Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4481: They were thoroughly played


The middle-aged man stopped searching and focused on the phone call again.

"As long as I follow your instructions and get on the boat, can I see Yingshi?"

"I didn't say that."


He was already being played by Ye Wangchuan to the point of mental breakdown. He could no longer maintain the mask of kindness and said firmly: "Then I don't need to get on the boat!"

"You still have 40 seconds to think about it." Ye Wangchuan said lazily: "You don't have to go up, but you will probably never see your daughter in this life."

"Are you threatening me?" the middle-aged man gritted his teeth.

"30 seconds." Ye Wangchuan told the time slowly.

All the conversation between the two fell into the young man's ears. He could no longer hold his breath, grabbed his father's sleeves and begged: "Dad, it's important for my sister, let's go up quickly." Catalog of works of Urban Cheeks

The middle-aged man still couldn't let go of his pride and struggled for a while.

Ye Wangchuan reminded them again: "20 seconds."


The young man became even more anxious.

Sero was forced to be exhausted mentally and physically, and he still wanted to say something soft and hard: "You'd better make sure that my daughter is safe, otherwise..."

"10 seconds."

Ye Wangchuan was so busy that he didn't even forget to tell them.

"That ship won't stop for you for half a second. If it misses you, it will most likely have to swim past."

"Nine seconds."

The younger man's face changed suddenly. He looked back at the ferry whistling at the port, and then at his father. The anxiety was all over his face: "Dad!"

"8 Seconds." Supplementary Catalog of Works

Every time Ye Wangchuan counted down the seconds, it was like counting down their lives.

And Ye Wangchuan himself didn't have any emotions in it, and it was even less likely that he would suddenly care about 'family affection' as the middle-aged man expected.

"Seven seconds."

Time was so tight that they could no longer afford to hesitate.

After all, Zero didn't want the white-haired man to send the black-haired man away. He pressed the base of his tongue, and his chest seemed to be pressed by a huge boulder. He couldn't care so much and ran towards the ferry at the pier to catch up with the time...

Ye Wangchuan did not forget to torture them even at this time.

Counting down in their ears.

"4 seconds."

"3 seconds."

All Sero felt was the salty smell of the wind from the dock blowing against his face, like a slap on his face, shattering his momentary pride.

He didn't dare to stop at his feet and went straight to the ferry.

"1 second."

The moment the countdown to Ye Wangchuan fell, he boarded the ferry with his son!

A momentary sense of relief came to him as the weight of his body fell away, but his son's quick eyesight and hands quickly supported him.

Zero didn't have weak legs and sat on the ground.

He had been enjoying a good life for half his life, but how could he be as miserable and miserable as he is today?

Sero watched the ferry start to leave the pier, held the phone again, and said to the person on the other end: "Okay, I'm going up. Can you hand over Yingshi now?"

However, the only answer he received was endless silence.

He realized something was wrong, took the phone away and took a look, and suddenly found that the other party had hung up the call long ago.


No matter how good-tempered he was, he couldn't control his emotions and slammed his phone on the ground.

The phone screen suddenly fell into pieces.

Zero grabbed the railing on the deck, his face was livid, and he was breathing heavily. He didn't know whether he was angry or tired from running just now.

He only felt a sense of dizziness coming over him, and his vision was blurred.

He was fooled.

Being treated like a monkey by a young boy!

Zero's lungs were about to burst with anger. He couldn't believe that he was being played with by someone so much younger than him.

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