Lucky Wife at 50s

426 Chapter 426, I feel bad

After lunch, Qiu Lin and the three walked back with vacuous steps, with a smug look on their faces, but the whole person showed a feeling of lack of energy.

Apparently it was a feeling of malaise caused by the body being hollowed out and excessive indulgence.

Qi Han secretly smiled in his heart, but there was no trace of it on his face, and he didn't even ask a question. He pretended to take a nap, and didn't even bother to greet him.

Xu Xiangdong doesn't have the calmness and calmness of Qi Han. After all, they have been partners for several years. It's not easy to make the relationship too stiff, and he doesn't dare to offend them, so as to avoid wearing small shoes in the transport team in the future.

When Qiu Lin and the three saw the parcels piled up in the room, what else did they not understand?

But the three of them didn't say anything, just took a deep look at Qi Han and Xu Xiangdong, and went out to start their shopping.


The next day, the convoy was loaded with supplies and set off from Binshi to return to Shu Province.

For the first two days, the journey went very smoothly, and there was no problem. However, when the convoy drove to the third day, Qi Han suddenly had a bad feeling.

At this time, the convoy had completely left the boundary of Bin City and was driving on the road section between Bin City and Ji Province. This section of the road was relatively deserted and sparsely populated, which belonged to the situation of not going to the village or to the store.

The reason why Qi Han didn't feel good was because he felt that the road was too quiet. When they came before, even though there were no villages on this road, because of the famine, they could still see some twos and threes from time to time on the road. of fugitives.

But on this return trip, he suddenly realized that after driving for so long, he didn't see a single person along the way. This phenomenon was too 'barren', but it made him feel uneasy.

Most of those fugitives walk on their feet, which can't compare to the speed of a truck. It is impossible for all the fugitives on the road to walk cleanly in such a few days, right?

This is obviously unreasonable, so, where have everyone gone?

During the lunch break, Qi Han took this opportunity to express his doubts and discoveries.

After listening to this, Qiu Lin took the lead in laughing, "I said Qi Han, you are too worrying about the world, could it be that you still don't allow those villagers to find a place to stay, your feet are on other people's bodies, you care where they go. .

This route is relatively uninhabited, isn't it normal that there are no people? As much as you think, I didn't see that you were so timid, you're like a bird with a little trouble. "

Qi Han gave Qiu Lin a stern look, and the other side shrank his neck in fright, and successfully closed his mouth.

Qiu Lin was deeply annoyed. When did Qi Han's eyes look so scary?

That gaze was like a cold sharp knife, as if it would fall on him in the next second.

And he was actually frightened by the other party's look, Qiu Lin came back to his senses, and couldn't help staring at Qi Han.

Qi Han was too lazy to pay attention to the idiot with a hole in his head, and turned his head to look at Li Guofu.

"Captain, I always feel that there will be a problem with this route going further down. I suggest we take a different path."

"This little Qi, there is no basis for this. Just relying on your feelings and guesses, let our team rashly change the route. Wouldn't it be a big fuss?"

Li Guofu looked embarrassed, but he was a little annoyed at Qi Han's behavior. Usually, as long as he didn't touch his commander's majesty, he was very good at talking.

But what Qi Han did, he felt that the other party was acting in his place. He had been driving for so many years, and he had never encountered any unexpected situation.

But it's not like Qi Han. Just because there are few people on the road, he makes a rash decision based on his own guesses, which is too rash.

In transportation, it is not uncommon to change the route temporarily, but it is a choice made because of weather or road obstruction.

Because changing other routes will not only increase the duration of the task, but also may face some unexpected situations on the new route.

Xu Xiangdong believed that Qi Han would not make things up for no reason, "Captain, I also feel that something is wrong. When we came, we could see people fleeing from the desert from time to time. The closer we got to Binshi, the more people there were on the road.

But after we left the boundary of Bin City, there were fewer and fewer pedestrians on this road. Since this morning, we have been driving all the way, and not a single one has been seen. Compared with the situation a few days ago, you don't think this road is too clean? "

"." Fang Xuejun remained silent.

Although he also felt that this person disappeared too quickly, but based on this alone, he couldn't make a complete judgment.

Maybe it's just those people who chose other routes to walk.

Qiu Lin gritted his teeth and asked angrily, "Perhaps those people have also changed other routes, but you said it lightly, it's so easy to suddenly change course.

Let me ask you, after changing the route, if something unexpected happens that causes a problem with the goods we carry, who will be responsible for this? Who is responsible for our losses? "

Li Guofu couldn't help but glance at Qiu Lin with admiration. Although this kid has a lot of shrewdness, he sometimes doesn't like his manners, but I have to say that this person is a flatterer and knows how to watch words.

These words just touched his heart. As a captain, sometimes he is not very easy to say clearly, otherwise it would appear that he has no responsibility and responsibility as a captain, but Qiu Lin said it was the most appropriate.

"." Xu Xiangdong didn't dare to say anything rashly on this question, because he couldn't bear the responsibility, he looked at Qi Han apologetically.

Brother, he can only help so much.

Qi Han looked calm, and in turn questioned Qiu Lin, "Okay, then let's continue to drive on this road, but if there is a problem ahead, will something happen, will you bear it?"

"It's not like we haven't traveled this road before, what could go wrong? Qi Han, don't make a fool of yourself here!" Qiu Lin stood up angrily, pointing at Qi Han and scolding.

Qi Han said indifferently, "I just seek truth from facts and use your thinking just now to think about the problem."


Li Guofu said again in embarrassment, "Xiao Qi's consideration is not unreasonable."

Hearing this, he was not convinced at all, and Qiu Lin, who wanted to suppress Qi Han in everything, suddenly became hot.

"Captain, this is the road we have traveled, and we are all familiar with it. If it is replaced by another route, it will be more risky. I suggest going back the same way. If there is anything, I will bear it."

"Well, you're right, let's continue on the road."

Li Guofu instantly rejoiced in his heart, and now it's alright, no matter which way he goes, someone will take care of the problem, so it's none of his business.

"It's still captain wise!"

Qiu Lin was instantly overjoyed and looked at Qi Han provocatively, his face full of shyness.

"." Qi Han looked at Qiu Lin silently, as if he was looking at a mentally retarded person, and sure enough, there was a hole in his brain.

Xu Xiangdong and Fang Xuejun couldn't help twitching their mouths, and looked at Qiu Lin with a sympathetic look, they were probably a fool!

Even if there is something wrong with them on the road, there is still the captain who stands in front of them to take responsibility, and now he has taken the initiative to take the responsibility.

This is not a fool, what else could it be?

Good night, don't forget to vote~

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