Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 864: 864, defense

That night, the Qin family took advantage of the night to travel back to their world.

As for the story of the eldest brother Qin Yixi, although everyone expressed their surprise, they were more blessed.

Because everyone is a person with adventures, naturally they will not have any objections or ideas about Qin Yixi's experience.

After all, the world everyone lives in is modern, and even if the trajectories of historical development are different, they are all in the same age system. Qin Yixi is the only one who has crossed the long stream of history, and has penetrated to a place that has absolutely no historical basis. For ancient times.

Such a difference naturally surprises everyone.

Fortunately, Qin Yixi mentioned in his letter that he would bring his object back to get to know everyone during the Spring Festival this year.

So no matter how curious everyone is now, they can only hold back and wait until the Chinese New Year to see Fang Rong again. Qin Yixi's temperament is just like that. It's no use asking.

"I really can't think of it, big brother would have such an adventure."

After sending off the family, Qin Tianru couldn't help but sigh again, it seems that the experiences of their brothers and sisters are really colorful.

"Everything is predestined. Big brother's marriage line was in that era." Qi Han also sighed.

Qin Tianru nodded, and stopped talking about this matter, "Yesterday Qi Ming came to the door, and he will definitely do something next, what do you think?"

There are too many relatives and friends who need to entertain at home these days, and they have no time to pay attention to Qi Ming. Now that the family has returned to a quiet life mode, it is time to pay attention to and guard against villains.

Qi Han took Huanhuan's hand and sat down, and said calmly, "Don't worry, I've already made preparations to fight back, and I'll find someone to keep an eye on him during this time. It's not fun if all the evidence comes out."

Qi Han didn't want to be too cheap for the other party. If he were to deal with Qi Ming now, it would at most hurt his muscles and bones, and he wouldn't be able to hurt him at all. Wouldn't it be too cheap for him?

It will even scare the snake, so that the opponent has room for defense and counterattack.

He is not in a hurry now, there is no way more heart-wrenching than having nothing.

Now is not the time to clean up Qi Ming, if you really want to make a move, you must absolutely let the other party never have a chance to turn over, and directly punch him to death.

He needs to wait patiently for the best time now, let the villain jump around for a while.

"I think we'll go to the Wang's house later. Qi Ming has too many hearts and minds, so he must be more careful."

Qin Tianru thought about it for a while, but still felt that it would be more reliable for a small partner to monitor, which is also the safest and most effective way.

"Okay." Qi Han agreed.

Although he didn't plan to deal with Qi Ming for the time being, it didn't mean that the other party wouldn't make any small moves against them and the couple, so it was necessary to be on guard.

How far-sighted and resourceful is Qi Ming? Not really.

Qi Ming himself is very conceited, has a small mind, and has a lot of tricks in private, but he is not a difficult person to deal with. , and too much trust in the relatives around.

It is this trust and love and righteousness that makes them stupid and ignorant, blind and blind, so that they are fooled by the big house.

Some people raised their knives behind them, and they didn't even realize it until the knives were stuck on their backs, and they suddenly realized how stupid and ridiculous they were.

Qi Ming is indeed a little sinister, but this is not enough to make him step on the flesh and blood of their family in the last life and prosper.

Their family is defeated, they are not as indifferent and selfish as Qi Ming!

Because they can't be cruel to their own hands, and they have always treated them with tolerance and peace, but this group of white-eyed wolves will be cruel to them.

This is the biggest difference between the two of them!

Therefore, it is appropriate for their family to fall to that point.

In the middle of the night, the Han Tian couple wandered in the dark night. With the ability to teleport, the couple quickly came to the Wang family.

The Wang family lived not in an independent courtyard, but in a building allocated by the school unit, so there was no way to arrange small partners inside and outside their home.

Therefore, Qin Tianru turned on the consciousness of some plants around the building, so that they could always pay attention to the daily movements of the Wang family.

Fortunately, there were a few pots of flowers and plants on the balcony of the Wang family. Qin Tianru had released supernatural powers before, but the Wang family had too few potted plants, and they were not good at planting and raising them. Replaced a bunch of flowers.

Before, because Qi Ming hadn't come back, they didn't pay much attention to the Wang family, but now it's different. Qi Ming now lives with the old man's family, so of course they have to be careful.

Come over today, Qin Tianru specially released Xiaoman and let it climb the balcony of the Wang family, injecting new vitality and aura into the pots of flowers and plants.

If the Wang family lived upstairs and the ground wasn't muddy, she would have planted a few flower seedlings directly under their bed.

Unfortunately, there is no soil on the floor, no matter how powerful her ability is, she can't let the seeds survive in the air.

"Let's go, let's go to Qi Shishi's side."

After completing the layout of the Wang family, the couple went to the small courtyard where Qi Shishi currently lives.

And the environment where she lives here has a lot of manipulative space. Soon, Qin Tianru has arranged it properly.

"It's done!"


In the following time, the Hantian couple started the daily mode of taking children at home.

It is mid-May now, and many schools are beginning to show some clues. Although it is not obvious, the horn has been sounded.

But many people don't realize it yet.

At noon that day, Chen Youguo from the Planning Bureau came to Qi's house, hurriedly said a few words and left.

"Who is here?"

Qin Tianru asked when Brother Han entered the room. She heard the movement outside just now, but she didn't go out because she was feeding the child.

Qi Han picked up the small sugar cake and coaxed it gently, while answering his wife's words, "It's Chen Youguo, he asked me to go to the Planning Bureau in the afternoon and said that Director Li was looking for me for something."

"Then go, there must be something important, otherwise, I won't let people come to the house on purpose." Qin Tianru didn't ask any more, holding a handkerchief and gently wiping the corner of Xiaomian's mouth.

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