"We defeated 15,000 Taishan thieves with 3,000 recruits, beheaded more than 600, and took 1,300 prisoners. Taishan thief Wu Dun fled back to Jiqiu County. How did she do it..."

Chu Tian, ​​who was blocked in Zhanhun Town, received the battle report from Xiacheng and couldn't believe it.

He didn't expect the rear to take the initiative to attack at all, he only asked to stick to Xiacheng and wait for him to come back.

As a result, Xia Xia Liang, who stayed in Xiacheng, defeated Wu Dun who besieged Liangshan Town with 3,000 recruits, and became famous in Langya.

Although Wu Dun is not a famous general, he is one of the famous Taishan thieves, and he also brought 15,000 soldiers and horses.

You must know that Xia Xia Liang's career direction is Wenchen, and there is no bonus to the troops.

"People with good brains are first-class in everything they do, and they deserve to be Zhuge among girls."

Chu Tian can only think so.

Defeating the enemy with lime and fire horses, and setting up suspicious soldiers to interfere with the judgment of the enemy, even Chutian could not do better.

In any case, the two soldiers and horses that threatened Xia Cheng had already been defeated by Xia Xia Liang's ingenuity, and Xia Cheng faced a much smaller threat. This gave Chutian more time to conquer Yangdu County.

"Xueyue, you lead your troops to besiege Zhanhun Town, wait for me to break Xu Sheng's army, and then continue to attack."

Chutian knew how much pressure the rear was facing, and his speed was faster on his side.

Xue Yue left 10,000 people to monitor Qi Xiaobai and Wu Sangui, and Chu Tian took 15,000 people to attack the lords who came to reinforce them.

The Xiacheng forces use a limited number of troops to fight against enemies that are several times their own. In almost every battle, the weak will defeat the strong. The Anti-Chutian Alliance can afford to lose many times, but Chutian cannot afford to lose once.

Xu Sheng's army had already advanced to a place less than fifteen miles away from Zhanhun Town.

Xu Sheng knew that Chutian had at least two fierce generals. With the 5,000 people in his hands, they were not necessarily Chutian's opponents, so he did not continue to march, but waited for other reinforcements to arrive.

The troops of eight lords arrived one after another and merged with Xu Sheng's army to form an army of 29,000 people.

These lords learned that Xu Sheng was the general of the lord of Lingcheng in Ju County, so they made Xu Sheng the commander of the coalition army. Xu Sheng led the coalition to march south.

Xu Sheng judged that the army of 29,000 people was enough to threaten Chutian's retreat.

However, Chutian did not retreat, but took 15,000 people to face Xu Sheng's army.

This is a rare confrontation between Chutian and historical military generals. The opponent has more soldiers and horses, and it is not easy to be tricked.

The two armies met on the plain twelve miles away from Zhanhun Town and formed a formation.

Chutian was located in the south, with Zhou Yafu's Xiliu battalion and heavy infantry as the middle army, and Li Guang's Shesheng battalion as the back row.

Hua Mulan led the cavalry on the flanks.

Chutian had already ordered that Hua Mulan be prohibited from charging ahead in this battle. He only needed to give Hua Mulan an offensive and defensive bonus to the cavalry.

Fang Xuanling, who served as a military division, followed Chu Tian, ​​observed the battlefield, and offered advice at any time.

To the north is Xu Sheng's 29,000 people, also with infantry as the central army and cavalry as the flanks.

"The troops on the opposite side are twice as strong as us, and with Xu Sheng's command and bonus, this battle is not easy to fight."

Chu Tian felt a little nervous in his heart.

There were eight lords on the opposite side, and the lord of Lingcheng did not go there personally, but only sent Xu Sheng to command the troops.

"The other party is Chu Zimou, the first alien lord. He has several famous generals under his command, as well as high-level troops. We cannot take it lightly."

"No one should betray their allies. Before the war situation completely collapses, those who surrender or run away will not die."

This group of lords can persist until now, and they all know that betrayal of allies is a taboo.

Throughout the ages, there have been many instances of being betrayed by teammates.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sound of war drums sounded, and Chu Tianjun, who was on the weaker side, launched an attack on Xu Shengjun!

"As expected of the first lord, he is full of strong self-confidence in his generals and soldiers, and he dares to take the initiative to attack when his troops are half of ours."

The eight lords were uneasy, and the pressure brought by the first lord was beyond their imagination.

The reason why the first lord is the first lord is that there is a strong military behind it.

Xiliu Camp and Shesheng Camp advanced with ordinary bowmen.

"When the two armies meet, the brave one wins! Attack!"

Xu Sheng's army also launched an offensive!

The drums of the two armies were beating, and the momentum was earth-shattering!

This was the biggest official battle that took place in Langya Kingdom. 15,000 vs. 29,000!

The bows and crossbows were thrown from both sides, and the sharpshooters of the Shesheng Battalion showed their skills, and the sharp arrows they shot were both fast and ruthless! Xu Shengjun was almost killed by the light infantry and archers shot by the arrows thrown by the Shesheng Battalion!

The heavy infantry of Langya City was arranged by Zhou Yafu at the forefront. This group of heavy infantry wore heavy armor, held heavy shields, and launched a foot charge against the rain of arrows, and their footsteps were getting faster and faster!

Under the premise that the arrows from both sides killed each other, the front rows of the two troops finally collided!

The bright spear stabbed at each other, and the two sides fought close to each other!

Behind the heavy infantry in Langya City was the Xiliu Battalion. The Xiliu Battalion first used infantry crossbows to shoot the opposite infantry, and then used halberds to form a dense phalanx to join the melee battle.

Li Guang rode a war horse and held a longbow, constantly sniping at the opponent's generals.

An ordinary silver-level general who was commanding the army was shot by Li Guang and fell off his horse, causing everyone to panic.

The battlefield shouted and killed, and it was estimated that the battle could not be solved within a few hours.

The Xiliu Battalion and the Shesheng Battalion were ferocious, but after all, there were too many people on the other side, which could offset the advantage brought by a small number of elite soldiers in Xiacheng.

The enemy general is Xu Sheng, and it is difficult to defeat the morale of the opponent with the elite units.

"Order the cavalry to attack. The outcome of this battle will be decided by the cavalry."

Chu Tian had almost no reserves in his hands, and he pinned his hopes on the cavalry.

With Zhou Yafu, who is good at defense, stick to it, Chu Tian believes that Xu Sheng will have a hard time chewing on Zhou Yafu's hard bone.

Hua Mulan attacked the cavalry on the opposite side with more than 2,000 cavalry.

Xu Sheng's army has about 3,000 cavalry, and the commander of this cavalry is a gold-level cavalry general.

Gold-level generals are very rare, but the lords of this anti-Chutian alliance are not actually small and medium-sized lords, but big lords of other counties. It is not surprising to have a gold-level cavalry general.

Gold-level ordinary cavalry generals can already cause a lot of trouble to Shishi generals. After all, some historical military generals themselves are only at the level of gold, such as Mi Fang. It's just that the characteristics of historical military generals are more domineering.

The two cavalry teams clashed, and Xiacheng's light cavalry had the advantage of Hua Mulan's bonus.

The two sides broke out the largest cavalry battle in Langya country so far. The spear and the straight-edged knife collided. Every moment, the cavalry was killed, and the blood stained the Yi River!

Valuable cavalry and war horses are constantly being consumed in the war, and a success will be exhausted!

Hua Mulan was ordered by Chu Tian not to take the lead. Seeing the two sides fighting, she couldn't help herself, but she could only take down the longbow and shoot the other's cavalry generals.

The gold-level cavalry general held a spear and stabbed a Xiacheng cavalry.

Suddenly, his intuition made him dodge subconsciously, and an arrow hit Hongying on his helmet, almost hitting his head.

Another arrow shot, the cavalry general's horse was hit by the arrow, the horse stumbled, and the cavalry general was thrown out...

Behind the light cavalry led by Hua Mulan, an iron barrel-like heavy cavalry was ready.

"The will on the other side is very tenacious."

Xu Sheng used his longbow to shoot arrows at Zhou Yafu's army, and the iron arrows were blocked by the shields of the infantrymen of Xiliu Camp.

He realized that Zhou Yafu was a formidable enemy, and he had clearly been pressed by his superior forces, and even bent his bow to shoot arrows himself, but he was unable to break through Zhou Yafu's line of defense.

According to Xu Sheng's vision, this should be a rout, not a tug of war.

Zhou Yafu, relying on Xiliu Battalion and inferior troops, fought back and forth with Xu Sheng. The two sides fought for half an hour, and there was almost no change in the front line.

Chutian sent Zhou Yafu just to disgust Xu Sheng.

Unless the opponent has an absolute advantage, or is a better offensive general than Zhou Yafu, it is possible to defeat Zhou Yafu easily.

Otherwise, the opponent will be disgusted by Zhou Yafu, who is good at defense...

Zhou Yafu's troops have a 30% defense bonus, and Hua Mulan's 10% defense bonus to friendly troops. In addition, Zhou Yafu's troops are not prone to negative conditions such as confusion and morale drop.

In other words, if you want to defeat Zhou Yafu, you must confront Zhou Yafu head-on, and Zhou Yafu's army's defense is abnormally high... This is disgusting enough.

At least now Xu Sheng is very uncomfortable.

"General, our cavalry is defeated!"

Bad news came.

With the advantage of his military strength, Xu Sheng can still fight Zhou Yafu indistinguishably. He can't help Zhou Yafu, and Zhou Yafu can't help him for a while. However, Xu Sheng's cavalry did not have an advantage in numbers and was routed by Hua Mulan's light cavalry, leaving Xu Sheng's flanks exposed to the blows of Hua Mulan's cavalry.

"The flanks and rear troops form a phalanx of spears, equipped with crossbowmen, to fully guard against the opponent's cavalry raids."

Xu Sheng used spears and infantry crossbows to deal with Mulan's cavalry.

The last confrontation has proved that this is a sharp weapon against light cavalry.

Hua Mulan's light cavalry did not take the initiative to attack the opponent's flank, but raised sand and dust and surrounded Xu Sheng's army, trying to find a breakthrough point.

The infantry archers of Xu Sheng's army responded to the light cavalry in horror, not knowing where the opponent would attack.

Mulan's light cavalry stood in front of the heavy cavalry, hiding the whereabouts of this trump card.

The light cavalry attacked everywhere, Xu Shengjun couldn't tell where Hua Mulan wanted to attack, there was sand and dust raised by the cavalry everywhere.

Suddenly, the ground trembled slightly, which was the sound of horse hooves that was three-thirds duller than that of a light cavalry.

In the sand and dust, an iron barrel-like cavalry unit appeared and appeared, the men and horses were all wearing heavy armor and iron hooves, and the ground shook!

A young general in white took the lead, holding a Fang Tianhua halberd. Behind him, the heavy cavalry in the front row held a sharp lance, which was long enough to stab the infantry to death before the infantry's spear pierced the heavy cavalry!

Three hundred heavy cavalry entered the battlefield, which meant that the battle was coming to an end!

Either the heavy cavalry will break the formation, or the heavy cavalry will turn their backs on their horses!

Xu Sheng's army, attracted by Hua Mulan's light cavalry, did not expect that there would be a terrifying heavy cavalry hidden behind the light cavalry, and hurriedly adjusted the formation!

The heavy cavalry had begun to accelerate, the speed gradually increased, the ground shaking became more and more severe, and all the spear, shield and crossbow soldiers were pale.

Being crushed in the face by the torrent of steel, this huge sense of oppression is enough to make countless people terrified!

"What are the crossbowmen still doing, shooting arrows!"

The crossbowmen reacted and shot sharp crossbow arrows!

The crossbow bolts brushed past the armor of the heavy cavalry, and the iron collision produced sparks, but the time was so short that the sparks were invisible to the naked eye.

The steel torrent composed of heavy cavalry suffered few casualties under the attack of the opponent's first round of crossbow arrows!

The heavy cavalry sacrifices the same mobility as the light cavalry in exchange for the defense and impact brought by the armor!

"It's too early to fire arrows!"

At this time, the lord who was commanding the crossbowmen understood that the damage of the crossbowmen to the heavy cavalry was minimal at a distance too far.

Heavy cavalry can be dealt a lot of damage unless they are very close, or with heavy arrows.

Xue Rengui took the lead, Fang Tianhua halberd split the arrows shot, the halberd swept forward, cut off the long spear blocking the front, and plunged into the enemy's phalanx!

The Xuzhou heavy cavalry and Goguryeo heavy cavalry in the rear slammed into the opponent's phalanx, and Ma Leng, the heavy cavalry in the front row, took the lead in piercing the opponent's spearmen, breaking through the enemy line with unparalleled impact!

The iron barrel-like torrent of steel then advanced, quickly crushing the opponent's fragile phalanx, and rushing forward!

Xue Rengui used his personal force to open the way for the heavy cavalry and keep moving forward!

Once the heavy cavalry initiates a charge, it is difficult to adjust the direction and can only go forward!

As long as they stop, they will soon be stabbed to death by the other's long spear, so they can only keep attacking!

"Our army's right flank was attacked by the enemy's heavy cavalry, and it has been broken!"

Xu Sheng, who was still chasing with Zhou Yafu, heard the news and immediately boarded the carriage and looked at the right wing.

A group of heavy cavalry, led by the young general in white, is rapidly breaking through the phalanx of Xu Sheng's army, trying to pierce the entire phalanx!

"The reserve team comes forward and must stop this heavy cavalry!"

Xu Sheng sent a reserve team.

When Xue Rengui's heavy cavalry attacked, Hua Mulan, who had been wandering, took advantage of the chaos of the opponent and was full of flaws, so she took the light cavalry directly to the rear of the enemy and attacked.

Fang Xuanling and Chu Tian looked up and saw that the two armies were fighting. Xue Rengui had taken heavy cavalry to pierce through the enemy line, readjusted the troops, and prepared to turn back for the second charge.

"The enemy's formation is already in chaos, and no amount of troops will help. This battle is won by our army."

Fang Xuanling observed the situation and made a decisive judgment at this time.

"Xu Sheng is also a capable man. He could draw with Zhou Yafu under the attack of Xiliu and Shesheng. It's just that they lacked a strong cavalry, so they lost."

What Chu Tian bullied was that Xu Sheng lacked cavalry and generals, so he bet his hope on heavy cavalry.

Xue Rengui lived up to his expectations, and led the heavy cavalry to cut through the enemy's formation, causing the enemy's formation to be chaotic and morale greatly reduced.

"The order goes on. If Xu Sheng is captured alive, don't kill him. I still lack a water general."

Chu Tian coveted Xu Sheng's ability.

It's a pity that this is not Yangzhou, otherwise, Chutian's subordinates may not necessarily be Xu Sheng's opponents in the water battle.

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