Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 50 Different Styles of Plans

Lumian stood in front of the iron cabinet, lost in thought.

It's only been a few days since the "Art of Prophecy" was mentioned. He definitely hopes to become a "contracted person" and obtain three more unique abilities. www.youxs.org That way, he will be more confident. .

Otherwise, if you rely solely on the "arsonist", even if Franka has become the "Pleasure Witch", www.youxs.org, if you want to surround and kill the priest with very strange abilities, the probability of success will not be too great. You may be able to win. Win, but there is almost no hope of catching the opponent without attrition in the team, unless Mr. K’s fingers are used to involve the divine envoy of the "Aurora Society".

www.youxs.org, if he has other allies, a few recipients or extraordinary people as his subordinates, and he is stronger than when he left Kordu Village, even if Mr. K is included, the action cannot be called safe.

What Lumian hopes is to locate the priest, set up a trap and fish him out. That would be much easier, but this requires Lumian to be strong enough, otherwise the "fishing" behavior will be very dangerous.


Looking at the thick information on creatures in the spiritual world, Lumian's thoughts started to spin, and he thought about any way to find a suitable contract partner in a short time:

"Set a time point, how much can you see, and then choose from what you have already seen?

"I'm not willing to give in. This will miss the truly suitable one...

“You have to accept reality even if you don’t want to be unwilling. Nothing can be perfect, and you have to know how to face your shortcomings.

"Raised by sows, it's not time to accept reality yet! First website

"Next week, we will only confirm the whereabouts of our priest and take no action for the time being. Wait until I have read the information and then formulate a detailed plan?

"There will be almost a month in between, and the probability of an accident is very high...

"Well, the Knowledge Rabbit seems to have the ability to read knowledge and refine key points. Can you summon one to help me read the information and extract the key words of each spiritual world creature, just like when I wrote the report letter before? Then I will use the key words Words, targeted and detailed study of corresponding spiritual creatures...

"It is a spiritual creature in itself. If it comes into contact with this knowledge, it will definitely be less affected than me and it will last longer..."

Lumian gradually became excited, and the more he thought about it, the more he thought it was feasible to ask the "Rabbit of Knowledge" to read the materials and write a "briefing report" on his behalf.

He quickly perfected the corresponding plan:

"That rabbit has a bad mind and is stupid. I have to design a form in advance, listing the page number, strength, friendliness, ability summary, characteristics and key points, etc., and let it fill it in according to the steps and order.

"It's a pity that one person can only summon one Rabbit of Knowledge at a time. Otherwise, if we get more than ten or twenty of them, we can complete the briefing on the situation of creatures in the spiritual world before dawn..."

"A person can only summon one, but what about more than one person?

“I can definitely let Franka, www.youxs.org!


"Well... Rabbit can quickly flip through it, extract key points, and fill out a briefing. Humans can also do it. Franka, Jenna, and Anthony can all help browse the information and quickly extract keywords according to the table columns.

"I give knowledge, they give labor, spirituality and time!"

Lumian's eyes were getting brighter and brighter, and he felt that if he continued with this plan, even including the time to rest frequently to restore his mental state and the time to re-summon the "Rabbit of Knowledge", he should be able to create the "Spirit" within twelve hours. Briefing on World Biology.”

When the time comes, he will browse through the briefings that will not affect his spirit, select the twenty or thirty that he feels are suitable, read the original materials in a targeted manner, and make the final decision.

The only problem now is that the information on these spiritual world creatures was given by Ms. "Magician" and was not exchanged for Lumian's contribution or money. He felt that before "sharing" it with others, he must obtain the information from the Major Arcana. license holder’s consent.

This is basic respect.

Lumian did not delay and quickly wrote a letter to inquire about the matter and elaborated on his ideas and plans.

Soon, Ms. "Magician" responded:

"I don't know how to describe your idea at the moment. Maybe you are really suitable for this kind of thinking.

"You can share that knowledge with them, but they need to be reminded that it is best to ignore spiritual creatures that are described as powerful or dangerous. It doesn't matter to you. After all, you have the seal of Mr. Fool, which is like a Warning signs that can affect the spirit world make some people afraid to act rashly, but others have no such protection.

"Actually, there is a simpler and less troublesome way:

"You go to the Two of Cups with the information, spread them in every corner of the room, and then ask the Two of Cups to recite the divination sentence repeatedly and throw out three tarot cards or three coins.

"You choose which spirit world creature they fall on on which page of information. Even if this is not the most suitable for you, it is a relatively suitable option that may be useful on some occasion in the future."

Hiss, this method is amazing! Ms. "Magician" is really good at divination, and her style is completely different from mine...

Lumian had never thought about divination just now.


After thinking about it, he decided to follow his own plan, because the answers selected by divination always made him feel light and unreal, and he was subconsciously unwilling to rely on them.

Those selected by his own mind and ability will make him more certain and convinced.

Unless there is no other way, Lumian still hopes to "browse" the information before making a choice.

He burned Ms. "Magician"'s reply letter and carefully drew the form. He only made five copies for the time being.

Immediately afterwards, he set up an altar and tried to see if he could summon the "Rabbit of Knowledge" more accurately.

For this purpose, the summoning spell he designed is:

"A rabbit-shaped spirit that wanders in illusion, a friendly creature that can communicate, a weakling who pursues knowledge."

Lumian did not include the name "Rabbit of Knowledge" because this is a human name for that creature, not their true, mystical name.

After deliberation several times, Lumian lit the only candle and started the summons in his own name.

As the spell ended, the candle turned dim green and expanded to the size of a human head.

A dull-looking, rabbit-like transparent creature walked out of the dim green candlelight.

Seeing that the ceremony was successful, Lumian secretly breathed a sigh of relief and asked experiencedly:

"I want to share your knowledge, but I need your help extracting the key points and filling out the form."

The rabbit's eyes suddenly lit up, and he asked in Lumian's voice and Trier-flavored Intis: "Where is the knowledge?"

This was the first time Lumian heard this creature speak, but he didn't expect it to choose to imitate his own accent and pronunciation.


Lumian opened the iron cabinet, took out a stack of information on spiritual creatures that he had not read yet, pointed to the table on the table, and told him what needed to be done and what precautions he should take in the same way as he would treat someone with a low IQ. Tiao told the rabbit.

The rabbit's long ears gradually drooped, and he memorized for a while before slowly nodding.

It sat on Lumian's chair and flipped through the information with its eyes radiating real light.

Lumian stood next to it and found that although it was reluctant to part with it, it still took out the paper marked with words such as "powerful" and "dangerous", put it aside, and filled out the form more accurately.

Although my brain is not very good, I still have no problem doing this kind of repetitive work... Compared to myself, the speed is at least twice as fast... Lumian nodded with satisfaction, lay down on the bed, and prepared to work while the "Rabbit of Knowledge" was busy Use the time to close your eyes and rest your mind to relieve fatigue.

I don't know how long it took, but he suddenly had a premonition of danger and quickly turned over and sat up.

He saw that the transparent rabbit had grown to two meters tall, constantly flipping through information and refining it.

"Stop!" Lumian didn't understand what was happening, and instinctively stopped the other party from continuing to access the knowledge.

The rabbit turned his head abruptly, his eyes turning scarlet.

After it looked at Lumian for several seconds, it still stopped working despite its reluctance.

Lumian thought for a moment and roughly guessed why there was such a change:

As a creature in the spiritual world, the "Rabbit of Knowledge" will also be affected by that knowledge, but to a relatively lesser extent. However, unlike normal humans, it has low intelligence and does not know how to stop and rest after an abnormality occurs, unless it will directly harm the person. its life.

As it continues to accumulate, it inevitably undergoes a certain amount of alienation.

Huh, it’s useful. A bad brain is a big problem... Lumian ended the summons and let the "Rabbit of Knowledge" return to the spirit world and slowly recover.

He also briefly washed himself and lay down on the bed, ready to rest.


While he was drowsy, Lumian remembered something and woke up suddenly. He summoned a "Rabbit of Knowledge" and copied a hundred copies of the form he designed.

After doing this, he really relaxed and fell asleep.

The next morning, an energetic Lumian went straight to Luan Street, www.youxs.org, and asked the information dealer if he was willing to help.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the Golden Rooster Hotel, he saw a figure walking out of the side alley.

It was Baron Brignel, who was wearing a half-high silk top hat, a black formal suit, and holding a mahogany-colored pipe.

"I said, I will come to you to thank you for helping me find Ludwig." Baron Brignel smiled and explained, "I didn't expect you to be neither at the Breeze Ballroom nor the Golden Rooster Hotel."

Thank me? Then help me read the information and write a briefing! Lumian muttered subconsciously and gave up the idea.

www.youxs.org, Baron Brignel is not only a member of the Savoy Party, but his background also seems to be somewhat problematic. It is best not to let him find out that his relationship with Franka is not just dependent on Janna.

Lumian laughed: "The night is very beautiful, what's the point of always staying in your own room?

"How do you want to thank me?"

Baron Brignel did not answer directly, but instead said:

"I may not have mentioned that I converted to the God of Knowledge and Wisdom a few years ago."

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