Lord of the People: My Talent is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 695 The crumbling Kongqing Town (Part 1)

Chapter 696 The crumbling Kongqing Town (Part 1)

Under two blood moons, in Kongqing Town shrouded in black mist, thick smoke billowed and fires rose everywhere.

However, no matter how ferocious the flames were, they could not penetrate the thick black mist. Just like the soldiers and civilians trapped in the city, they were just struggling in vain.

The whole city was filled with the smell of death and blood, and everything was in a mess.

The once prosperous and lively scene was like those flowers that withered under the air of death. Only the withered roots and rotten leaves were left, still struggling to support themselves.

On the empty streets, you can sometimes see white figures wandering in groups.

The clumsy movements, hollow eye sockets, yellowed teeth, or exposed body covered in mud or wearing broken armor, just looking at it from a distance can make people feel afraid.

Especially the clattering sound of the soldiers' bones dragging their blood-stained weapons against the ground was as harsh as an alternative funeral song and made people's hearts tremble.

From time to time, bone-piercing screams can be heard echoing in some dark alleys.

When everything stopped, the new undead warriors, surrounded by black mist, wandered out under the leadership of the old undead warriors and began to look for the next target.

Under the shadow, on the path walked by the undead warriors, one can still clearly see the bright red footprints that have not yet dried, which is shocking and shocking.

On both sides of the block, the doors of all the houses were closed.

Figures huddled in the corners of the house, either trembling or huddled together, not daring to make the slightest sound for fear that they would be the next target of attack.

But near the important facilities throughout the city, there is a completely different scene.

Around the Chengnan Treatment Center, the fierce and crisp sounds of weapons clashing, mixed with shouts of death and roars, resounded throughout the sky.

This treatment center is one of the urban infrastructures that Lei Xiao spent a lot of money to build after taking office.

It can be used for daily treatment by urban residents in peacetime, but can be quickly converted into a field hospital during wartime to ensure the survival rate of wounded soldiers as much as possible.

At this time, the fortress and arrow tower outside the treatment center had been completely occupied by skeleton soldiers. Only the last towering inner wall was left, which was still blocking the crazy attacks of the undead.

The thick wooden door on the inner wall had been burned to ashes in the fire.

Therefore, the remaining heavy infantrymen had no choice but to hold up thick heavy shields and block the door tightly, using their own flesh and blood to resist the ruthless impact of the skeleton warriors outside.

Facing the murderous and empty-eyed Senbai opponent outside the door, these heavy infantrymen gritted their teeth and put their body weight completely on the giant shield in their hands, without taking a step back.

This is already the last line of defense. If the opponent is allowed to break through here, the large number of wounded soldiers and innocent people in the treatment center will undoubtedly become dead souls under the opponent's sharp blade, and then break away from flesh and blood and join the opponent's camp.

By then, the bad situation in the entire city will be even more difficult to control.

This is something they will never allow to happen.

The city developed by the city lord must not be destroyed in the hands of the undead!

Although most of these skeleton warriors are wearing the same armor as them, and they were Paoze who fought with them not long ago, but only by completely crushing these skeleton warriors is the best way to comfort the deceased Paoze!

Behind the heavy infantry, all the trainee priests in the treatment center also stood up.

Due to the stalemate in the war, elite healing forces have been assigned to the four walls.

Therefore, only they, the interns, were left in the treatment center.

Under such a strong death aura, most of them were unable to cast even the most basic holy light bullets, let alone complex buffing spells.

The help that can be provided is undoubtedly extremely limited, so we have to do our best to restore the superficial injuries of the soldiers in front.

"Brothers, for the Lord of the City, we will fight to the death!"

I saw a middle-aged heavy infantry squadron leader who was in command, charging against his shield, pushing a skeleton warrior who had just squeezed out of the human wall into the wall, and was crushed to pieces while roaring.

The silver-white heavy armor on the squadron leader's body had already been stained red by dried blood, his face was blackened by the flames of war, and the battle helmet on his head was thrown away.

However, while he was fighting hard, he didn't notice.

At some point, many skeleton soldiers began to climb on the towering wall.

Among them, the sharp blade in the hand of a skeleton soldier was already aimed at the weakest joint of the neck armor on his neck, and then he jumped down from the high wall.

Just when the skeleton soldier's sharp blade was about to penetrate the heavily armored captain's neck.

A sharp arrow whizzed past, directly smashing the sternum of the skeleton soldier who jumped in the air, and nailed him to the wall.

Not far away, a middle-aged commander holding a longbow and a group of soldiers rushed over from the back door of the treatment center and joined the defensive camp without stopping.

The person who came was none other than Os, one of the four garrison captains of Kongqing Town and Lei Xiao’s direct subordinate.

Not long ago, Os, who was responsible for defending the southern wall of Kongqing Town, discovered that the undead had spread all over the city, so he decisively led the remaining garrison soldiers and rushed here.

He clearly understood that there were thousands of wounded soldiers and civilians here. Once it was breached by the undead, the consequences would undoubtedly be disastrous.

"Captain Os!"

After seeing the person clearly, the middle-aged heavy infantry squadron leader immediately came up to him, caressed his chest and saluted: "Thank you, captain, for your help!"

"Mayne, now is not the time to be polite."

I saw Os's resolute face, which was already stained red by blood, and he said solemnly: "First resist these guys who are surrounded by death."

As soon as Os finished speaking, more skeleton warriors holding sharp blades jumped down from the high wall and rushed into the inner courtyard of the treatment center while shaking their mandibles.

At this point, the heavy infantry who were originally defending here and the garrison soldiers brought by Os quickly joined forces, shoulder to shoulder, and were immediately engaged in a melee with Senbai's opponents.

On the chaotic battlefield, although the offensive of the skeleton warriors was very fierce, they were not afraid of pain and could even maintain their fighting power even after their arms were cut off.

However, most of the remaining soldiers of Kongqing Town are experienced veterans, and their cooperation with each other is also very close. In addition, as a third-level powerhouse, Os's arrows are not missed, so he is not at a disadvantage. .

However, as the battle progressed, it didn't take long for the situation to quietly begin to change.

As more and more skeleton soldiers rushed into the inner courtyard of the treatment center, the fallen defensive soldiers soon got up unsteadily and rejoined the battle as enemies.

Under the double blow of being outnumbered and this strange and tragic scene, the morale of the remaining defensive soldiers quickly fell to the bottom.

As a result, more soldiers fell down screaming, and more opponents stood up staggeringly.

"Captain Os, what should I do now?!"

On the bloody battlefield, when he saw with his own eyes that Pao Ze, who had been fighting side by side just now, was now slashing the sharp blade at him, the heavy infantry captain Mayne was embarrassed to block with his giant shield while shouting.

Around him, there were less than a hundred remaining defenders and trainee priests, who were compressed in front of the door of the treatment center. And on all sides of them, there were black skeleton warriors!

Under the moonlit night, Zhang Sen's white and hollow skeletal face looked particularly frightening.

"Fight to the last moment, and we will shed the last drop of blood for your lord!"

Under the siege of many skeleton warriors, Os's leather armor had already been stained red with blood, and the long bow in his hand had been replaced by a long sword for melee combat.

Although the fourth-level fine leather armor given by Lei Xiao allowed Ao Si to survive many times.

But among the skeleton warriors around, many were Zeng Paoze who were wearing extraordinary equipment, and their equipment advantages had already been suppressed to a minimum.

"For the Lord! For Kongqing Town!"

Oss let out a hoarse war cry from his mouth filled with the smell of iron, and swung a sharp sword, cutting off the two skeleton warriors in front of him with their teeth and claws.

"For the Lord! For Kongqing Town!"

The remaining garrison soldiers, including Mayne, also gained the last courage from Os, and swung their swords to attack the nearest opponent.

At this moment, under the continuous high-intensity battles, the consciousness of these garrison soldiers, whose minds had already begun to grow, has gradually become blurred, and they just mechanically waved the sharp blades in their hands.

However, the figure of a tall and erect young man has always been clearly visible in everyone's mind, and has never lost a trace of color.

This figure is their persistence in fighting until this point, and it is also the last glimmer of light in their hearts.

"Lord, I hope you are well. Perhaps my subordinates can only accompany you till this point."

Just when Ao Si, who was covered with bruises and bruises, was like a candle in the wind, he might fall down at any time.

A miracle happened.

"The flaming truth!"

Just hearing a soft drink, monstrous flames instantly rose into the sky.

Immediately, many undead warriors who were madly besieging Os and others were all involved and turned into ashes.

But Orson and the others, who were only one step away from them, were unscathed, which was extremely miraculous.

In the blink of an eye, with the blazing flames sweeping across, only the bruised Ao Si and others were left in the inner courtyard of the huge treatment center.

When the flames dissipated, a group of figures with a rainbow-like momentum appeared one after another, blocking the way of Ao Si and others.

Needless to say, the people who came were none other than Lei Xiao, Hong Ye, Ye Cang, Ariel, Randall and others.

And the one who made a strong move just now was naturally Hongye, who was a fifth-level powerhouse.

"Lead...Lord Lord!"

Seeing Lei Xiao's figure, Ao Si and others, who had survived the disaster, suddenly had uncontrollable expressions of excitement on their faces, and they all cried with joy.

They never thought that the Lord would actually appear at this time and pull them out of the abyss of death!

"Os, and Mayne, you have worked hard, please leave this place to me for now."

Lei Xiao's eyes were gentle, and he motioned for Ye Cang and Faxia to come forward for treatment, while smiling and nodding to the two commanders.

"Black Fountain!"

"Prayer of the Moon!"

Along with the bursts of warm life force rippling out.

Lei Xiao had already rushed out with the rest of the strong men and began to clean up the other skeleton warriors around him.

After a short time, the surroundings of the entire treatment center completely returned to calm.

Time goes back to not long ago, after Lei Xiao and his party rushed straight into Kongqing Town shrouded in darkness.

The first place to go was the granary in the east of the city where Lin was located.

In addition to Lin, who was slightly injured, Vasong, another captain of the garrison in charge of the eastern city wall, also successfully made his way out of the siege.

As for Sean and other pterodactyl knights, they were supplying supplies in Kongqing Town when the Undead Realm occurred, and they were also involved somewhere in the city.

After that, through simple inquiries and surveys of the surrounding environment, Lei Xiao learned more.

The reason why Lin was able to talk to herself was because the east side of Kongqing City was a relatively sparse place in the undead realm and an area with fewer undead warriors.

The south, north, west, and central areas of the city where we are currently located are all places where the undead realm is relatively dense.

In other words, the location of the Formation Eye and the Nightmare Knight is obviously somewhere in these areas.

"Lord, my subordinates have carefully detected the area just now. This area is not where the formation eye is."

Lei Xiao had just returned to the inner courtyard of the treatment center, and Lina, who went to investigate, appeared in front of him.

"So, there are only three areas left: the north of the city, the west of the city, and the center of the city?"

After listening to Lina's report, Lei Xiao pondered and nodded.

In addition, what worries Lei Xiao even more is that there is still no news about the knotweed.

It stands to reason that with Knotweed's seemingly rough but delicate character, when something happens in the realm of the dead, he will definitely try his best to report it to himself.

And the reason why there has been no news about him is that he has obviously encountered some kind of difficulty.

"There are not many ways to trap a fifth-level powerhouse. It seems that Tiger Sticks probably encountered an unexpected opponent and was unable to escape in time."

Thinking of this, Lei Xiao's expression began to become more solemn.

If the tiger stick directly encountered the Nightmare Knight, it would be easier to say, but if it encountered other powerful enemies, the situation would undoubtedly be even worse.

"All in all, the top priority now is to figure out the location of the formation eye as soon as possible."

Thinking of this in his mind, Lei Xiao immediately told Xue Ya and Faxia, who was still undergoing treatment: "I'll leave this to you two, the others continue to follow me."

With the protection of two fourth-level powerhouses, even if a group of undead skeletons appear, it will be difficult to attack this important urban treatment center and add a large number of undead.

After finishing speaking, Lei Xiao nodded to Os and Mayne, told them to take good care of their injuries, and then rushed towards the depths of the black mist again.

It didn't take long for Lei Xiao and his group, who were chasing wind and lightning, to reach the central area of ​​the city. What awaited them there was an even worse situation.

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