Lord of Puluo

Chapter 284 The Boundary of Dreams

Father-in-law Train said he was taking Li Banfeng out of Neizhou. Li Banfeng asked excitedly: "How should we get out?"


The father-in-law on the train looked at Li Banfeng and said, "We are driving soon. Do you want to buy your ticket first, or get on the train and pay for it later?"

Li Banfeng blinked and said, "No, we didn't just say... forget it, I'll buy the tickets first."

You can't reason with Mr. Train.

Li Banfeng took out three hundred yuan and said, "I'll buy a sleeper."

Mr. Train was unhappy: "Do you still want to go out?"


"If I buy a sleeper, can I still get out?"

Is there any necessary connection between this?

Li Banfeng took back a piece of banknote: "I'll also buy a hard seat."

The father-in-law on the train took the money and said: "Get on the train!"

Li Banfeng climbed on the back of the train father-in-law. The train father-in-law pulled the whistle and rushed out with Li Banfeng.

This time, the train went very slowly.

"Passenger friends, arriving at the station ahead is Ms. Wang Chunfang's dream. As we all know, Ms. Wang Chunfang is a very kind person. Passengers and friends can pay more attention to the scenery outside the window."

This person named Wang Chunfang is indeed very kind. She is very friendly to others and hopes that others will treat her with the same friendly attitude.

Unfortunately, this kind of thing can only happen in dreams.

The dream was unremarkable, but the train father-in-law repeatedly reminded Li Banfeng to pay attention to the scenery outside the window.

Wang Chunfang's dream is a field of bright flowers. After passing through the flowers, there is a black boundary. On the other end of the boundary is an ancient city. Below the ancient city, there are thousands of troops waiting in formation.

"The station ahead is the dream of Mr. Feng Xiqing. Feng Xiqing is an excellent general who has made countless military exploits."

Li Banfeng saw Feng Xiqing's appearance. This man did not look like an ancient military general. Judging from his clothes, he looked more like a student from out of state.

Obviously, he has a dream of becoming a military commander.

After the ancient city, there is another boundary. On the other end of the boundary is a vast ocean. A strong and handsome man accurately speared a sea fish with a harpoon.

The man held a harpoon and sang loudly in the wind and waves.

It seems this man wants to be a brave sailor.

Needless to say, his figure and skills are quite similar to those of a sailor.

Mr. Train said: "This is Mr. Lu Daping's dream. Mr. Lu Daping's biggest dream is to become a fish."


Isn't the protagonist the sailor?

Li Banfeng looked at the fish on the fork and thought, isn't this Mengqianlou without nightmares?

Maybe being stuck on a fork isn't a nightmare for him?

After passing through more than a dozen dreams in succession, the train father-in-law pulled the whistle and shouted: "The train is about to enter the tunnel. Passengers and friends, please sit tight and hold on, and pay attention to safety."

Li Banfeng was about to lower his head when the surrounding scenery suddenly disappeared and fell into emptiness again.

Mr. Train asked Li Banfeng: "Did you see clearly just now?"

Li Banfeng said: "Everyone has seen some dreams."

"I'm not letting you see the dream, so what's the point?"

Not looking at a dream.

Li Banfeng thought for a moment and said, "What you want me to see is the boundary between dreams?"

Mr. Train nodded and said: "That is the real exit of Mengqianlou. Can you rush out?"

Li Banfeng recalled the width of the boundary line. He shook his head and said, "That line is too narrow. I'm afraid I won't be able to get out."

"If I make the line wider, can you get out?" The train father waved his hand, and a three-meter-square rock appeared in the dream.

He drew a black line on the rock, and with a touch of his hand, the black line became more than a foot wide.

"Can I get out of here?"

Li Banfeng looked at the thickness of the rock, which was only about ten centimeters.

"You should be able to get through using the technique of traveling without hindrance."

"you try."

Li Banfeng walked to the rock in one step, activated his skills, and then bumped into the rock.

This time I almost broke my head.

Although he was in a dream, Li Banfeng really felt the pain.

Mr. Train looked at Li Banfeng in astonishment and said: "Have you always used the technique of traveling without obstruction like this? The technique of traveling without obstruction in our Taoist sect is to use techniques to pass through obstacles. To put it simply, it is the technique of passing through walls, not the technique of passing through walls. Banging your head against the wall.”

Li Banfeng pursed his lips, squeezed out a smile and said, "I didn't want to hit my head against the wall. There was something wrong with my technique just now."

The problem should be the dream.

When a person is in a dream state, his legs sometimes cannot exert any strength.

When running, it's not too obvious, but before using the unobstructed technique, you have to start a step. The step just now was obviously abnormal.

Father-in-law made the rock a little thinner: "Try again."

Li Banfeng rushed to the wall again, but this time he didn't hit it. He realized in advance that the technique would not be successful.

Father-in-law made the rock thinner again: "Try again."

Tried again, still unsuccessful.

Mr. Train stopped handling the rock. He looked at Li Banfeng, shook his head and said, "You'd better not go out. Stay here with me. You have no intention of going out."

Li Banfeng said with a straight face: "That's not what I said. This is in a dream. I can't use my strength."

"It's really hard to exert force in dreams, but you didn't exert any force at all. Looking at your steps just now, it didn't look like you were escaping, but more like a rickshaw puller!"

Li Banfeng answered honestly: "I did learn my steps from a rickshaw puller."

"Running with your thighs and calves, this running method has endurance, but it's not fast enough.

If you want to escape from Neizhou, you have to have the pace of charging in front of the battle. The line between your heels is the abyss. If you take a step slower, you will be shattered into pieces. Do you understand? "

Li Banfeng shook his head and said, "I don't quite understand."

New 𝗰𝗼𝗺

He really didn't understand.

Since arriving in Prozhou, he has been taking advantage of the traveler's speed. This is the first time he heard that his speed is not enough.

Mr. Train frowned and said, "You have a fifth level of cultivation, right?"

"Just arrived at the fifth floor."

"Can you use fifth-level skills?"

"Watching the flowers on horseback. I've heard of it, but I've never used it. That technique is not easy to use."

"Who said it's not useful?"

"The fifth-level skill consumes too much. With my current level of cultivation, I can kill a white kid at most. It's not worth it."

Father-in-law Train raised his eyebrows, stared at Li Banfeng and said, "That's because you used the wrong method. I'll give it to you once to see if it blooms, and I'll make sure it blooms beautifully!"

"No!" Li Banfeng refused decisively, "Brother, could you please give me some advice, what are the steps for charging in front of the formation?"

The father-in-law on the train tiptoed and passed through the stone slab in an instant: "Do you understand?"

It’s weird if you can understand it.

The father-in-law of the train didn’t even explain, he just walked back and forth on both sides of the stone slab: “You see me coming, you see me going back, you see me blowing the whistle, you see me smoking, do you understand this time?”

After several back and forths, Li Banfeng saw some clues.

He ran with the toes of his feet, the soles of his feet with his ankles, his ankles with his calves, and his calves with his thighs. His gait was completely reversed from Li Banfeng's familiar gait.

Father-in-law Train pointed at the rock and said, "Try it!"

Li Banfeng stood up and fell to the ground as soon as he took two steps.

This running method is not coordinated physically, so what technique should I use?

The father-in-law on the train glanced at Li Banfeng and pulled up the whistle: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo evenww ya, this passenger, get on the bus quickly."

"Why are you getting in the car!" Li Banfeng was very annoyed, "I haven't mastered my steps yet, how can I get out?"

"You still want to go out?" Father-in-law Train's eyes suddenly became sharp, and Li Banfeng was filled with chills.

Is this vision?

The train father-in-law blew the whistle: "They can't see me now, and they will send people to look for me soon. When they find me, where are you going to run!"

If you kill the enemy in front of the battle, if you take one step slower, your body will be shattered into pieces. Do you understand? "

Li Banfeng stood up, lowered the brim of his hat, and rushed towards the rock again.

He remembered the scene when he was chased by autumn leaves in the valley.

If I had been a step slower at that time, I would have been shattered to pieces.


When he was almost close to the rock, Li Banfeng fell down with garlic under his feet.

The train father-in-law shook his head and said: "It's not fast enough, it's not even close!"

Li Banfeng got up and rushed forward.


This time he rushed to the rock and had no time to use his technique, so he hit the stone slab.

The father-in-law on the train touched the stone slabs distressedly: "It's all cracked."

Li Banfeng said angrily: "Why do you feel so sorry for me?"

In the vast space, there was no concept of time. After practicing over and over again, Li Banfeng, who was covered in bruises and bruises, finally passed through the rock.

I don’t know if it was really hurt, but it was a dream anyway.

It was successful this time, and Li Banfeng wanted to practice twice more. The train father-in-law felt that the situation was not good, so he carried Li Banfeng on his back and rushed into the wilderness where dreams were intertwined.

"They may have to send someone here. Let's talk somewhere else."

After wandering in the wilderness for a long time and watching countless dreams, the train siren blew his whistle again: "Friends, passengers, the train is about to pass through the tunnel, please sit tight and hold on."

The two of them entered the open space again, and Father-in-law Train asked: "Do you remember where the boundary line is?"

Li Banfeng stretched his muscles and said, "Remember, let's practice twice more."

Mr. Train shook his head and said: "It's too late, they will find us soon. They can't do anything to me, but it's hard to say what the consequences may be for you.

We will set off again in a while. If you find an opportunity, rush out immediately. If you can get through the gap in the dream, it will prove that you are still in Puzhou.

If you find yourself in a dream again after you go out, it's a no-brainer. You will definitely not be able to get out. "

Li Banfeng was a little worried: "After I go out, how can I tell whether I am in Puozhou or in a dream?"

Father-in-law Train smiled and said: "You are my brother, are you afraid that you can't tell the difference?"

While talking, some humming sounds came from my ears.

Li Banfeng shouted: "Who is it?"

The rattling sound suddenly stopped, and the train father lowered his face and said, "A dog is coming."

Li Banfeng shouted again: "What kind of dog?"

The other party didn't respond.

Mr. Train said: "A dog who wants to be a local god!"

Li Banfeng looked at the train father-in-law: "Isn't it inappropriate to describe the Earth God like this?"

"What's inappropriate?" Mr. Train sneered, "If you can return to Puluozhou, remember not to take any pills and have a good rest for two days. You have been running around the inner state for so long, and your cultivation level will improve after you return. You may not be able to bear it."

Li Banfeng was surprised: "I entered Neizhou in a dream, can my cultivation level still increase?"

Mr. Train smiled and said: "Our door, when it reaches a certain level, it is no longer territory.

The six-level Taoist technique is called breaking paths and opening paths. The key point of the technique is to break off where there are paths and open paths where there are no paths. The means of breaking and opening paths all depend on the mind. "

Li Banfeng said: "I have just reached the fifth level. Is it too early to learn the sixth level skills now?"

"Not early, not early."

As he spoke, the whispering voice sounded again.

The train driver said fairly: "You get on the train, and I'll beat the dog. You only get one chance, so don't let the chain fall!"

PS: Why did Mr. Train help Li Banfeng so much?

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