Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 123 Improvement of spellcasting

In the blink of an eye, many days have passed, and Richard's research on free energy elements has been initially completed.

At night, the study.

On the desk, Richard was holding a quill and writing quickly on the papyrus scroll, making a summary.

"Through the continuous testing in recent days, it can basically be confirmed that the previous hypothesis is correct, and the free energy elements are the superheavy nuclear stable island elements that have not been found on the earth in theory, or do not exist.

The energy flow framework of the current world wizard spell system is as follows:

The special radiation energy of special stars is transmitted to the current planet through astral projection. Some common chemical elements on the current planet, after absorbing the energy projected by the star, become free energy elements through nuclear fusion in an unknown way.

After that, wizards or wizard apprentices, through meditation, take these energy elements into the body, smelt them into mana, and store them in the source of magic.

When it is time to cast a spell to fight, the mana will flow out from the source of the spell, flow in the body, run along some natural channels in the body, or blood vessels, or nerves, or veins, and finally reach a specific excited state, release it. go out.

After it is released, the mana will automatically change, first becoming different free energy elements, and then the different free energy elements will react with each other, showing spell effects and explosive power.

After the spell is successfully released, the dissociated energy elements will return to ordinary chemical elements, and after absorbing enough astral projection energy, they will become dissociated energy elements again, completing a cycle.

The simple process of the whole framework is as follows:

The energy of special stars → free energy element → mana → free energy element → spell effect. "

It can be seen from this process that the free energy element can show the magic effect by itself, but for the safety of storage, it must first be smelted into mana, and when the spell is cast, it can be converted back to free energy element through some form of reverse smelting. . The two conversions in the middle must be accompanied by not low energy loss. Moreover, during the casting process, because of the reverse smelting of mana into free energy elements, the release speed of the spell will be delayed to a certain extent. "

After writing this, the quill in Li Cha's hand paused for a while, then pursed his lips and wrote the next line.

"So can this obviously flawed spellcasting method be improved?"

After writing, Li Cha put down the quill and began to think seriously.


The current popular spellcasting methods in the world are flawed and have room for improvement.

Maybe this kind of idea sounds funny, but the reason for studying the spell system is to analyze, improve and master it, and finally figure out the underlying scientific principles.

Studying a thing, imitating it, improving it, and then doing better than it is a feature of modern earth science, or a rogue one.

Science is not rigid. Real science is not a bunch of theorems, but a way of understanding the world, and the whole open system developed from it.

Science is exploitative. From the initial steam thermodynamics, to electromagnetism, to computer science, to quantum science, it is constantly discovered, and then incorporated into the system and becomes a part of it. Even if some unexplainable paranormal phenomenon does appear on modern earth, science will quickly establish a paranormal discipline to study, analyze and accommodate.

From a scientific point of view, the current popular spellcasting methods in the world definitely have shortcomings and can be improved. Of course, this improvement is not small, but this is not the meaning of science - to solve the problems encountered.

So how should the spellcasting method be improved, and what problems need to be solved?

Richard's eyes flickered, he picked up the quill and wrote on the papyrus scroll.


"The obvious improvement in the casting method is to reduce the process links, remove the process of smelting and reverse smelting, and directly use free energy elements to release spells. This method can speed up the casting speed and reduce energy consumption.

Of course, problems also follow, mainly two. The first is a security issue, and the second is an increase in the complexity of spellcasting.

As for the first safety issue, what must be addressed is that if the free energy elements are not smelted and stored in the body's source for a long time, it will be extremely unstable. Because there may be a reaction between the free energy elements, then really doing this is equivalent to pouring many chemical reagents into a beaker. There is a great possibility that the beaker will be fried directly into powder. "

So how to solve it?

Richard stopped to think.

This problem is actually quite simple to solve. The most thorough way is to separate and store all the free energy elements from each other.

After all, there is not only one source of law!

Yes, there is not only one source of law, as long as there is enough energy and time, dozens or hundreds of sources of law can be created.

After a period of research, the types of free energy elements currently identified are about dozens, but the most commonly used energy elements of the energy system spells are only nine types: water element, wind element, fire element, earth element, Wood element, thunder element, dark energy element, light energy element, pure energy element.

It may be an exaggeration to open up a magic source for each element, but it is still possible to open up a relatively small magic source for each of the nine elements of the evocation spell.

However, the most trouble-free method is not to open up a new source of law at all, but only to transform the source of law.

It only needs to separate several independent spaces inside the original source of law to store different free energy elements.

problem solved.

"Swish", Li Cha squinted and quickly wrote the solution on the scroll, and then wrote another line: "How to solve the second problem?"

"The second problem is the increase in the complexity of casting spells." Li Cha wrote down with a quill, "To release spells with mana, you only need to control the operation of the mana and release it in a certain activated state, and then the mana will be in the activated state. Under the condition, it converts itself into a specific free energy element for reaction.

However, if you choose to use only free energy elements to cast spells, a single free energy element is relatively simple, but when the spell model becomes complex, you need a variety of different free energy elements, running in different channels in the body, and running in shares, the difficulty becomes will become extremely large, and the required brain computing power will be extremely high. Just like some people may be born or have been trained to be able to do two things with one heart, but what about three uses, four uses, and ten uses?

According to the description in "The Chapter of Monroe", the computing power of the brain is a key criterion for promotion to a higher wizard level.

This is because a spell with a higher level must have a more complex spell model and must use more mana to run in the body. It is necessary to strictly control the running mana without error, to ensure that several mana reaches the activated state at the same time and are released together, in order to ensure the success of the spell, otherwise it will cause the spell to fail and cause backlash. "


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