Mage Joan

Chapter 3039: Cloud Network Hub (Ⅱ)

According to Ms. Tamara’s introduction, Qiao An learned that this suspended pyramid-shaped device is the magical base station of the cloud network. Some are like moiré, some are like animals, and some abstract runes are simply inexplicable, exuding a strong sense of mystery.

Qiao An circled the base station twice, carefully memorizing the runes engraved on the surface of the device. Afterwards, he still felt unsatisfied, so he asked Tamara: "Can you open the shell of this device and let me see the internal structure?"

"Of course it can, but after the base station housing is opened, the entire hall will be exposed to high-energy radiation. Ordinary people can't bear it. From blinking to blindness, to life-threatening. Dr. Vinda's best to wear protective goggles first."

Tamara took out three sets of magic guides that looked like windshields from the storage bag, handed them to Qiao An, put on one of them, and handed the last pair of protective glasses to Roland.

"Your Majesty, you know, I hate strong light radiation the most. You should show Dr. Vader the internal structure of the Magic Base Station yourself."

"Okay, leave it to me next."

Roland put on the protective goggles, blocked the vampire queen behind him, chanted a spell in a low voice, the pyramid-shaped device in the air made the sound of gears turning, and opened the shell under the curious gaze of Qiao An, and split into four large triangles. The thick brass wall hangs in the air, revealing its core device under strict protection in front of visitors.

The radiance gushing out of the base station was too strong, Qiao An quickly raised his hand to cover it, until his eyes adjusted to the sudden increase in light, he carefully removed his palm and looked towards the center of the magic guide base station.

At this moment, what appeared before his eyes was a cloud of surging rays of light, suspended ten feet above the ground, congealing and not dispersing.

Approaching the cloud cluster to observe carefully, it is found that the cloud cluster is composed of countless extremely small luminous particles.

"Dr. Vader, those luminous particles are the spell slots stored in the magical base station. The brightness of the particles can be strong or weak, representing spell slots of different levels, which are assembled to form a glowing'magic cloud'."

Roland pointed to the base station center and explained to the young mage.

"As we all know, the core function of the cloud network is the magic bank, the magic base station is the vault of the magic bank, and the magic cloud is like all the deposits in the vault."

"Spell slots, as the basic particles that make up the magic cloud, are doing random movement when viewed individually, but the magic cloud as a whole presents a clear and hierarchical probability distribution picture."

"For example, elementary particles of different energy levels are on different orbits, and spell slots of different levels are also distributed on different orbits. The farther away from the center of the magic cloud, the higher the number of spell slots, which means the more magical power it contains. powerful."

"The mystery of the magic base station is that its core is infused with divine power, which provides a huge centripetal force for the magic cloud to condense and not disperse. It can only be distributed around a fixed orbit and convert gravity into pressure when necessary. , To send a specific spell slot to a specific individual-the withdrawal or lender-there, this is the principle of the spell slot loan."

"So that's it." Qiao An was amazed, "This is really amazing!"

The protective goggles shielded the strong light radiation inside the base station. Qiao An could look directly at the central area of ​​the "Magic Cloud" and soon discovered that there were three shadows floating in the center of the Magic Cloud.

The "Magic Cloud" is like a huge galaxy that can condense hundreds of millions of planets around its core without escaping, so where does this gravitational force that prevents spell slots from escaping come from?

After a little observation, Qiao An saw the clue that the gravity that restrained the spell slot originally originated from the three shadows at the core of the magic cloud, and its essence was divine power.

Qiao An approached two steps forward, carefully distinguishing, the three shadow-like floats in the center of the "Magic Cloud" gradually became clear in his field of vision. One was a fist-large diamond-like blue crystal, and the other showed a scroll shape. The last axe-shaped object is the most familiar. It was the "Black Axe" that was captured by him and Roland when he and Roland jointly killed the "Wood Destroyer" Duoran Teresis.

"Your Majesty, the three objects floating in the middle of the magic cloud are all artifacts?" Qiao An asked.

"Yes, except for the black axe added later, the other two are artifacts created by Bokabu, the'God of Magic'. The'Alchemy Stone' and the'Book of Ten Thousand Laws', these three artifacts together are the base station of the wizard. Provides a strong and long-lasting centripetal force, restraining the spell position from escaping."

Roland went on to introduce: "The artifact is powerful, but the divine power it contains is limited after all. It can only be used as a foundation to determine the lower limit of the cloud network."

"With the continuous expansion of the scale of the cloud network and the continuous improvement of its functions, more and more energy is required to maintain its work. It cannot be supported by three artifacts alone. More artifacts must be added or supplemented regularly. "

Tamara continued the words of His Majesty the Emperor and said: "In addition to daily maintenance of the cloud network, my team and I have an important mission to establish an intelligence network and collect rumors about artifacts and demigods. If the news is true, we will make plans. , Your Majesty will come forward to organize the manpower to seize the artifact, hunt down the demigods, and replenish energy for the magic base station."

Qiao An's heart moved upon hearing this, and asked the Vampire Queen: "Last autumn, my Majesty and I joined forces to hunt down Dolan Teresis the'Wood Destroyer'. Your Majesty said that the body of the evil **** can be stuffed into the base station for firewood. However, I didn't see his body, did it burn out so soon?"

"That's not enough." Tamara explained with a smile, "As soon as the Cthulhu corpse is inserted into the base station, it decomposes into pure magic power. The strong light radiation you feel at this moment is actually the energy released by the burning of the Cthulhu corpse."

Qiao An suddenly nodded, then turned to Roland and said, "Your Majesty, you'd better close the case of the base station to avoid wasting energy."

Roland smiled slightly, and the remote brass shell of the chanting mantra closed, and the light in the hall dimmed.

"Dr. Vader, that's the end of today's visit. Next, let's go to the restaurant next door for a cup of tea and take a break. I have one more trouble I want to discuss with you."

Qiao An took off the protective goggles and returned them to Tamara, muttering angrily: "Even you find it troublesome, it's definitely not a trivial matter!"

The two went to the restaurant next door to sit down, and Tamara went to serve tea.

"Your Majesty, look at your frown, are you still worried about the safety of Ersi Tianyu?" Qiao An asked in a low voice.

Roland nodded lightly, folded his hands on the table, and said solemnly: "Dr. Vader, it is true that I am in a contradictory mood. I am hesitant to import the'cloud network' into Estianyu, and gradually move my hometown. Transform into a magical world similar to Vales Tianyu."

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