Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4442: Are you a relative of Qiao Nian’s adoptive parents?

Jiang Yao obviously knew who he was talking about. He raised his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose, frowning slightly: "What on earth does he want to see me for?"

The assistant shook his head: "I don't know."

The assistant also looked confused: "He has been coming to the company since this morning. The front desk asked him to register, but he refused. When I asked him his name, he didn't say his name. He just said he was looking for you and Director Jiang. The front desk asked him what he wanted to see you for. , he still didn’t say anything, didn’t reveal a word. He has been following you since this morning, and now it’s almost noon, but he has disappeared again! I’m worried..."

"This is the capital city, he doesn't dare to mess around." Jiang Yao was calmer than him and raised his hand to stop him from talking.

The assistant hesitated to speak.

Jiang Yao took out a handkerchief from his suit pocket, wiped his fingertips, and said to him: "Please help me look after some customers while I go to the bathroom."

The assistant was uneasy: "Okay."

Jiang Yao looked back at the customers who were still looking at the ancient buildings, then walked to the public restroom next to him.

Jiang Yao grew up in Beijing.

The Jiang family lives a certain distance away from here, but as a member of the capital city, Jiang Yao comes here often and has been to ancient buildings several times.

Therefore, Jiang Yao is very familiar with this area. He knows where to buy water and where the restrooms are.

He didn't let his assistant follow him. He had only walked a few steps when a black shadow suddenly appeared from the crowd and blocked his way.

Most people would scream in fear when encountering such an unexpected accident.

After all, Jiang Yao had spent some time in the illegal zone and had seen too many things that were ten thousand times more terrifying than this danger. Instead, he quickly calmed down without being too frightened.

He saw clearly the person blocking his way.

He was immediately stunned.

"It's you?"

"Mr. Jiang."

The person blocking his path was not the middle-aged man that the assistant said was missing just now.

The middle-aged man is probably in his early fifties, wearing a stand-up collared sweatshirt, brand names with conspicuous logos all over his body, his face is well-kept, and he holds a patent leather bag under his elbow.

Judging by his clothing alone, Jiang Yao led him to the nouveau riche, and quickly searched in his mind whether the Jiang family had such collaborators.

But his status is not that he usually interacts with people in the top circles, but he is still a respectable person.

He thought for a long time but couldn't find such a person in his mind.

Fortunately, the middle-aged man blocking his way introduced himself without him asking: "I am Qiao Weiguo, Qiao Weimin's younger brother."

Jiang Yao went through these two names in his mind and his expression softened: "You are a relative of Qiao Nian's adoptive parents..."

When Qiao Weiguo heard him mention Qiao Nian's name, his expression darkened visibly, but he quickly covered it up.

She avoided her eyes and grabbed his hand: "Can you contact her for me? I have something to say to her."

Jiang Yao distanced himself without leaving any trace: "I'm sorry, I can't help you."

Qiao Weiguo held his hand tightly and refused to let him go: "Why?"

Jiang Yao frowned but did not let go of his hand. Considering that he was half a relative of Qiao Nian, he patiently said, "She rarely contacts us."

"Humph." Qiao Weiguo sneered, as if he was mocking something, his eyes were a little distracted, and his expression became ferocious: "I thought she only did this to us, but I didn't expect that she would do this to you relatives!"

When Jiang Yao saw him becoming emotional, he felt a faint sense of uneasiness in his heart. He immediately pulled Qiao Weiguo's hand with his hand: "Let me go first."

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