, making them frightened and afraid to say anything.


The 100,000th collision.

The indestructible ax actually cracked a gap.

Ghost Ax grunted, and the chopping speed dropped sharply.

But when he looked at the defensive barrier, which had gone from golden light to decaying to the point where it seemed like there was only a layer of golden paper on it, he still mustered up the strength to chop it down again.

"Damn it, at this time, the defense of the Titan Palace is so strong..."

"No wonder the evil spirit clan paid the price of breaking through the Kingdom of Elemental God, just like being cut off from flesh. It's just that the return of a quarter of the natural disasters compensated for it, and it doesn't look so conspicuous..."

Ghost Ax cursed.

At this time, there were only a few tens of thousands of Locust Guards left among the hundreds of millions of Locusts.

The three insect kings of the mechanical clan seemed to be in a deep sleep, with all the energy channels shining brightly and operating at full capacity.

It can be seen that divine substances continue to precipitate from the defensive barrier and flow into the body of the insect mother bit by bit.

Her body gradually became fuller, and many dim circuits glowed, and then like a large chimney emitting thick smoke, they rumbled in an orderly manner, becoming more and more powerful.

"Hurry, the door is about to open!"

"Xietian, twin ghosts, poisonous flies... be ready to rush in at any time. All creatures you see, whether giants or others, will be killed without mercy. There is no need to leave any alive!"

The Queen of Red Lips licks her red lips with sexy and enchanting movements, making her look particularly perverted.

After all... there were no eyes, no nose, no ears on her face, only a big mouth that took up one-half of her face, like the bloody mouth of a deep-sea devil fish, which was difficult to look at directly.

"Of course, if it's a battle puppet that's been charmed by me, please hold on."

"My body and bones are so fragile. If there is no one to protect me, I would not dare to charge..."

The Star God laughed and stepped towards the Titan Palace with his big feet like hills:

"Red Lips, just hide behind me. If anyone dares to hurt you, I will break their neck!"

"Hey, well, Xing Twelve is so domineering. When the Titan Palace is destroyed and the Pillar of Heaven collapses, I will definitely say a few nice words for you in front of Lord Natural Disaster~~~"


A gray-white rock-colored palm tore open a light film, like a sacred mountain rising from the ground, standing in front of the army of evil spirits.

"Have you... chatted enough?"

The mountain-guarding giant looked down at the vast army of monsters, and finally locked onto the Star God, who was two or three heads shorter than him. His eyes were cold and uncontaminated by the temperature.

"Oh? You've been a coward for a whole day and a night, and finally you can take a breather?"

The Star God smiled ferociously, and the pace that was originally moving at a steady speed suddenly accelerated.

He raised his big iron fist and shouted at the face of the giant guarding the mountain. His energy was like a rainbow and his power was like a mad bull.

But... His movements quickly stopped and he froze in mid-air, the corners of his grinning mouth twitching slightly.

The 1,500-meter-tall mountain-guarding giant is invincible and is definitely not the last ancestor of the three-legged cat.

When he came out, blood was flowing from his back, but because of the angle of view, the Star God did not see it.

But the Star God saw gray-white light rising into the sky!

The giant guarding the mountain maintained his cold eyes looking down at the ants, and his body melted rapidly.

Like a bucket of reconciled cement, it was poured on the surface barrier of the Titan Palace, turning the pyramid-shaped Titan Palace into a gray mountain peak, desolate and simple, as if it had existed forever.

"This guy……"

Star God gritted his teeth and scanned the battlefield with his peripheral vision.

He discovered that the remaining locusts were retreating hastily.

The three-headed mechanical insect king suddenly woke up and protected the sleeping mechanical insect mother. He fled in panic and did not dare to stay where he was.

"This giant god is determined to die. He will sacrifice his life as soon as he comes face to face and use his most powerful defensive skills..."

The Evil World Stone cannot interfere with things outside the space, but it can evaluate, smack its lips, and groan angrily.

Ghost Ax was annoyed, and regardless of his weak body, he struck down with the axe.


The blade of the ax collapsed and opened a small 31st hole. The originally seamless, divine weapon had the texture of a divine creation, but it turned into a tattered, old antique weapon that had been in disrepair.

"Hiss... This giant is not simple. I'm afraid all the abilities he is good at are defense. He can actually re-reinforce the barrier with his own strength..."

He jumped around and cursed, then turned into a coolie and continued to chop.

Star God withdrew his fiery fist and thought about it but felt unwilling to do so.

He kicked over and hit the rock wall, causing the ground to shake.

But... although there were stone powder falling, there were still many pieces of stone fragmented.

The overall situation of the Titan Palace is stable again, and it can be protected from wind and rain in a short period of time, and it will be safe and sound.

"This... rock... cannot... absorb... energy..."

An insect king screamed, and the electric sound flowed through the Star God's ears. His eyes turned red with anger, as if a big star was shattering the sky.

"No, if we delay any longer, reinforcements from the Extraordinary Clan may arrive!"

"Evil Sky, Twin Ghosts, Poisonous Flies, Insect King... I order you to use your strength to break the spell, and even if you get hurt in return, you must forcefully break through!"


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