"That group of cubs is really amazing..."

Cheng Yaojin fled, still covered in mud from the swamp.

It is not difficult for Qin Qiong to escape, just follow Cheng Yaojin...

Compared with Li Guang, Cheng Yaojin's luck was so much better that Qin Qiong knew that following Cheng Yaojin would have unexpected results.

Originally, they could indeed get the victory, but they were destroyed and deployed by the special effects of the go-getter Mo Xie, and they were trapped by Chu Tian's backhand.

Of the 200 Xuanjia cavalry, only a dozen or so cavalry still followed Qin Qiong and Cheng Yaojin, and there were dozens of other 800 high-level cavalrymen.

In a raid, ninety percent were killed or captured.

Cheng Yaojin and Qin Qiong were repelled by the military generals sent by Chutian, and they were ashamed.

They are also among the ranks of fierce generals, the second of the four major mysterious armies, but they have no advantage.

Dian Wei drew Qin Qiong, and Cheng Yaojin was defeated by Huaxiong and Joan of Arc. In addition, Mu Guiying led the Hu Ben army to sweep across the river, Qin Qiong and Cheng Yaojin could only escape.

"The entire black armored cavalry has been wiped out. How should we go to the main bus when we go back?"

Cheng Yaojin couldn't help feeling depressed when he saw that the Xuanjia Army had been consumed by them.

Qin Qiong said: "You can only report the truth."

"Two generals, how..."

He Yi and Liu Pi, they originally wanted to ask Qin Qiong and Cheng Zhijie about the results of their battles, but now that they are in ashes, they know the results without asking.

The strength of the Yanzhou Army is far beyond everyone's imagination.

"We temporarily retreat to Xu County and join Guo Ziyi."

Several generals discussed a little and retreated directly to Xu County.

All the troops were assembled with Xuxian as the center.

After Chutian defeated Qin Qiong and Cheng Yaojin who were intercepting in the middle, he counted the losses, and there were nearly a thousand casualties. However, Qin Qiong and Cheng Zhijie suffered high-level cavalry casualties, while Chu Tian's were mostly infantry. The cost of a high-level cavalry is much higher than that of infantry.

Chu Tian also captured more than 20 mysterious cavalrymen alive.

The white-robed army had arrived under Xu County, with more than 100,000 troops from the middle and 100,000 troops from the rear to attack this important city.

On the Yuzhou army side, 150,000 Jingzhou army and 30,000 Guanzhong army arrived, and they joined with the Yuzhou army of the Tang Dynasty, and the army was also 300,000.

300,000 to 300,000!

"My lord, we failed in our raid to decapitate Chu Zimou, please punish me, my lord!"

Qin Qiong and Cheng Yaojin specifically bypassed the White Pao Army, withdrew to Xu County, and took the initiative to plead guilty to Shuotang.

When Tang heard that Chu Tian had escaped a catastrophe, he couldn't help but be surprised: "I didn't expect that Chu Zimou was so clever that he could see through the double ambushes."

Qin Qiong and Cheng Yaojin couldn't help but feel depressed, after all, they were put together. Originally, Zhu Tu had the opportunity to kill the enemy commander this time, but the Xuanjia Army was almost wiped out.

It is said that Tang Xin is cut like a knife.

In order to exchange for two hundred Xuanjia Army cavalry, he consumed 60,000 National War points.

He is different from Chutian, 60,000 points are already a lot for him.

"Xu County is difficult to defend."

Yang Shilang, who was the reinforcement, could now see the front of the Yanzhou Army.

Chutian's troops were mainly cavalry, while the Yuzhou army was almost in danger of defending Xu County in Pingchuan.

"Try to hold on to them as much as possible, consume them, and wait until Zhao Long from Jizhou goes south to support. I have already accumulated a lot of grain and grass in Xu County, so I don't need to worry about the lack of food for the time being."

Saying that Don can only use turtle tactics.

"My legion is equipped with a divine arm bow, which is very powerful and suitable for defense. But Zhao Long, can his Jizhou matter be resolved quickly?"

Yang Shiro agreed to talk about Tang's approach.

"Zhao Long should have his means."

The two camped outside the city, ready to stand guard.


After Chutian arrived, Chen Qingzhi, Xue Rengui, and Zhao Yun came to see Chutian, and they had basically captured the surrounding cities with empty defenses.

"This time there are 150,000 troops in Jingzhou, 120,000 in Yuzhou, and 30,000 in Guanzhong. We must fight quickly."

Chutian personally came to the front line to observe the deployment on the opposite side.

Because Chutian launched a rapid offensive, the Jingzhou army did not come out in full force, only 150,000 people came. Lao Qin was restrained by the Liangzhou army, and only 30,000 reinforcements came.

The situation is favorable for Chutian, but Jizhou is changing the situation. If Zhao Long quickly annexed Yuan Shao, and then moved south quickly in order to divert the internal conflicts in Jizhou, Chutian would have to return to his division before annexing Yuzhou.

"The last general can attack the fortress."

Le Yi and Le Jin requested to take the initiative to attack the fort.

Xun You suggested: "You can dispatch the cavalry to take a detour and cut off the food route behind them. The Jingzhou army comes from a long way. Once the army's heart is shaken and the soldiers want to return, their morale will drop, and they have to fight us decisively."

"The two legions, the speedy and the invincible, have cut off their food supply. The offensive legion is ready to attack the backbone of the Yuzhou army."

Chutian observed the opponent's camp. There were only a few defenders in the city. The Yuzhou Army, Jingzhou Army, and Guanzhong Army were all camped outside the city and actively defended.

Xu Rong and Xiahouyuan's Divine Speed ​​Legion, Yang Ye and Zhang Liao's Invincible Legion separated from the main force and plundered the opponent's rear army.

Jizhou, Liyang City on the north bank of the Yellow River, originally had 20,000 defenders, but Yuan Shao transferred 10,000 to Yecheng to defend it. At this time, there were only 10,000.

A group of soldiers and horses from the south of the Yellow River appeared outside the city, and the city panicked.

Li Guang led 3,000 cavalry directly to take the city gate!

"Close the gates!"

The guard hurriedly urged the guards to close the gate.

Li Guang pulled his bow and came directly to the city. Braving the rain of arrows from the city wall, he bent the bow and shot an arrow! The arrow is like a shooting star, shooting straight through the defender's throat!


The defenders suddenly fell into chaos, and at the same time squatted on the city wall in fear.

Li Guang's archery is simply brutal!

Li Guang shot the defender with one arrow and returned with two arrows. In order to shoot the enemy general, he was also injured.

Even so, Li Guangwei shocked Liyang, causing the tens of thousands of defenders to fear.

"Capture Liyang!"

Zhou Yafu saw that Li Guang achieved unexpected results, which was the opportunity to siege the city, so he commanded the army to attack Li Yang.

Because of the chaos in Jizhou and the killing of the defenders, the Liyang defenders surrendered to Zhou Yafu without much resistance. Zhou Yafu killed only a few dozen soldiers and successfully captured the city north of the Yellow River.

"Send scouts to the north to inquire about Yecheng's news and see if there is a chance to surprise Yecheng."

Zhou Yafu got Li Yang and peeped at Yecheng.

Yecheng is the most important city in Jizhou, and after capturing Yecheng, basically Jizhou can be settled.

"My lord, Li Yang was... captured by the Yanzhou Army!"

"This time I was tricked by Chu Zimou."

Zhao Long was besieging Yecheng when he learned that Liyang City had surrendered to the Yanzhou Army and was helpless.

Huma's Bingzhou army was already marching towards Changshan, and the pressure was far greater than Zhou Yafu's.

"However, Yecheng and Jizhou are my possessions tonight."

Zhao Long led Yang Su and other generals to look down on Yecheng, and soon he would replace Yuan Shao, rectify the troops in Hebei, and compete in the Central Plains.

That night, Shen Rong, Shen Pei's nephew who had been bought by Zhao Long, opened the east gate to welcome Zhao Long's army into the city!

As an alien, Zhao Long left a member of the "Hebei Four Court Pillars" of the free player guild in Ye City, and Shen Rong joined forces to capture the city gate with ease!

Shi Wansui led the cavalry and drove straight in, and bumped into Yuan Shao who was planning to escape.

Han captured the tiger at a gallop and besieged Yuan Shao.

Hulu Mingyue, the King of Lanling, and a group of advisors were more on the sidelines and had no intention of fighting.

Zhao Long and Yang Su followed and captured Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao was unwilling: "Zhao Long, the assassin was not sent by me, there must be a misunderstanding!"

"Don't worry, Duke Yuan, although you intended to kill me in the first place, I am different from you and will not kill you."

Zhao Long showed a sneer and let Yuan Shao and Yuan Shao's family be put under house arrest.

After all, Yuan Shao was the third prince of the fourth generation. Killing Yuan Shao would arouse the resentment of various noble families. It would be better to let him live to show breadth and win people's hearts.

At the same time, Tian Feng, Ju Shou, Shen Pei, Feng Ji, Guo Tu, Xin Pi and others were also captured.

Zhao Long was cautious about this.

If it weren't for him occupying the moral high ground, the attitude of this group of counselors to him might be extremely bad.

But now Zhao Long is the teacher of justice.

"We have lost our minds and plan to hide in the countryside."

Tian Feng and Ju Shou were in a wait-and-see state. On one side was the lord Yuan Shao, who was suspected of sending an assassin to assassinate Zhao Long, and on the other side was his friend Zhao Long.

Now that Zhao Long has captured Yuan Shao, Tian Feng and Ju Shou feel the bitterness of the struggle and plan to retire.

However, Zhao Long already has a set of rhetoric: "The army of Bingzhou invaded Jizhou in the east, trapping the people of Jizhou in water and fire, and I also asked two gentlemen to assist me, expel foreign enemies, and protect Jizhou's aristocratic family and civilians from future troubles."


Tian Feng and Ju Shou were deeply under pressure.

Zhao Long took out the Jizhou family and the people, and they couldn't refuse.

In order to solve Yuan Shao's internal struggle, Zhao Long changed Yuan Shao's practice of reusing people from Henan aristocratic families, excluding Fengji, Guo Tu, Xin Pi and other scholars from Yingchuan and Nanyang, and respected Jizhou aristocratic families in order to win over Tian who came from Jizhou aristocratic families. Feng, Ju grant, trial match.

Tian Feng, Ju Shou, and Shen Pei saw that Zhao Long did not kill Yuan Shao, and fully supported the local family in Jizhou, and attacked with the state army, and was eventually subdued by Zhao Long. Bingzhou Huma's attack, on the contrary, became Zhao Long's bargaining chip to consolidate people's hearts.

King Lanling, Hulu Mingyue, Gao Lan and other generals also joined in one after another.

Zhao Long, who annexed Yuan Shao's forces, has reached the peak and is extremely powerful!

"Call Liu Bei and Tian Qi to attack Bingzhou!"

After Zhao Long annexed Yuan Shao's forces, in order to establish his authority and consolidate his rule in Hebei, he launched a crusade against Bingzhou!

His power, coupled with Liu Bei and Tian Qi, had considerable advantages over Huma in Bingzhou.

Defeat Huma and annex the annexed states, and he can have the land of the three states.

Zhao Long summoned all his talents and prepared to attack Huma in the north. Zhou Yafu occupied Liyang, and there was not enough threat. Huma's Li Mu and Lian Po were the greatest threats.

"Where is Xu You and Xu Ziyuan?"

Zhao Long frowned when he saw that Yuan Shao's advisors were missing Xu You.

Outside Yecheng, Xu You drove the donkey cart south and said to himself: "Zhao Long reuses the Hebei family, and Jizhou is no longer a place to stay."

Chutian stationed in Liyang City

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