At ten o'clock in the evening, on the way back to the "Golden Rooster Hotel" from Market Avenue.

Louis, the gangster who had followed Baron Brignelle before, accompanied Lumian as he turned from the main road, which was filled with yellowish lights, into the side streets where darkness dominated.

What do you mean by this? Are you still looking forward to a fight between the two sides?

Louis felt more and more that Charles was a dangerous guy, with a love of strife flowing in his body.

He believed that with the character traits and behavior shown by Charles, he would inevitably cause trouble for Sava in the future. Time and time again, the market, which was already tense due to the rapid rise of the Stinger Gang, would definitely become more turbulent.

As a senior gang member, Louis has always upheld the belief that if you can bully ordinary people, don't kill them. After all, everyone only lives once. He has witnessed several of his companions die in gang wars and police chases. Their families were able to receive some care at first, but as time went by, the situation became more and more miserable.

Of course, if he really can't escape, he will not lack that fierceness. Each of the gangsters who can follow Baron Brignier grew up in street fights and alley fights, and their brains may not necessarily be flexible. , His skill and courage are definitely not weak.

Louis exhaled slowly, you have shown enough strength to protect the Golden Rooster Hotel, and the Stinger Gang did not want to make the matter bigger and be targeted by the police, so after the Baron paid Wilson's medical expenses, the matter was over.

"During this period, you have to be steady. If you really attract the attention of the police, you won't be able to withstand an in-depth investigation. I don't care. At worst, you can hide in another place before the official roundup of extraordinary people. You Stinger Gang will run away. The priest can't run away from the church." The baron asked me to tell you that since you live in the Golden Rooster Hotel, then it is under your control.

With members in our own territory, we have always "no longer provide daily expenses."

His subtext is that apart from the 1,000 ferkin, the Savoyard Party will not give you any more money in normal times, and you will find a way to obtain the necessary income from your own territory.

Lumian was stunned for a moment and replied amusedly.

Looking up at the old beige building, Lu Anmian suddenly had a strange and absurd feeling, this is my place!

Everyone who lives in such a shabby place is a poor man. How can he pay the protection fee?

Forget it, it’s a good thing they don’t cause me trouble like Charlie, there’s no money to be made from them!

Silently, Lumian bid farewell to Louis and walked into the hotel. Having already had two glasses of wine, he did not intend to go to the basement bar again and returned all the way to room 207.

No one has been here before, and I read Aurore's witchcraft notes for a while. Lumian heard familiar footsteps, followed by Dongdongdong's knock on the door.

"Can you believe it? I'm about to have a new job! I went to White Coat Street in the evening. I invited the waiters to drink, and they introduced me to a hotel manager. He told me that they were short of several waiters. Officially The waiter!"

If that manager found out that you were in love with a female hotel guest who was involved in a murder and had just been released, would he still test you? "Lumian struck the opponent.

Charlie's smile suddenly became stiff. He softened the muscles on his face. Charlie smiled and said, will you stop her from leaving the street?

Will you stop her from leaving the streets?

"If you let her continue to be a stand-up girl, how much should she pay you each time, and how often?"

Lumian chuckled and said: "What she likes to do has nothing to do with me. I have plenty of ways to make money." "I knew it!

Praise the sun, praise Saint-Vieve! "Charlie is so excited. The first time I saw you in the bar, I knew you were a smart and capable gentleman!"

Do you rely on Guayi's judgment? Lumian mocked.

Charlie said with a smile: "That's one thing." He immediately waved his hand, "I told Miss Yin Sangsi the news. After running a few steps, Charlie stopped, turned around and asked unusually cautiously: Will the Stinger Gang still be here? Come again?

"Baron Brignier has reached an agreement with them. The Golden Rooster Hotel is really the territory of the Savoy party," Lumian replied casually, "and I am the one in charge here." Charlie's happiness was beyond words.

By juxtaposing me with the Eternal Sun, Saint-Vier, are you afraid that I won't die quickly enough?

Lumian shook his head with a chuckle and returned to the room to continue studying Aurore's witchcraft notes.

Outside rooms 106 and 408, Charlie knocked on the wooden door.

Yin Sangsi suddenly remembered what happened in the evening, hesitated and said, "Are you sure?" Charles, the man who threw Wilson downstairs? Yin Sangsi's eyes moved, as if she came to life from the puppet state: "The Stinger Gang was really driven away?

"Really!" Charlie nodded vigorously.

Yin Sangsi was stunned for a few seconds, then gritted her teeth and cursed: That son of a bitch, that rotten-assed coward, finally get out!

Yin Sangsi was completely stunned. In her opinion, none of the gang members are good people, they are all bastards who deserve to go to hell. This is the saying: "Do whatever you love."

After Charlie left, she returned to the room and quickly changed into a nice lady's shirt and light-colored trousers.

Then she opened the mattress of the bed and took out a stack of 2,000 Filkin bills from inside. Yin Sangsi stuffed all the bills into her pocket. Shen Ling took out most of it for a few seconds and hid it back in its original place.

She took the remaining 40 Filkin with her, closed the door, and walked down the stairs. Soon she walked out of the gate of the Golden Rooster Hotel and entered the chaotic street.

There was only one gas street lamp burning far away on this street, which was dyed crimson. Under the moonlight night, many drunk people were walking on the road, sometimes shouting, sometimes singing, and sometimes conflicts broke out.

Yin Sangsi shrank away from the wine and walked along the shadows of the street toward the exit of Chaos Street.

During this process, a picture emerged in her mind of the last time she tried to escape and was caught in the street by the Stinger Gang! She couldn't help but tremble when she recalled that brutal beating. Yin Sangsi walked slower and slower, as if the Stinger Gang was ambushing in front.

Finally, she arrived at the chaos street exit. I saw the wide main road outside.

Yin Sangsi stared blankly at the scene that was beyond her reach before. There is a feeling that I am dreaming which is not real enough. She subconsciously took another step, walking faster and faster, in the dark night, under the crimson moonlight.

Not long after, she walked to the nearest bus stop. She still remembered that this was where she got off the public carriage on the first day she came to Trier, and now she was finally back here.

There were no public carriages running late at night, but Yin Sangsi didn't care at all. She looked at the street ahead, at the dark postal letter, and at the sign with the carriage route. The eye sockets gradually turned red.

Suddenly, Yin Sangsi turned around and started running. She wants to go back to the Golden Rooster Clan Club to collect her luggage and wait until dawn to really leave!

Yin Sangsi ran faster and faster, feeling the wind blowing on her face, which was cool and wet.

Her vision became a little blurry, and she seemed to see her past self in her eyes.

Yin Sangsi, who came to Trier with dreams and enthusiasm, was standing in front of her under the streetlight, gently waving her hand to catch up.

In front of room 207 of the Golden Rooster Hotel, Yin Sangsi wiped the corners of her eyes. Knocked on the door.

Lumian opened the wooden door and glanced at her. Is there anything wrong with Yin Sangsi? "

Yin Sangsi asked with a slightly hoarse voice: "Why do you want to help me leave?

Lumian smiled, why should I help you? Is there anything you can do for me to help? You’re not pretty and you don’t have much money. "

Yin Sangsi's words of gratitude were instantly choked back.

She didn't even know how she left the second floor. She seemed to be dreaming when she was packing her luggage. Looking at her figure disappearing at the top of the stairs, Lumian chuckled. I'm not helping you, I'm just not used to fate. mocking. "We are all people who have been mocked by fate, but I overestimated my ability and wanted to challenge and resist until death came to end it all. At this moment, Lumian felt that his "provocateur" potion had been digested a little more.

Although there is still a long way to go before he is completely digested, and it still takes time to polish, it means that he has adapted to the "Provocateur" potion, his condition has stabilized, and he can consider smoking.

He took the power of the seal from his body and obtained the "Monk's Gift". Judging from the name, it should be able to make up for his lack of mystical skills!

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