"Who led the cavalry to attack my army?"

Sun Jian frowned when he saw the messy camp after the war.

Zhang Liao's cavalry swept past, and Song Jiang's army was almost lost. The two generals of Ji Ling's army were seriously injured. Although Ji Ling himself was not injured, his confidence was hit and his morale was low.

Cheng Pu said: "According to what the captured cavalry said, it seems to be Zhang Liao, the defender of Hefei."

"Really a tiger general."

When Sun Jian learned of the loss, he couldn't help feeling Zhang Liao's bravery.

Sun Jian thought that Zhang Liao would rob the camp in the middle of the night, but Zhang Liao chose to fight when the sky turned white.

Song Jiang and Wu Yong packed up the remnants. His camp was attacked by Zhang Liao and suffered the most losses. The generals were either killed, wounded, or captured.

In front of the brutal Bingzhou wolf rider, Liangshan's army was killed and wounded.

"Tie Niu actually left me..."

Song Jiang was hit, and Li Kui, who was loyal to him, died in battle.

Wu Yong's face turned pale. In the face of real warriors and pawns, Song Jiang's army is not even qualified to fight them head-on.

Dong Ping and Hua Rong came to help too late, and they were shocked to see that several Liangshan generals were killed in action.

Zhang Liao directly knocked down the morale of Song Jiang Corps.

Ji Ling carried a three-pointed two-edged sword, and did not dare to fight Zhang Liao again.

It is said that Zhang Liao is not the most powerful general in the Chutian forces.

Ji Ling also thought that if he encounters Yang Wudi, defeats him, and avenges Pengcheng, but now it seems that his idea is undoubtedly a fool's dream.

As the main general, Sun Jian immediately summoned Song Jiang, Ji Ling and other generals to stabilize the army and count the losses.

In the city of Hefei, Sun Guan's life was basically safe, and Zhang Liao was also injured in the battle and wrapped in gauze.

Zhang Liao and Sun Guan paid the price for raiding Song Jiang's army.

Zhang Liao rested for a long time, and then went to the city again.

Enemy forces could not regain their strength for a short period of time.

Hu Sanniang, the general who was captured by Zhang Liao, had woken up and stared at Zhang Liao. Zhang Liao knocked her unconscious with a punch, showing no mercy.

Xue Yue managed to win Hu Sanniang over.

Hu Sanniang in "Water Margin" should be an unfortunate and pitiful person among all Liangshan generals. She was originally Miss Qianjin. Her family was killed by Li Kui, and she was forced to go to Liangshan. She was forcibly betrothed by Song Jiang to a short and frustrated, Wang Ying with bad behavior.

Xue Yue is more sympathetic to Hu Sanniang, and tries her best to brainwash Hu Sanniang with the player's thoughts, so that she can abandon the darkness and turn to the light. Anyway, in Xue Yue's eyes, Song Jiang is not a good person, Hu Sanniang can't follow Song Jiang and Wu Yong, otherwise, she doesn't know how she will be ruined.

At present, Hu Sanniang's behavior is relatively stable, but Zhang Liao was punched and almost died, and it was difficult to let go.

"The situation was critical at the time, and it was a last resort."

Zhang Liao just explained one sentence casually, regardless of whether Hu Sanniang still held grudges.

Taking advantage of the low morale of the enemy, Zhang Liao led people to reinforce the city defense.

"It's really a straight man of steel..."

Xue Yue put one hand on her hip, and found that Zhang Liao didn't care much about the disposal of Hu Sanniang after capturing her, but Xue Yue had to worry about it.

It is not easy for ordinary people to complete the brainwashing of Hu Sanniang, but for Xue Yue, who was in charge of intelligence recently, she estimated that it would take two or three months to turn Hu Sanniang into a new woman.

"Hu Sanniang, you can train with me and then join the scout army."

Xue Yue looked at Hu Sanniang carefully and decided to train her to be an excellent scout cavalry.

The scout Shiqian sneaked into the city and saw Hu Sanniang being caught in the city, scratching his head and scratching his cheeks, but he didn't know how to save Hu Sanniang.

At this time, the city gate was controlled by the Hefei defenders, and there were a large number of scouts under Xue Yue. It was a question whether Shi Qian could successfully leave the city, not to mention the rescue of Hu Sanniang.

"The general is really a god."

Lu Su followed Zhang Liao to patrol the city defense, but Zhang Liao still insisted on patrolling in person despite his injuries.

Zhang Liao said: "My lord entrusts me to guard Hefei, and there can be no mistake."

Lu Su said with awe: "With the general here, Hefei will be fine. If Shouchun's reinforcements arrive, then it will be great."


Below Ye City, the Le Yi Army was attacking Ye City.

Hundreds of trebuchets threw stones, and the high-speed rotating stones destroyed the arrow towers, gate towers and battlements of Yecheng, and the gravel splashed! The ballista made a sharp sound of breaking through the air, and the thick crossbow arrows severely damaged the arrow tower, and even sank into the city bricks!

Several towering earth mountains stand, and the arrows deployed on them are like pouring rain, and the defenders in the city must hold their shields before they dare to walk between the city walls.

Majestic siege towers moved towards Ye City, hundreds of cloud ladders hooked on the city wall from all directions, and the marksman stood on the siege towers, overlooking the city below!

Le Yi coordinated the siege of the city, and the siege troops went forward one after another.

In the tunnel, a team of soldiers had dug to the corner of the wall, and rolling stones fell from the city wall.


The heavy battering ram slammed into the city gate, and the hearts of both attackers and defenders trembled.

Chu Tian stationed his sword on a dirt mountain, overlooking the entire battlefield.

After repelling Liu Bei, Liu Bei only dared to harass him with a small number of cavalry, and was repelled by the white robes patrolling the periphery. With Xue Rengui and Zhao Yun there, Zhang Fei was doomed. After Guan Yu was injured, Zhang Fei's actions became more dangerous.

"The defense of Gao Jiong and Shen Pei is really tough, and the barracks in Ye City are not low-level. As long as there are sufficient armaments and population, the defenders can be replenished continuously."

Chu Tian saw that Ye City was damaged, several arrow towers were destroyed, and a wooden tower was even billowing black smoke, but Ye City had never been breached.

The difficulty of attacking Yecheng is equivalent to the difficulty of attacking a main city in the third national war. The twelve-meter-high city wall became an impenetrable moat. The structure of the Weng City, even if the outer city gates are broken, and the Weng City blockade is still faced, it is not enough to threaten the entire city.

The Mughal Empire attacked the main city defended by 100,000 NPC corps, only to capture a main city after hundreds of thousands of deaths.

Although the Yecheng defenders were less than 100,000 NPC troops with an average level of 80, Le Yi was not willing to pay hundreds of thousands of casualties as the price for breaking the city.

Chutian also brought a total of 300,000 people to attack Hebei, and also divided troops to guard against Liu Bei.

"Sun Jian, the prefect of Changsha, led an army of 100,000 to attack Hefei!"

When Chutian was supervising the battle, he received information from Huainan.

Chu Tian was shocked. Sun Jian is a fierce tiger in Jiangdong, and his ability is almost the same as Zhang Liao.

Sun Jian personally brought troops here, and the situation in Hefei City was quite critical.

Without reinforcements, no matter how strong the fortress is, it will fall.

Who should be sent to support Hefei?

Among all the generals, Chu Tian was considering a candidate to assist Hefei.

After a while, there was another report from Hefei. Zhang Liao used two thousand cavalry to destroy a large battalion of the opponent, beheading nearly ten enemies and thousands of soldiers and horses.

"Keeping Zhang Liao and guarding Hefei is indeed the right choice. This battle is also inseparable from the help of the other people."

When Chu Tian learned that Sun Guan was seriously injured, he sighed at the bravery of Zang Ba, Sun Guan and others.

"In the battle of Hefei, the credit is temporarily accumulated. When I return from the Hebei battlefield, I will discuss the merit and reward."

Chu Tian did ignore Zang Ba and Sun Guan at ordinary times, but the treatment of them was not bad. Now Zang Ba and Sun Guan are already generals, and they are on the same level as Xiahou Yuan.

"The Invincible Legion crosses the Yellow River from Liyang to the south and arrives in Puyang. Then use the teleportation array to go to Shouchun and then to Hefei. There are Cao Hong, Lu Qian and others stationed in Shouchun City. They will act with you."

After a little thought, Chutian transferred the Invincible Army to the Hefei battlefield.

The Invincible Legion only had 5,000 light cavalry to go south, and they could also obtain troops in Shouchun City.

"Li Guang, the flying general of Liyang City, go south with you."

In view of the fact that Sun Jian brought many generals, Chutian sent another general to help the Invincible Army.

The three generals Mu Guiying, Yang Ye, and Yang Yanzhao received the order from Chutian, so they immediately assembled their troops and quickly moved south to Liyang.

Li Guang, whose arm is like an ape, is shooting arrows with soldiers in Liyang City for fun.

Li Yangcheng's hoarding of military equipment and food was extremely important to Chutian, so Li Guang did not participate in the battle of Yecheng. In this regard, Li Guang is quite complaining.

When the five thousand cavalry of the Invincible Legion arrived in Liyang, Li Guang was overjoyed when he learned that he had a chance to fight again, and immediately prepared bows and arrows and horses to follow the Invincible Legion across the Yellow River.

Li Guang had 2,000 cavalrymen, who were combined into 7,000 cavalry.

"Hu Sanniang, what are you going to do with it?"

"Leave it to Xue Yue and brainwash her... Convince her. Wouldn't it be good to abandon the darkness and cast the light and serve us?"

After Chutian dispatched reinforcements, Zhang Liao captured Hu Sanniang and was not surprised.

Hu Sanniang is not a special famous general, and her attraction to Chu Tian is equivalent to that of Liao Hua and Sun Guan.

As for beauty, there is really no shortage of women around Chutian...

"Said Tang led his troops out of Wancheng to attack Bowang!"

"General Wei Wuji has gone to support with Pang Juan, Li Ling, and Guo Jia!"

During the battle in Hefei, Li Dian and Xiahou Dun, who were stationed at Bowang, made an emergency to all parties.

Li Dian and Xiahou Dun guarded Bowangpo, and their opponents were Guo Ziyi, Qin Qiong, Xu Chu and others. With Li Dian and Xiahou Dun alone, they could not stop the army of Tang.

Almost at the same time as Li Dian and Xiahou Dun's letters asking for help, there was also a secret letter from Guo Jia, who asked for permission to set Bowangpo on fire when necessary.

"I didn't expect Feng Xiao to be a ruthless person. Let him act according to circumstances."

Chutian quickly agreed.

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