Lord of the Dry Witch Who Devours the Starry Sky

March summary and April update instructions, and also discuss Devouring Starry Sky 2

I feel so awesome that I coded while working. In total, I updated more than 450,000 words in 31 days!

The average number of words updated every day exceeds 14,600 words, and it has achieved a super performance of updating 66,000 words in three days.

It can be said that all the rest time this month is spent on coding updates, so I hope you can give me some encouragement.

In addition, to report the results, the average subscription has increased to 2820, which is one step away from being a high-quality product.

I will take a break at the beginning of next month. The number of words to update is uncertain, but there will definitely be updates.

To be honest, I am already thin, only 120 pounds. This month I have been busy writing like crazy at work, and I have lost almost five or six pounds. I need to stabilize and rest for a few days.

I worked the night shift in April, and once it stabilized, I updated about twice a day. The number of words updated per day was no less than 10,000 words, and the number of words updated in a single month was no less than 300,000 words.

As for Tomato opening Swallowing Starry Sky 2 on April 3rd, I didn’t expect it. I hope it will allow me to get some traffic, haha.

at last! I beg you if you can give me some encouragement!

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