Magic Industry Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 101: Commercial housing in the aristocratic territory

Lanzhou vanilla construction community relocation can be regarded as the first major action in the overall renovation project of Bangta City. It represents that the overall renovation project of Bangta City is on the right track. When the first batch of villagers moved in, the city government specialized A grand ceremony was held for this purpose, and even the Count of Satsuma was present in person.

In addition to the Earl of Satsuma, the major chambers of commerce in the city also sent representatives to attend the ceremony.

The new Feishang Chamber of Commerce and the Amrit Chamber of Commerce, which is mainly responsible for this project, are naturally the focus of attention.

After the arrival of Xu Yi and Kennard, the ceremony has not yet officially started. President Cruz of the Amrit Chamber of Commerce saw Xu Yi at a glance and immediately greeted him.

"How? How can President Xu, this building room is well built?" President Cruise asked with a smug look to Xu.

Xu also gave him a look, some funny: "I have praised it many times. You still ask me what to do? If you want to show your strength, hey, the Lord of the Lord is there, you should look for him."

"Haha, this project is, after all, your new Feishang Chamber of Commerce has paid for the construction of our Amrit Chamber of Commerce. Now it is officially completed. Of course, I have to report to you this money. As for the urban master, he has already boasted. We are quite a lot."

"Since the owner of the city is also very satisfied, then it will do." Xu also took the shoulder of President Cruise and smiled: "Cruise President, the first project is completed well, the next series The masters of the project city will not hand over to other chambers of commerce. If all the renovation projects of Bangta City are completed by the Amrit Chamber of Commerce, then you can make a fortune."

"This is also thanks to the president, you trust us." President Cruise laughed. Suddenly close to Xu Yi, whispered: "Xu Huichang. Can I ask two questions?"

"What problem?" Xu is a bit strange.

"The first question. This blue vanilla is also built by our Amrit Chamber of Commerce. In front of you, I am telling the truth. To build this community, your new Feishang will invest 200,000 gold coins? We Amley The Chamber of Commerce spent a total of about 170,000 gold coins and earned less than 30,000 gold coins."

"Well, President Cruise, you look at my face, not much profit, I am grateful for this." Xu also nodded.

"I don't want to talk about this. The problem is that our Amley Chamber of Commerce did make money from this still-built community. But I still haven't seen it yet, how can your new flyers make money from this? You have invested 200,000 gold coins at a time, I can't see where you can earn these 200,000 gold coins." President Cruise asked inexplicably.

"Don't you forget that the land area occupied by this building is actually much smaller than the area occupied by the three villages?" Xu also asked.

"I know this. But this neighborhood is just outside Bangta City, and the three villages are far apart. The nearest village of Mildan is also more than five kilometers away from Bangta City. From this distance, The value of the land on both sides is not at all a grade. I still don't think this is a very profitable business." President Cruz frowned and thought about it. Pressing down the voice asked: "Mr. Xu, the relationship is so good. If you have any special idea of ​​making money, let me listen to it."

Xu also smiled and shook his head. "In fact, there is nothing special. Although the three villages are indeed farther away from Bangta City, have you ever thought about it? The three villages are all planned Bangta City Industrial Zone. Not far from Sanqinton Manor. Without a surprise, the whole area in the future will be the industrial base of Bangta City, where all the factories opened in Bang Ta City will be moved. Plus your Amrit Chamber of Commerce. I am going to repair the road soon. Do you think... When will the value of the land be as low as it is now?"

President Cruise meditated for a moment. Suddenly it was like thinking of something, my eyes lit up. To Xu also revealed a smile on the chest.

"Mr. Xu, you really have a long-term vision and admire."

Xu also smiled and asked: "Well, what about your second question?"

"The second question..." President Cruise turned his head and pointed to the countless people who were entering and leaving the Lanzhou Living Community. “This living community has been helped by the Chamber of Commerce Design Institute and the elves. It is very beautiful after it was built. Now, not only the owners of the city are satisfied, but the farmers who moved in are also very satisfied. Even many people coming to visit the city are very Satisfied. Many people even asked me if I could buy one or two of the houses and use them as my own residence. So I thought..."

"Do you want to build another living community like this and sell it directly?" Xu asked.

President Cruise looked at Xu Yi: "Mr. Xu, how do you know what I want to say?"

Xu also smiled and thought that I heard you say the words before, but I still can't guess what you want to ask.

The real estate industry is the most prosperous industry in the heavens on the earth, and countless people have become wealthy by virtue of this industry.

President Cruise saw that the house that was still built was so popular, it was not surprising that he had the idea of ​​making a profit.

In fact, in the overall planning of Bangta City, which Xu and the Earl of Satsuma discussed, it is indeed considered.

However, whether it is the Earl of Satsuma or Xu Yi, they do not intend to rely on real estate to make money. They just want to re-plan the Bangta City and plan a living quarter in the suburb of Bang Ta City, which is separated from the industrial area.

Therefore, if President Cruise wants to build a house with Jianlan vanilla and build a community to make money, I am afraid that the Count of Satsuma will not agree.

"Is it?" Hearing the answer from Xu Yi, President Cruise suddenly lost his hope. "I used to think that there are so many people in Bangta City. This business is very promising. Oh, but since the urban master refuses to agree, it can only be counted."

Looking at the disappointing President of Cruise, Xu also moved in his heart and said: "In fact, it may not be impossible to do it."

President Cruise’s face immediately showed a hint of joy: “What do you say?”

Xu also thought: "The urban master just doesn't want you to seize the planned living area and hinder the overall renovation project of Bangta City. But in addition to the planned sites, you have a lot of holes to drill. For example... the private territory of the nobles."

President Cruise said: "Aristocratic territory? That is their private territory. How could I agree to go to build a house?"

"Agree to disagree, mainly to see if they have any advantage. You can tell them that you can make a lot of money by working with you to build a house. Which nobles do you think will be rejected?"

Looking at the president of Cruise, who was quickly thinking about it, Xu Yixiao smiled and thought that as long as President Cruise was tempted, he would certainly say that many nobles in the city were also tempted.

And when the private territory of the nobility was covered with commercial housing, then it was. These territories can no longer be regarded as truly private, and at the moment the house is built, a distinctive public mark is required.

There was not much time left for President Cruz to think, because the ceremony soon began.

First, the Earl of Satsuma took a long speech and gave a general introduction to the overall renovation project of Bangta City formulated by the city government. It was mentioned that the relocation project of the three villages including Mildan Village is representative. The first step of the renovation of Bangta City was completed, followed by a series of corresponding measures.

After the basic introduction. The next step was to talk to President Xu and President Cruz.

Of course, they can't be as long-term as the Earl of Satsuma. They just expressed that the New Flyer Chamber of Commerce and the Amrit Chamber of Commerce will strongly support the decisions of the city's adults. They will try their best to complete the tasks assigned by the masters of the city, and so on...

When the speech was made, the Count of Satsuma officially announced the relocation.

Next, the first batch of 100 villagers who had been prepared for a long time, with the help of the city guards, brought the pots and pans, the pillowcases, the table and chair cabinets, etc. from the previous home. Move in the building that you have assigned to it.

In the process, countless reporters who were alerted in advance were looking for targets to conduct interviews.

For a time. The scene has become extremely lively, and everyone, including the villagers, has a smile on their faces that looks very harmonious.

This scene falls into the eyes of Xu Yi, but only makes him think of a popular term on earth - a show.

That's right. It is the city government that informed these reporters that the Count of Satsuma wanted to make a show through this ceremony. Let everyone know that the overall renovation project of Bangta City is already unstoppable and will inevitably continue.

Although Xu also knows the necessity of making a show, he is still not used to this. After simply answering the questions raised by several reporters, he pushed Kenned, the general manager, and asked him to interview reporters. I sneaked out and went to the Magic Research Institute in the city.

Compared with the previous ten researchers such as Evita, the current New Flying Chamber of Commerce Magic Institute has recruited a total of 34 magicians in the last wave, and the scale has expanded several times. .

In addition to the research institutes that allowed Evita and others to have local research, they were able to provide shelter to Cecilia and others. Now, there is not enough room for each researcher to have a separate research room. This even a few new researchers have to squeeze into the same research room.

Of course, this magic research institute is much better than many of the magicians' previous work environments, so no researcher has any complaints about this.

Of course, even if they are afraid, they will not dare to say it, because Camilla's great magician works in this magic research institute.

Compared with the great magician, they have nothing to count.

However, even if no one complains, Xu is still considering buying another place outside the city and building a new R&D center. All the people responsible for the R&D of the Chamber of Commerce will be concentrated there, and everyone will work together.

However, there are not many such places, but for the time being, these magicians are still crowded here.

When Xu Yigang walked into the door of the institute, he saw Akali coming in.

Seeing the anger of Akali's face, Xu could not help but sigh.

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