One, the original owner's body was innate, so the person who gave her this ability, excluding Qiao Lian, could only be the biological father she had never met.

Second, the original owner's body was modified after birth.

She thought of the year when the original owner disappeared in her first year of freshman year. Could it be that in that year, she was captured by aliens and returned to outer space to wash her scriptures?

Is she actually an interstellar product?

Before they knew it, the two walked to the parking lot.

As soon as he opened the car door, Qiao Yi saw a newest iPhone on the passenger seat.

She froze for a moment, then looked at Song Bai.

"It's the boss's order. Your phone card is not damaged. You don't need to reissue it. You can use it immediately after inserting the card."

As he spoke, he took out a small phone card from his pocket and handed it to Qiao Yi.

Qiao Yi laughed suddenly, was it because she said she wanted to video with He Yunting, so he immediately gave him a mobile phone?

During the process of installing the phone card, she suddenly thought of something.

"Where's Jiang Yixiao? Besides kidnapping me, Wang Kun also kidnapped Jiang Yixiao! Have you rescued her yet?"

Song Bai paused when he was starting the car, and looked at Qiao Yi with a puzzled expression: "She's fine, Wang Kun didn't kidnap her."

"How could it be? I was caught by Wang Kun the other day when I found out that he had taken Jiang Yixiao's cell phone."

Although she lost her memory later, she still remembers the memory before losing her memory firmly. If Jiang Yixiao's phone hadn't rang, she wouldn't have been caught by Wang Kun.

She can't remember wrong.

What happened that night, the boss ordered to block it. Song Bai couldn't say exactly what happened, but he knew about Jiang Yixiao appearing on Fei Nanchen's bed.

Song Bai opened his mouth, and was about to explain, when Qiao Yi's cell phone, which had just installed the SIM card, rang suddenly, interrupting his words.

Qiao Yi looked at the call one by one, saying that Cao Cao Cao Cao had arrived, but it turned out to be Jiang Yixiao.

She made a silent gesture to Song Bai and connected the phone.

Jiang Yixiao's voice sounded tired, and he couldn't hide his concern for Qiao Yi between the lines.

After going back and forth, Qiao Yi figured out the whole story.

"You mean, you don't know who saved you, do you?"

"Yeah, when I woke up, I was rescued."

The space in the car was small, and Qiao Yi was sitting in the co-pilot, so Song Bai could hear what the two of them said clearly.

If she was really tied up by Wang Kun, then the person who rescued her could only be Fei Nanchen.

She lied!

She didn't tell the truth to Master Qiao!

Song Bai was confused, wondering if he should tell Qiao Yi the truth.

After hanging up the phone, Qiao Yi didn't ask Song Bai about the details of that day, but frowned, wondering what he was thinking.

After a while, she opened the file bag and checked the contents of the bag.

In addition to Qiao Er's medical records, there is also a business card with the logo of the American FQ laboratory printed on it.

Come to think of it, this should be the person in charge of the laboratory.

As soon as Joe dialed the number above, the connection was quickly connected there.

I thought it would be an all-English conversation, but Qiao switched the language all at once. Who knew that the person who answered the phone was a Chinese woman who spoke Chinese fluently and very politely.

After asking her why she came here in detail, let her wait for a while.

About half a minute later, the phone was picked up again. This time, it was a man who answered the phone with a low and hoarse voice.

"Hi, I'm Qiao Yi. It was Dr. Zhao Yi who asked me to contact you. I want to buy human bone regeneration drugs from your laboratory."

"Joe Yi, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

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