Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1476: Curing Factory

Pushing open the door of the compartment that served as a temporary bedroom, Philip stepped out and appeared in another long and narrow compartment.

In the long and narrow carriage, there are several desks, which are similar to offices. Behind one of the tables sat a square-faced man in his forties with a dark complexion and a serious expression.

Convenience is the highest authority on the entire locomotive - Kent Bob, Philip saw the other party, quickly greeted: "Commander, good morning."

Bob glanced over, nodded lightly: "Yeah." Then asked: "Have you rested?"

"Yes." Philip answered honestly.

"That's good." Bob said, "Get ready, we will arrive at the free energy element solidification factory in a while, this time there is a lot of cargo, and there may not be enough porters on the car, please help."

"Oh, I see." Philip responded and nodded. This was considered part of his job, and naturally there was no reason to refuse.

While speaking, he glanced outside through the window of the carriage, just in time to see the locomotive driving to the edge of Redstone City, approaching the energy shield. The next moment, as if crashing into a waterfall, the locomotive passed through the energy shield, entered the area outside the city, and headed towards the depths of the vast wilderness ahead.

"Crack, click..."

The sound of the locomotive was constantly echoing, and Philip blinked his eyes, reacting a little belatedly. Looking at Bob again, he asked, "Commander, the factory we are going to this time is outside the city?"

"Yes, it's outside the city." Bob responded, "We're going to deliver goods to three places outside the city this trip. The free energy element solidification factory is the first one, and there are two more. Speaking of which, this The distance is relatively long and the road is not easy to walk, so it may be a bit hard. However, after this trip is over, the locomotive will be maintained as a whole, and all of us on the locomotive can have a good rest for a few days."

"I see." Philip nodded. He didn't mind the hardship of the journey. After all, no matter how hard it was, it couldn't compare with the hunger life of the previous three years. However, the engineer said that after the trip, he would be able to rest for a few days, which made him look forward to seeing his son again at that time.

I hope to finish this trip quickly... Philip thought to himself, looking out through the window again.

Outside the car window, is the usual scenery.

The land in the field of vision is barren, and most of the trees are dead or half-dead, standing crookedly. The sky was always dark, and although the clock in the carriage showed that it was seven o'clock in the morning, there was no light rising from the east.

Philip looked at this scene for a long time, and couldn't help but feel a little sleepy. At this time, the car roared through a curve, then accelerated and inserted into the middle of two suddenly appearing hills, and reached a pocket-shaped valley.

The speed of the locomotive slowly decreased, and finally stopped in front of a platform, obviously the destination was reached.

Philip's eyes widened slightly, he cheered up, and looked towards the front of the locomotive through the window to observe what the so-called free energy element solidification factory looked like.

The first thing that caught his eyes was a large building.

Roughly counting, there are hundreds of stone buildings alone, some of which are cylindrical and some of which are box-shaped. Although they are crowded in one area very densely, if you observe carefully, they are actually distributed in an orderly manner.

The cylindrical building should be a place for storing materials, and the square-shaped building should be a place for production... After reading it, Philip made a guess. In the past one and a half months, he has traveled to many similar places with the locomotive, and he has some experience.

However, in the center of the building complex, there are three slender columns beyond his current knowledge. Seeing that, three columns rose from the dense buildings, like three long swords, piercing straight into the sky.

The three columns are very thin, or in other words very tall. Those tens of storey buildings in Redstone City are not qualified to be compared here. The surrounding buildings are like grass under a big tree, which looks very low. .

The very tops of the three columns are invisible because they have been lost in leaden clouds. From time to time there is light,

Passed down from the cloud along the outer surface of the cylinder, passed into the nearby buildings at the bottom of the cylinder and disappeared, and I don't know what it is useful for.

After looking at these three cylinders for a long time, Philip could not help but come up with a bold idea: the so-called solidification factory of free energy elements could not just obtain something from the sky, right?

Really, that's too amazing.

After that, Philip didn't think about it any further, because the chief engineer had already asked him to get off the car with the porters and prepare to carry the goods to be transported.

"Go, Philip," said the engineer.

"Yes." Philip quickly got off the locomotive.


No. 9 free energy element solidification factory, office.

A male secretary in a gray uniform hurried in and looked at Gero behind the desk—the former prince of the Emerald Kingdom and the current director of the factory.

"Factory Manager." The male secretary said, "The locomotive from Hongshi City is here, and they say they are going to deliver the goods."

"Hmm." Hearing the voice, Gero, who was reviewing the documents behind the desk, raised his head, stretched his neck and said, "I know about it."

After several years of growth, Gero's appearance has changed slightly, the muscle lines on his face have become a little thicker, and he looks a lot calmer. Coupled with the deliberately grown beard, it does have the feeling of some superiors.

In a sense, he is more like a prince than before. Of course, his current identity is the director of No. 9 Free Energy Element Solidification Factory, managing thousands of employees, hundreds of ordinary wizards and several third-level wizards.

He himself has the cultivation base of a second-level wizard. Although it is the result of taking the special breakthrough potion made by Sarin, a second-level wizard is a second-level wizard after all, and should not be underestimated.

How should I put it... Destiny is always so changeable... People can't guess what the future will look like...

However, apart from some small details, Gero is basically satisfied with his current life.

Looking at the male secretary, Ge Luo said: "The batch of goods prepared for the Hongshi City locomotive was produced yesterday and put in the warehouse. You can pass my order, pull it out from the No. 6 warehouse, and send it directly to the car." gone."

"Go." As he spoke, Gero waved to the male secretary.

The male secretary didn't move, but opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

"Huh?" Gro raised his eyebrows and asked, "What's the matter, is there a problem?"

"That...the factory manager..." The male secretary responded, "There was an emergency in Baigu City at night, and a batch of goods was urgently needed. So three hours ago, while you were still resting, Nancy, the deputy factory director, had arrived Someone emptied half of the goods in the No. 6 warehouse and transported them to the locomotive, and now I am afraid that it will not be able to satisfy the locomotive in Hongshi City."

"What!" Gero couldn't help shouting, and after he realized it, he got up and walked around the office a few times, losing his temper, "I just fell asleep, and the goods in No. 6 warehouse are not half? Why, Won't you notify me when you move?"

" are sleeping."

"I didn't say, I won't be disturbed when I'm sleeping, right?" Gro said angrily, "Take a good look at my appearance, am I the kind of existence who can sleep without being disturbed?"

"Factory manager, you are indeed not, so don't be angry. It was Nancy, the deputy director of the factory, who said that since you are sleeping, don't let us disturb you. She can make a decision."


Remember Aishang in 1 second:

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