The following are additional explanations for the setting of this book:

1. Gameplay \u003e History. History, many details can be divided into a separate chapter, if the historical details are to be written in great detail and textual research, it is better to write historical articles, which will also affect the update speed. But I tried my best to write down the details I knew.

2. This book will involve thousands of heroes of all civilizations (kings, civil servants and generals, special characters), hundreds of forces (historical countries, princes, player lords), hundreds of arms (historical and fictional), various weapons and armors , the vast majority of tactics in the era of cold weapons will appear, so it is very brain-consuming.

3. The panels of popular heroes are falsely high (Is the king-level Hua Mulan not fragrant?), and the panels of small civilization heroes are falsely high (some civilizations have only a few heroes that can be drawn, if they are all given 70+ 4D, they will of players cannot play this game).

4. Natural technology is limited to death, only the items set by the game can be produced, and items cannot be invented. The technology is probably capped at the early stage guns or muskets (Wanli Korean War), and because it is a game, gunpowder has strict restrictions, and it may not be able to defeat cold weapons (such as high-quality longbow).

5. Regarding the achievement system, some book friends think that there is no sense of existence in the early stage. . Early stage achievements are difficult to achieve, and it depends on how you define early stage. For a novel of 1 million words, 300,000 words is the early stage. But for a novel of 3 million words, sorry, the first 1 million words is the early stage.

5. This book will not write about any part of reality, nor will there be any elements of reality. Stop asking cute questions like "What if a certain type of player wouldn't be more dominant in reality?" unless you want the book gone.

Regarding the update:

1. In the future, the two-in-one will become a 4000-word chapter.

2. There is one update at 12:00 noon and 12:00 pm.

3. 100 subscriptions, 100 monthly tickets, and 10,000 referral tickets will be added and updated, which will be permanently valid and limited to the starting point and ball reading.

4. There are a lot of manuscripts, and there will be no delay or arrears, and never ask for leave.

5. Don't compare the Big God Explosion with this book. . Adding more is a painful thing for the author. The income of adding dozens of chapters is equivalent to the income of one chapter of the Great God. The niche books will not become popular because of the addition. One more chapter and less are added every day. There is not much difference in the next chapter, it is better to go to the construction site to move bricks. .

6. However, on weekends, holidays, the beginning of the month, the end of the month, in a good mood, and rewards will be added. Sometimes it rains even more, so try your best.

Finally, thanks for editing Loach, otherwise it would not have been written until now.

There are fewer and fewer new books in the category of feudal lords, and this book has been rushed, and there should be fewer and fewer authors who dare to write this type in the future. I plan to continue writing, at least two or three million words. If the data is decent, I can write longer. Let's take a look and cherish it.

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