Lord of Puluo

Chapter 276 Can’t afford to lose

This long sword is the most powerful magic weapon in Lu Yuanshan's hand. If this sword hits, Lu Maoxian will definitely die. ░▒▓██▓▒░

The sword pointed at the gap in the car hood, but Lu Yuanshan never made a move.

He Haiqin said impatiently: "This junior person still can't learn. If you are soft to him now, you can't blame him for being dirty in the future."

Lu Yuanshan didn't take action for a long time, not because he showed mercy to Lu Mao first, but because he was worried that he would get a bad reputation.

The coachman Tan Fucheng saw the clues and said to Lu Yuanshan: "I'm going to see the situation over there with the second young master."

He Haiqin saw this and said, "How about I hide a little bit too?"

Lu Yuanshan nodded and said, "Uncle He, please help me be on guard. I'm worried that this old guy has a helper."

"Xiaoshan, didn't you call me here just to deal with his reinforcements?

No matter it's dark or light, just let him come. Today I'll let you see what I'm like,

Even if he brings thousands of troops, I will help you clean them up. Don't worry this time. "

"Thank you, Uncle He."

Tan Fucheng went to the entrance of the alley, and He Haiqin also went far away, facing the wall and lighting a cigarette with his back to Lu Yuanshan.

Lu Yuanshan stabbed him with his sword.


Blood splashed all over Lu Yuanshan's face.

It was fishy, ​​salty and sticky. Lu Yuanshan looked down.

This is not Lu Maoxian's blood, but Lu Yuanshan's own blood.

He stabbed his sword into his stomach.

Lu Yuanshan's face turned pale and his body trembled.

It's over now!

In just such an instant, this life was gone!

Why did he stab himself in the stomach?

He looked at the gap in the car hood and saw Lu Maoxian still struggling under the car.

Did he use techniques?


This car is of a very high level.

With Lu Maoxian's cultivation level, it was impossible to extend his skills beyond the car.

Lu Yuanshan tried his best to pull out the long sword, but now it was too late.

He wanted to shout, but no sound came out with his mouth open.

He looked at Tan Fucheng and Lu Yuanhai at the entrance of the alley. Both of them were standing with their backs to him.

He Haiqin stood at the other end of the alley, seemingly closer to him.

But he also had his back to Lu Yuanshan and was smoking by the wall.

None of them saw Lu Yuanshan.

Lu Yuanshan was about to die. There was no way he could survive being stabbed by this long sword.

He wanted to stab Lu Maoxian away with another stab, but now he couldn't even lift the sword.

He remembered Monkey Qiu's words: "Some things are not worth gambling on because we can't afford to lose."

He now knows that there are some things that he really cannot afford to lose.

In the blink of an eye, he lost everything.

He dragged his heavy body and walked towards Lu Yuanhai.

He wanted to give his brother a warning.

Is it still too late?

After just two steps, Lu Yuanshan's torso collapsed into pieces of flesh, leaving only his head and limbs, which fell to the ground.

Boom, bang, bang~

The long sword fell to the ground, and the coachman and Lu Yuanhai suddenly turned around and saw Lu Yuanshan scattered all over the place.

Lu Yuanhai said in astonishment: "Brother..."

He rushed towards Lu Yuanshan desperately. As soon as he got closer, Lu Yuanshan's head and limbs exploded one after another.

Lu Yuanhai's face was covered with blood and broken bones and flesh. He was stunned for two or three seconds and picked up the long sword on the ground.

With the sword's edge downwards, Lu Yuanhai raised the long sword in the air.

Next, with a slight adjustment of the angle, he could stab the sword into his stomach.

He was manipulated too!

When the driver Tan Fucheng saw something was wrong, he suddenly grabbed a handful of sugar from his arms and sprinkled it in the air: "Please eat the sugar!"

This hit was very accurate, and there were two coughs in the air, and the sugar seemed to hit someone's mouth.

The coachman shouted again: "You have eaten my candy, please let go!"

The opponent's strength relaxed, and Lu Yuanhai's hands regained their mobility, and he quickly threw the sword to the ground.

The driver grabbed Lu Yuanhai and ran away.

It seemed like someone chased them for a distance, but finally let them go.

Tan Fucheng breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at Lu Yuanhai beside him.

Lu Yuanhai's lips were crooked, his eyes rolled up, and he didn't know what was going on.

It happened very quickly, and it took no more than a cigarette.

He Haiqin was still smoking in the corner. When the cigarette was finished, he stamped out the cigarette butt and walked to the rickshaw.

Lu Maoxian was still struggling in the car, and a voice came from the darkness: "This car is too heavy, I can't lift it."

He Haiqin took out a paper bag from his pocket, which contained soy sauce beef.

He ate a few pieces of beef, held the wheel in one hand, and lifted the rickshaw.

Lu Maoxian quickly got out from under the hood of the car and looked at He Haiqin in surprise.

It was He Haiqin who released him?

How can this be?

Lu Mao first knew that someone was protecting him secretly, because this was the sage's promise to him.

But he never imagined that this person would be He Haiqin.

The person he focused on guarding against was He Haiqin.

He Haiqin put down the rickshaw and asked while eating beef: "What do you think I'm doing? Are you hungry for beef? Want to eat two pieces too?"

Lu Mao asked first: "Uncle He family, do you want to save me or kill me?"

"You can save me or kill me. I can do whatever you want," He Haiqin said with a smile, "It's just that I think it's a bit hard to talk to those brats, but it's more convenient to talk to an old guy like you."

Lu Mao first understood what He Haiqin meant and said respectfully: "Uncle He family, if you have anything to do, just give me your instructions."

He Haiqin smiled and said: "First thing, there is a saint on Sage Peak. Who is he?"

Being able to ask such a question proves that He Haiqin did have contact with the saint, but He Haiqin's understanding of the saint is very limited, and the two parties are still at the stage of cooperation.

Lu Mao thought for a moment and took out a handkerchief from his arms.

The handkerchief is golden yellow with a dragon and cloud pattern on it.

"This is a gift from the saint." Lu Mao first handed the handkerchief to He Haiqin's hand.

He Haiqin looked at the handkerchief and nodded slightly.

He was not surprised by this result.

"The second thing is, you said you met my son Jiaqing at the cinema. Is this true or false?"

"This is absolutely true."

Lu Mao was really sure that the person he saw in the cinema was He Jiaqing?

He wasn't sure.

But this is what the saint said.

The sage said that He Jiaqing had impersonated Zhou Changhong. The sage was certainly right, and it was not Lu Maoxian's fault if he was wrong.

If He Haiqin asked him why he wanted to leak the matter, Lu Maoxian would directly say that it was the saint's order. Anyway, He Haiqin already knew the saint's identity.


He Haiqin did not ask any more about He Jiaqing: "According to your seniority, I should call you uncle, Uncle Lu. If you become the master of the Lu family in the future, you must not forget what happened tonight."

Lu Mao nodded first and said, "I will never forget your kindness."

"There is no evidence for what we say. Do we have to create a written document?" He Haiqin prepared the deed in advance.

These deeds stated many things, some of which Lu Maoxian could decide, and some of which he could not.

"I can't do the Lord's work, but there's nothing I can do..."

"The deed is written clearly. We can wait until the day you can make the decision."

Lu Mao hesitated for a moment and signed the deed.

He didn't dare not sign.

He Haiqin received the deed and said with a smile: "Uncle Lu, you have to be the head of the family as soon as possible. Of Lu Dongliang's two sons, one died and the other became a fool.

But Hou Qiu is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and I am not a cruel person. If one day I cure the fool, the head of the family will have nothing to do with you again. "

This is a knock on Lu Maoxian.

Lu Yuanhai's situation is not irreversible.

Monkey Qiu may find a way.

If Lu Mao refused to obey first, He Haiqin could also cure Lu Yuanhai.

After saying that, He Haiqin turned and left.

Lu Maoxian stood there, his clothes completely soaked.

The thin line between life and death is really the thin line between life and death!

Master's thoughts are unpredictable. He told me not to care about He Haiqin. It turns out that was the reason.

Can I still go to Heishipo now?

Can't go.

Lu Yuanshan is dead and Lu Yuanhai has become a fool. The Lu family is bound to be in chaos. Now is a good opportunity to fight for the head of the family.

Lu Maoxian rushed all the way back to his mansion, quickly summoned his men, and prepared to fight Monkey Qiu first.

He will definitely come.

If he doesn't come, I will go find him. If I can take advantage of the situation and kill him, the Lu family will be mine from now on, and no one can stop me!

Between anxiety and excitement, a young man in white quietly entered the yard.

Except for Lu Maoxian, no one in the entire mansion noticed the appearance of the boy in white.

"Junior brother, why are you here?"

The boy in white smiled and said: "If I didn't come, would you still be alive? Why did you go to Heishipo?"

It turned out to be this junior brother who pulled the strings.

Lu Maoxian hurriedly explained: "I went to Heishipo to help Master get rid of those movie makers..."

The young man in white frowned and said, "So, the incident at Heishipo has something to do with you?"

"The turmoil..." Lu Maoxian realized something was wrong and changed the subject, "I went to Heishipo to see if the turmoil there was caused by the movie."

The young man in white gave a long sigh: "Senior brother, until now, you are still thinking of these useless words. Even if you can deceive me, can you still deceive the master?"

Lu Mao's heart was in his throat. He didn't know what he had done wrong: "Master asked me to stop the shadow play..."

"Master asked you to stop the evil trend in the movie. Why are you staring at that subordinate making a movie?"

The next movie refers to "Blood Gun Detective".

"That movie is indecent..."

The boy in white shook his head: "Brother, I really don't know what to say to you."

Lu Maoxian didn't know how to explain: "Junior brother, could you please give me some advice, which movie is the master talking about?"

The boy in white: "It has a similar name to the movie you are eyeing."

Similar names?

"Blood Blade Detective"?

That movie made by the Ling family?

Does this movie contain treacherous remarks?

To be honest, Lu Maoxian didn't look at it carefully.

When he meets everyone, he says that "Blood Blade" is a good movie with a lot of depth, but not many people can understand it.

But in fact, this is just talking, this is his way of opening up topics with others, and he has no interest in the movie itself.

I actually watched "Blood Gun Detective" seriously, that movie was so special.

Unexpectedly, it was "Blood Blade Detective" that disgusted the saint.

Lu Maoxian suddenly realized: "Junior brother, I misunderstood Master's will. Is there any room for redemption?"

"Yes," the young man in white nodded. "Since the names are similar, Master may not be able to distinguish them clearly. If I reply a little more vaguely, maybe the matter can be brushed aside.

But if the Master carries out a strict investigation, it will not be easy for me to explain here, and I may even be implicated. "

At Lu Maoxian's age, he naturally understands the underlying meaning.

He took out a check and stuffed it into the hand of the boy in white: "Thank you, junior brother."

The young man in white put away the check calmly: "Senior brother, Master has solved the He family's affairs for you, and Master has also paved the way for you to handle the Lu family's affairs.

Please don't interfere with Heishipo's affairs in the future. Everything you did wrong will be blamed on Tang Peigong and Wu Decheng.

The younger brother said it. "

Lu Maoxian saluted again and sent the boy in white out of the mansion.

In the Lu family mansion, Qiu Zhiheng was reading a magazine in his small building, a magazine that had just been delivered from Heishipo.

Coachman Tan Fucheng rushed in angrily and said: "Qiu Tou, it's not good, something happened to the two young masters."

Qiu Zhiheng hurried to the main house, only to hear the eldest lady Duan Shaoxia crying loudly: "Son, what's wrong with you!"

Lu Yuan Haikou's eyes were crooked and his face was slack, lying on the ground.

"Fucheng, what happened?"

Tan Fucheng said: "Qiu Tou, the two young masters went to find the old master, but they were plotted."

Duan Shaoxia cried: "What are you going to do to find the old man?"

Tan Fucheng didn't know how to answer, so Qiu Zhiheng signaled him not to say more.

Not long after, when the doctor came, Qiu Zhiheng asked people to take Lu Yuanhai upstairs for treatment. He placed the rest of the people in the guest room and were not allowed to go out. He took Duan Shaoxia and Tan Fucheng to talk alone in the study.

Tan Fucheng told what happened: "The two young masters made an appointment with He Haiqin and wanted to end things with the old man. Unexpectedly, they were plotted and the second young master became like this..."

Duan Shaoxia said: "Where is Yuanshan?"

Tan Fucheng looked at Duan Shaoxia and shook his head slightly.

Duan Shaoxia rolled her eyes and fainted.

After Duan Shaoxia was rescued, she grabbed Qiu Zhiheng's collar and asked, "Xiao Qiu, why didn't you stop them? Why?"

Qiu Zhiheng remained silent.

Tan Fucheng said: "Madam, Qiu Tou is not to blame for this, he didn't know about it at all."

Duan Shaoxia pulled Qiu Zhiheng and said, "Give me my son, give me my son!"

PS: Lu Yuanshan is a very scheming person. He could have gone further, but there are some things that you can't gamble on because you can't afford to lose.

Just like there are some things that He Haiqin didn't dare to gamble on, so he chose limited cooperation.

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