[Caesar has advanced to: World Barrier (God)]

[Caesar has earned Class Mastery: Resonance - When you take damage, you can choose to share the damage among nearby buildings, regardless of faction.] (This ability is available to all Guardians in your legion)]

[Caesar has gained Class Mastery: Crystallization - Provides additional defense to your faction's buildings, equal to your own defense (after all defense calculations). 】

[Caesar has gained Class Specialization: Unbroken Barriers - When you are shattered by an attack, this attack will no longer be able to shatter your shield.] 】

[The Guardian of the Sigh is treated as both your shield and your building]

[Caesar has obtained the class-exclusive skill - Absolute Taunt (Passive) (can be switched on): When activated, within a radius of 100 kilometers, no matter what state the enemy's attack was in, it will attack you. 】

"I'm finally done. "

Caesar's advanced needs also need to absorb magical energy.

In fact, these eternal-level attendants, every time they advance, need to absorb magical energy.

Caesar's absorption rate is somewhat slow.

Not as fast as Beyana.

It may also be because Beyana is a magician, and she is good at absorbing free elements in the air.

He also has experience in absorbing magical energy.

It took Caesar twice as long for Beyana to absorb it.

"This time, is it the protection of the building? "

These true god inheritances are indeed very comprehensive.

Beyana is a mage of all types and is proficient in all types of abilities.

Caesar, on the other hand, will learn all aspects of defense.

Although, Lu Cang believes that this is not much necessary.

After all, all your buildings are 100,000 times more durable.

Coupled with the protection of sighs, if others can really get in.

It's really dangerous for you.

However, it is also a necessary way to go.

Sometimes, the advance in the front is the foreshadowing of the advance in the back.

Most importantly, this bonus can be added to Caesar's [Guardian of Sighs].

Gives Caesar more protection.

[Taunts hypermythical creatures and survives their attacks for more than ten minutes.] 】

"This condition is too simple, isn't it?"

Although Qiming said that it was related to super-mythical creatures.

But no specific answer was given.

However, Lu Cang also understood that even if Qiming was at the eternal level, there were certain restrictions.

Although it is possible to know the answer to all questions.

But there are still three major limitations.

One is that you can't know the knowledge of uniqueness.

and, inherited knowledge.

Uniqueness is always uniqueness.

It's the same with knowledge.

Can't be known by a second person.

Unless, there is a transmission mechanism for this knowledge.

It can be known by those who are allowed by the master of knowledge.

But it cannot be taught to others without permission.

To put it simply, it is the secret of the Eagle Courtyard.

Or rather, the method of improving the qualification of the lord of the red and iron blood.

This kind of academy has inherited secrets that have not been cracked for decades.

It must be unique and inheritable knowledge.

It can only be digested internally.

In the long years, countless lords have been killed in battle.

But none of these secrets have been circulated.

It's not that there is no means of mind reading.

It's not that there are no means to create hallucinations.

But without exception, all failed.

This knowledge, even if it is forced to speak.

It cannot be recorded, nor can it be memorized, recorded in the minds of non-permitted players.

One of the limitations of enlightenment is access to this knowledge.

Uniqueness, which can only specify the object of inheritance, or specify the knowledge of the object of disclosure.

The second limitation is some special answers.

Answers that change as long as they are known to the masses.

Qiming can only be seen by one person, but if it is made public, the answer to the question will change.

Of course, this is similar to the butterfly effect, but not the same.

It's like Qiming seeing a place with treasures.

But if you tell the whole world, the people of the world will flock to it, and the treasure will be discovered by others.

It's just that this kind of special answer, which will change, is more thorough than the butterfly effect.

Just being seen, change.

This change is fundamental.

It's like a butterfly that, when you see it, turns into a tree.

After that, it's all a tree, but when a second person observes it, it changes again and may become a stone.

Therefore, this kind of answer, even if you see it, you can't tell anyone else.

Otherwise, it will change.

At best, it can be described in vague language.

In the third case, the law of cause and effect cannot be violated.

It can be said in the future, but try to conform to the law of cause and effect.

Otherwise, something bad will happen.

As for what exactly will happen, not necessarily.

This kind of bad thing may not be manifested in a specific way.

But it's best not to go against it.

For example, there is a causal relationship in one answer.

In order to get a string of numbers.

You must kill a monster and cut open its head to get the number written in its skull.

But through Qiming, he directly saw the result of killing that monster.

Saw the numbers in its skull.

That way, there's no need for the monster to be killed.

But if you don't kill that monster, this future that is seen will not happen.

Among them, there is a cause for killing monsters, so that you can get the result of seeing the numbers.

But if you get the effect, don't create the cause.

That violates the law of cause and effect.

So even if you know the number answer, you still have to kill the monster, look at his skull, and the process must go through it.

Of course, in fact, this kind of answer can be given by asking Qiming directly, and Qiming can give it.

In general, no kills are required.

That's just the basic answer.

However, the way to know the answer is not the same, the consequences of it.

One is to get the answer by looking at the future, violating the law of cause and effect, and having to proceed with the future as seen.

One is to get the answer directly, which is like losing a reconnaissance technique, which has nothing to do with watching the future, and there are no side effects.

All get answers, but the severity of the questions varies.

Most of the time, Qiming told Lu Cang the answer in the future by avoiding the important and trivial.

These are the three major limitations of enlightenment.

These limitations are not limitations of the ability itself.

Rather, it is the nature of those events and knowledge itself.

Uniqueness can be seen, but you can't remember what you see.

The changing answer, like quantum mechanics, can be observed, but it will change when observed, and even if it is said, it is not accurate.

And the future of the law of cause and effect, you can see, see and say the answer, but you must go through the process.

In the final analysis, there is actually no conflict with natural ability, and it is completely under the general description of talent, everything can be known.

If you want to know, you can know it completely, but you can't say it, or there are certain restrictions on saying it.

For Caesar's advanced condition reason.

It is also because of the second limitation, observing changes.

The inheritance of the true god cannot be completely predicted.

After the prediction, there will be a slight change.

Therefore, Qiming did not fully predict all the conditions for advancement.

However, after coming out of Merlin's Gate, Qiming didn't know if he could ignore these three restrictions. "

After thinking about it, Lu Cang shook his head again.

It's a bit harder indeed.

These three restrictions are actually the embodiment of the three root rules.

The rule of uniqueness, the rule of chaotic future, the law of cause and effect.

"The time predicted by Qiming is also approaching. "

At this time, those lords of the red and iron blood should have prepared to launch an attack on their territory.

Destroy all your defenses with the Blade of Eresnu, which can break through all defenses.

For this prop, Lu Cang is also very greedy.

A blade that can break through all defenses.

This is the invincible weapon of the Red Iron War.

"Wait until you have taken their Eresnu Blade, and then let Caesar advance. "

"Once the crisis is resolved, Caesar and Beyana can complete the advanced quest at the same time. "

"After that, they will be able to break the limit of level eighty together and reach level one hundred......"

"Light the fire. "

There was a trace of excitement in Lu Cang's eyes.

What about surviving in this world for decades?

It only takes me one day to ignite the divine fire.

After that, crusade against Crimson Iron.

First, it is revenge.

Second, it is the secret that can seize the red and iron blood.

As long as the Iron Blood God King is killed, the knowledge of uniqueness will no longer be unique.

You can learn how to improve the qualifications of the lord himself.

Let yourself get a rank increase.

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