Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Summary of the first part and request for leave (please vote for me)

The following summary contains spoilers. Friends who have not finished the first part are not recommended to read it, otherwise it will significantly affect the reading experience: different books, the structure and meaning of each part are definitely different. The first one who wanted to read the plot of fate At that time, I had the idea in my mind that the first part should be an introduction and a prologue. What it needs to do is to initially show what the current world is like after so many years and what major changes have occurred compared with the mystery. To come out, what is needed is to roughly establish the image of the protagonist of this film, Lumian, and then slowly work it out. What is needed is to bury some key clues of sufficient importance.

After I had the idea, it was a question of how to implement it. I didn’t have any preset position at first. I looked for inspiration through a lot of reading, conceiving, and playing games. It was at this stage that a reader in the comments on the public account recommended me " The game "The Memory of Edith Finch".

I played for less than half an hour, and I couldn’t stand the severe 3D dizziness, so I had to give up. But then I went to Bilibili and Zhihu to read relevant videos and articles, and completed the level in this way (no.) Then , I was thinking that this way of telling a story in a symbolic and metaphorical way is very interesting, and it also has a particularly psychedelic, chaotic and abstract feeling. The temperament is quite consistent with what I want to capture and show. Fitting.

With this thought in mind, I decided to do some fun in the first part of Destiny.

People, there are always some people who are impulsive and don't know how much they weigh and want to challenge everything. But life is so short, it would be boring to repeat yourself all the time.

Moreover, it’s not like I haven’t played with symbols and metaphors before. For example, in the arcane dream scene on the path, dream analysis is used to symbolize the character’s personality, tendencies, and thoughts.

So I think this time, we can still use the form of dreams, but it can’t be just a dozen chapters, it can’t be superficial, it can’t be limited to the reflection of Lumian’s self-psychology, the story that has happened must be deconstructed and abstracted into various Symbolic and different metaphorical elements are reorganized and stitched together with the scenes and conjectures that Lumian has seen, and are presented to everyone with a complete enough explicit story.

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Everyone, this is very interesting. I am obviously telling such a story, but it is actually such a story, which is really interesting from the perspective of the creator.

But as a web article, I must ensure readability and usefulness.

The former means that the author cannot have fun, and the readers are confused and cannot understand. What is needed is to tell the reorganized story in an easy-to-understand and interesting way, and also to include some clues and some abnormalities. Throw it out in a simpler and more straightforward form, so that when you turn it over later, readers will have the feeling of "that's how it is" instead of "what the hell are you writing?"

The latter refers to the fact that you cannot write a hundred or so chapters eloquently and then tell everyone that this is a dream of the protagonist. Then readers will inevitably have the idea of ​​"what's the meaning of this". Therefore, this movie cannot simply be a summary of the protagonist's dream. What happened is told symbolically and metaphorically, and must play a more important role in the story structure of the entire book.

Therefore, after the chapter where the dream was broken, I had to immediately use flashbacks and "reports" to tell everyone that this movie not only deconstructs the protagonist's heart and gives him the intrinsic motivation to act in the future, but also many plots have symbolic meanings. It is a metaphor for something else, and there are many clues buried there. These clues are very important to the unfolding of the text and the development of the story. It is not just a simple dream.

In this sense, "The Dream" is indeed the introduction. I will slowly fill in the holes left behind. The most important one may not be solved until the third to last or even the second part.

Let’s continue with the creative ideas and practices: After I decided what I wanted for the first book, I didn’t write it for a long time because I was lazy, because I hadn’t finished reading the materials, and because it was still early to start the book, until it was put on the shelves. As mentioned in my remarks, I gave Qidian a few book titles and let them choose. Their choices will determine Lumian’s second path and the direction of some stories.

They chose "The Ring of Fate". I looked at it and said, "The Ring of Fate..." I touched my chin. The first part could add the element of cycle. The before-and-after comparison of certain things is also symbolic, and more Multiple elements can effectively improve readability.

At this point, the idea was completely finalized, and the first thing I wrote was not what everyone sees now, but the story that happened on the real timeline, including every important detail.

I named it "solid line".

Once you have the solid lines, you need to extract the key plots and details, and then combine them with elements such as dreams and cycles to compile the overt story, which is the "explicit line".

In this process, sometimes the key plots are symbolized and metaphorized first, and then put into the story, and Aurore's plot and Lumian's imagination are used to eliminate the incongruous parts. There is a clear story first, and then we consider which real-life plot to include and how to symbolize it. In short, it is a process of bringing both ends together.

After completing this, there is the next step of marking the writing points to note.

What does that mean? That is to say, the writing points of certain characters and certain stories. For example, the three investigators’ annotations are normal writing, and Aurore’s annotations are “Lumian’s beautifying impression, the repeated presentation of deep memories, and the emphasis on some details in the bridge. Healing and sewing, abnormal behavior will definitely show up, and the subsequent cycles will be more realistic and have some self-thinking", etc., etc.

In the outline that was later submitted to Qidian for review, I deleted all "solid lines" and all metaphorical explanations, leaving only "bright lines". I didn't want anyone to know the answer before I finished telling my story. , not even editing.

Once you think these things through, it’s time to start writing.

Many readers often have a question, is it possible to have such a perfect outline and just follow it in the future?

The answer is impossible, inspiration can come at any time, and sometimes if you don’t write about a certain plot, you won’t be able to find a better way to deal with it later.

An example is writing about the world beyond, when siblings Aurore and Lumian faced many undead.

On the one hand, I put the key point of Aurore pushing Lumian away in a relatively simple symbolic form, and on the other hand, I considered how to fill in the remaining content and details.

Obviously, in the "solid line", Aurore only said the words "My, notes", so more dialogue details and story development need to be imagined by Lumian himself and find inspiration from Aurore. .

After repeated consideration, I finally decided to improve the plot in a more two-dimensional and more ridiculous way. At the time, I thought that this could well reflect that it was a dream, and part of the plot came from this.

But I also know that this will definitely make many readers uncomfortable. After all, it is really different from the overall style of painting, and it is too old to be sentimental.

I thought about it again and again, but due to time constraints, I really couldn't think of a better way to deal with it, so I could only write it like this. However, while thinking about it, I felt that it could end with an echo!

In this way, firstly, it can further show the essence of the dream mixed with the plot, and secondly, when it is echoed the second time, there will be the foreshadowing, the uncomfortable memory, and the affectionate words of the bystanders. If the evaluation is not true enough, I can turn this ancient romance or two-dimensional dialogue into a sharp knife, precise and moving.

It’s not the dialogue that’s outdated, it’s how you use it.

In other words, when I wrote about the other side of the world, I really had the ending of the first Nightmare.

There are two endings that were initially expected but abandoned: one is that after Lumian escaped, he slept in another mountain pasture and once again dreamed of Kordu Village, Aurore, and his friends. The village of Kordu in the dream is so peaceful and peaceful, which is based on the title Dream Demon.

The second is to cut the camera directly to the Trier bar. Lumian once again told the story, "I am a loser. I hardly pay attention to whether the sun is bright or not..." This shows a cycle and fate. structural beauty.

Yes, the first sentence at the beginning of the story compiled by Lumian is also the first sentence at the beginning of the first part of Fate. It is a highly refined version of the "Dream Demon", a tie-up and a total inspiration.

Since the entire first part is playing with symbols and metaphors, how could the story told by Lumian and the story at the beginning of the book be missing?

According to Lumian's character, this story must be eight parts false and two parts true, and the true part is more of a symbolic presentation, hiding the core clues.

Everyone, I used the story compiled by Lumian to tell you at the beginning what the first part will be like. This is its symbolic meaning.

The above are the creative ideas, writing summary and satisfactory parts of the first part. There are definitely shortcomings: First, the knowledge about ritual magic in the first part is placed in the plot acceleration stage, which has a certain impact on the overall rhythm. In fact, I should adjust the order and tell them before the cycle of the story begins to get intense, or spread it out a little and use flashbacks and interludes to spread that part to the following places.

The second is between exploring the underground of the church and Lumian hunting the flame monster. Because the clues in the early stages have been temporarily used up, and the abnormalities have not yet appeared later, the plot is in a relatively weak state. This is when I first set up the outline. Unexpectedly, when you get there, you really need to slow down, but not for that long. Moreover, the entire dream ruins are mainly single-player hunting and exploration areas. It is obviously not attractive enough to take the lead alone.

But there were indeed some threads being laid out at that time, and there were some short stories that needed to be told to make the overall structure more perfect, so I suppressed my impatience and finished it bit by bit. Of course, I definitely deleted some content to obviously speed up the pace. This point, before I commented and gave feedback, I felt that it had been completed. After all, the manuscript was saved at that time. So, after seeing everyone’s comments, I laughed secretly. I have made all the adjustments and prepared to face the strong wind. On the other hand, I On the other hand, I am fortunate that as a creator, my writing experience has not deteriorated and is consistent with the readers.

The third is the misplacement of expectations. I expected that the first part of Fate is an introduction and the key to the subsequent story. It has its own structure, but the clues have to be revealed one by one in the subsequent chapters. What many readers are looking forward to is Like the first part of The Mystery, there is no problem in having a complete ending and a powerful enough climax, but I can’t think of how to use symbols and metaphors while hinting at the pitfalls that people have to fill in later.

The fourth is the creation of characters. This is part of the sacrifice for the overall concept of the first part. It can only be slowly outlined and supplemented in the future. Of course, the part of the "filling in" I expected may not be the same as what everyone thinks, and it may be more. crazy? perhaps.

The fifth is the issue of early upgrades. I should put the fact that as the end is approaching, the negative impact of low-sequence potions will be significantly reduced. In this case, Lumian’s rapid improvement at low-sequences will not be too inconsistent. I don’t have a real sense of it. After all, it has been several years since I finished writing the secret. Not everyone can remember some of the details behind it. By the time I realized this, Lumian had already become the "provocateur", so I could only quickly borrow Aurore's Talk about it orally and make up for it.

Tomorrow, I'll get the character cards for Aurore, Mrs. Poialis, the curate, and the official trio.

After talking about this, I asked for leave as usual, because I need to improve the outline of the second part and adjust the rest. I will take three and a half days off. On the 28th, which is Friday at 12:30 noon, I will update the first chapter of the second part.

For the second part, I thought about it a lot and chose a used volume title because it was so suitable that I couldn’t find a replacement.

Part Two, "Light Chaser" - Remember, you are dust and you will return to dust.

This one is also a smaller chapter. You can’t compare it to the Faceless Man chapter. It should only be about a hundred chapters long, not much longer than “The Dream Demon”.

Of course, there will also be large-scale chapters in the follow-up, which all depend on the theme, structure and function of each part.

Finally, I would like to thank my friends LIVY37 for rewarding Silver League again.

Finally, please give me a monthly ticket!

Well, I would like to recommend one last book: Liu Xia's new book "Above the Galaxy".

Tang Bandit, a young refugee who walked out of the ruins, walked step by step to the top of the starry sky with a pair of skillful hands and a good-looking face, an inexplicable responsibility and an oath to never fail.

If God no longer shows mercy, let us light a bonfire, shoulder a sword, and become a withered skeleton, or a legendary hero.

To be honest, the homophony of the main character's name made me uncomfortable, but the book is still a good book.

By the way, I am away from home, so the summary has not been modified. I apologize for the many typos and wrong sentences. Please give me your monthly vote again~

To read the latest chapter of Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Fate, please pay attention to the Knight Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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