"Congratulations, the world's first city is located in our Eastern Han District, which is a good thing for the entire civilized area."

Xue Yue from the Wolf Guild soon sent a message.

Huo An from the Protectorate of the Western Regions also immediately contacted Chu Tian: "Damn, I really didn't expect you to take the reward of the world's first city. The lord of Rome, because he had the famous ancient Roman general Scipio, had made great progress all the way. The city of Constantinople is about to become the first city in the world, but you are one step ahead. The two cities are only an hour apart. It is estimated that he will be so angry that he cannot sleep well for three days and three nights. What is the reward?"


Chutian responded slightly to these lords who had a good relationship.

There were also some lords trying to get in touch with Chutian, but Chutian didn't pay much attention to it.

People without friendship will curry favor with you only because of your strength.

On the third day, at the gate of Xiacheng City, a burly man walked in with a big bow on his back, looking very majestic.

The infantry guarding the city watched the strong man vigilantly.

The current Xiacheng has four gates in the shape of a square.

Because Xiacheng is the No. 1 city in the world, it is famous among players, and many free players come to Xiacheng to pay their respects, and even live in Xiacheng.

Cities are much safer than ordinary villages and towns, and the stronger the lord's city, the safer it is.

The vast majority of free players are still willing to stay in a safe city, and are reluctant to charge and take risks.

The brawny man with the big bow looked up at the tall tower, not hitting the players who were entering or leaving the city gate.

"Bastard, walking without eyes? If it wasn't for Xiacheng's ban on fighting, believe it or not, I have a knife..."

When the scolding player saw the strong man with a strong back, he was immediately speechless.

Looking at the opponent's figure, I can't beat him at all.

The strong man said, "Where is the lord's mansion?"

"Go straight ahead along the main road, and see the place where there are soldiers stationed, there is the lord's mansion..."

"Thank you."

A temporary wooden shed was set up outside the lord's mansion. Xia Xianliang brought a few officials from the lord's mansion to auction the house. The auction gathered hundreds of free players.

"The first-class houses in the second lane of the residential area in the east of the city start at 150 taels of silver, and the ordinary houses start at 30 taels..."

"Did you make a mistake, Xiacheng is only a small city, and the houses sold are more expensive than large cities!"

"You are driving up the price of land!"


Xia Xia Liang solemnly knocked on the wooden table with a small wooden hammer to quiet down all the players.

In order to help Chutian solve the second financial crisis of the deficient bank, she has racked her brains and came up with a method that is applicable to the whole world to speculate on land prices.

"We are the No. 1 city in the world, and the lord is the No. 1 lord in the Eastern Han District. The future of Xiacheng is bright. I can guarantee that the land price here will rise at least five or ten times in the future. You are too expensive now, please leave. ."

The cold words in the summer make this group of restless players silent.

Her analysis is also correct. As long as everyone crowds into Xiacheng, the land price in the core area of ​​Xiacheng will definitely double in the future.

A female player raised her hand: "I don't know I just want to farm well, where does he live? Is there a house close to his residence?"

Xia Xian Liang frowned: "No."

Another male player stood up: "Where do you live, girl? Maybe we can be neighbors."

Xia Xian Liang's face has gradually darkened: "come here, drive him out."

A team of Xuzhou light infantry expelled the male player who tried to molest Cao in Xiacheng.


Chu Tian could hear the noise outside in the lord's mansion.

Xia Xia Liang's proposal to auction the house was implemented after Chutian's approval.

Land sales will always be one of the important fiscal revenue.

When dealing with players, Fang Xuanling is really not as cool as Xia Xia, because the players' words are relatively new and they have to bargain.

"Today, a total of 350 houses were sold, with a total income of 17,536 taels of silver. In addition to the construction cost, there was a profit of more than 15,000 taels."

Xia Xia Liang reported the results to Chutian after today's auction ended.


The second financial crisis was resolved by auctioning houses.

"If we were just an ordinary small city, we might not make much money. But with the name of the world's No. 1 city, then I would dare to sell it at three times, five times, or even ten times the price. An ordinary piece of A stone is worthless, but if you put it at an auction and insist that it has a special meaning, it can also be worth thousands of dollars. Isn’t that why diamonds are precious?”

Chu Tian nodded after listening, and he inadvertently took an economics class instead.

Professionals are really different.

"Leave a batch of land and sell it later, just enough. The water will flow."

Chutian still retains a batch of land in the city for emergencies.

Xia Xia Liang nodded: "Well. In order to maintain land prices, we have to strictly crack down on illegal buildings..."

At this time, a guard from the lord's mansion came in and reported: "Lord lord, there is a person claiming to be Li Guang outside the lord's mansion who wants to see you. I wonder if it is the person you are waiting for?"

"Li... Li Guang..."

Both Chu Tian and Xia Xia Liang knew about Li Guang's reputation, but when they heard that it was Li Guang, their heads went blank.

"It turned out that the general recruited was Li Guang, so he should be a military general."

Chu Tian thought about it, Li Guang's commander-in-chief ability cannot exceed 95, so there is only one possibility, his force exceeds 95, so he is classified as an emperor-level general by the system.

"Speaking of Li Guang, in fact, he once served as the captain of Xiaoqi under Zhou Yafu. During the Seven Kingdoms Rebellion, he followed Zhou Yafu to fight, climbed the city wall first, and captured the rebel army's flag. In addition, he was also a sharpshooter who killed beasts and shot the Xiongnu. And the general, there is no doubt about the strength of the individual."

Chutian knew that Li Guang was a rare warrior.

Li Guang's commanding ability is definitely not as good as Wei Qing, Huo Qubing, and Zhou Yafu, but his personal force is still very strong, suitable for small-scale beheading operations or as guards.

It seems to be okay to have Li Guang and Zhou Yafu, who lacks force.

Zhou Yafu's troops lacked a strong general who could charge into battle, and Li Guang did indeed work under Zhou Yafu in history.

Xia Tianliang pondered: "But it is said that Li Guang's luck is not very good, and he often returns without success. Isn't it often said that Feng Tang is easy to be old, and Li Guang is difficult to seal?"

Chutian didn't care: "It's okay, my luck is very strong, maybe he can get some credit for following me. He lacks the ability to be a commander, but it is more than enough to be a pioneer or a county governor. Otherwise, the Xiongnu would not be called it. Flying general. Let Li Guang come in and see me. In the future, I will see who is better at archery, Li Guang or Huang Zhong."

Although it is not Wei Huo, but the five tigers released Li Guang of the level, and I don't know how many lords are rushing for it.

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