Lord of Pets

Chapter 844: Gray List

"Because of this honor, the Vampire Clan transformed from a weak and powerful clan with a small population and an unpopular clan, to a large and famous clan. It had a short period of glory."

"Camario, from now on, is also the most famous and powerful among the three ancestors of the Vampire Clan..."

After listening to Mu Liuying's story, Sibaan's eyes lit up slightly.

This was information he had never heard before.

The extraordinary world is vast and vast, and no matter how big or top-notch the Ancestral Dragon Court is, it is not the absolute ruler.

What's more, many things will not survive perfectly over time. The older and longer they are, the more uncertain and mysterious they are.

Mu Liuying emphasized again: "This is unofficial history, and the reliability of the news is doubtful, but you guys, brothers and sisters of the Titan Giant King, should have heard that not only do individuals possess the blood quality of the mythical 6-star, but brothers can even surpass the level when they join forces."

"Well, it is rumored that when their energy and blood were at their peak, they took the initiative to accept the seal and dormant in an ancient secret realm, thus becoming the foundation of the royal court."

Xiang Yunhen echoed, agreeing with this point of view.

"Then the question arises. Assuming this information is true, it is a historical node for the rise of the Vampire Clan."

"Camario, did you really kill the mechanical insect mother, or did you have ulterior motives and participate in other conspiracies?"

At the edge of the ruins, the two Judgment Dragon Riders, the two Guardian Envoys, the Red Dragon Emperor, Zou Kun, and Bai Wushang were all lost in thought.

In the supernatural world, it is not uncommon for creatures to fall into the hostile camp due to contamination or bewitchment by evil spirits.

The Death Pterodactyl is an example that is not a model. Because it was judged as a "betrayal", the entire group was labeled as a "Sin Dragon", and the twists and turns are unbearable to look back on.

With this accident in front of him, Bai Wushang should have thought carefully and not dare to speak out loud.

But the vampires were different. Whether they betrayed or not had no impact on his cognition.

When she was six years old, a vampire princess was born. In order to help her regain her strength and please her, the lower vampires collected boys and girls from all over the place, causing unimaginable killings.

Bai Wushang is the most direct victim. The corpses of his parents, fellow villagers, relatives and friends are still a lingering nightmare to this day, a sharp thorn in his heart.

He has no reason to consider the other party.

——That's his enemy!

If you fail to take revenge, it is because you are not strong enough and the time has not come yet.

Now Aunt Green has also been dragged down, and even more so by the evil spirit of Taichu.

As long as there is any direct connection with the vampires, it is the way to death by adding guilt to crime.

Sibaan knew that Bai Wushang had a grudge against the vampires, but in this matter, he had to give priority to the harm of evil spirits, and then consider other things, and then made a decision:

"Let's see. Yunhen goes to communicate with the Giant King's Court. It's about evil spirits. They won't just sit idly by and do nothing. They should cooperate and provide information."

"Huang Junsu, Mu Liuying, and the other Ancestral Dragon clones sealed the small metal ball. Please hand over the matters here and go back for the time being. There are so many places in the seventh domain that you need to patrol and guard. It is definitely not appropriate to tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall."

"As for the blood clan...since they are everywhere, this clan must be included in the "grey list". Whether it will be a big fight or a small knife fight will naturally be decided by the Ancestral Dragon. All we need to do is...execute! "

"Okay, Liuying go back, I'll watch from here."

Huang Junsu nodded, not completely agreeing with Sibaan's plan, but giving it the utmost respect.

That afternoon, in Bai Wushang's villa, the figure of Xuan Ping Wang Long suddenly appeared.

"Wu Shang, there are a lot of troubles in this matter. Under such passive intervention, you and Long Ting have become inseparable, and there is no way to separate the relationship."

"In addition, the Patrolling Envoy is a mixed bag, and at least one-fifth of its members are born out of the Ancestral Dragon Court, the Holy Court, and the Giant King's Court. Under this background, you want to enter the Holy Court as a free person and contract with the angels. , I’m afraid I need to renegotiate the method with Drunk.”

"We can discuss this later." Bai Wushang shook his head and asked, "Where is Drunken Senior? When will she arrive?"

"Tomorrow." Siba'an sent a message: "There are only a few people who are qualified to carry the Ancestral Dragon clone. She is one of the best choices."

"I understand." Bai Wushang pursed his lips, thoughtfully.

Sibaan thought for a while and added again:

"The snake girl named Meisha is currently under protection."

"The power of the contract still exists in her body. As long as it is not broken for one day, your Aunt Green will not die."

"Mechanical evil spirits cannot transform humans. This conclusion has passed the test of history, right?" Bai Wushang said.

"Yes, the Mechanical Insect Mother can only transform flesh and blood extraordinary life forms. Humans and incorporeal creatures are not within the scope of its abilities and are considered one of its "weak points." "

"So, this time, the robot arm has captured a large number of scientific researchers. Can I doubt that the robot race can still enslave humans in special ways, such as... twisting their minds and allowing scholars who are already proficient in scientific research to help it build instruments? , to increase the strength and quantity of the mechanical servants?"

"This is currently within our imagination."

Siba'an said solemnly: "It's just that this mechanical evil spirit is far weaker than the mechanical insect mother. In addition to guessing that it is a decayed insect mother, we cannot rule out the result of a new mechanical species. The specifics will depend on follow-up research."

Bai Wushang responded lightly and suddenly whispered:

"The metal ball is called "Lost Coordinates"... Don't ask me how I know it. Try contacting Drunken and Zulong to see if you can find the corresponding information. "

"By the way, please help me investigate. Among the three ancestors of vampires, which lineage does the vampire princess who woke up from the ice coffin from 30,000 years ago belong to?"

"Finally... lend me a sum of money. I want to use it to rebuild the mountains and seas, and at the same time provide resource compensation for each victim's relatives. If I don't do this, I will feel uneasy."

"At your core, you are a good person."

Xuanming Wanglong took a deep look at Bai Wushang and said, "I hope you can get out of this mental torture as soon as possible and don't let it become a shackles that bind you."

Time passes and the sun rises again.

At noon, under the extremely fanatical gaze of the Red Dragon Emperor, a huge dragon shadow stood on the ground.

It is five hundred meters tall, upright, and full of explosive muscles.

A thick and long elephant trunk seems to be able to pierce the sky. When it dances gently, it creates endless ripples, making the entire mountain and sea tremble.

The fifth generation ancestral dragon, the Demonic Elephant Dragon God!

Although it is a clone, it possesses a hint of spirituality and can connect with the wisdom and thoughts of the original body!

"Hey, lost coordinates, something like this that should have been buried in the grave long ago, can actually appear again..."

"Vampires? Haha... since when can vampires also represent the extraordinary? With him or without him, there seems to be no difference, right?"

"Go and investigate with confidence. In one sentence, those who consort with evil spirits will have their clan destroyed!"

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