Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 296: Reappearance of Somen

Facing the small fireball technique, the girl Barbara reacted quickly, stepped back slightly, and the long sword fell downward, obliquely inserted into the surface of the wooden platform. With a wave of the short gray staff in his right hand, a blue gem inlaid at the end of the short staff lit up, and the water vapor quickly condensed, releasing a water arrow more than 20 centimeters long.

The water arrow flew out, accurately hit the fireball, and pierced into the fireball with a "pop", extinguishing the fireball, and the water arrow also exhausted its energy, turning into a puddle of water and falling, wetting a large area of ​​the ground.

Zero Ring Spell · Evocation Water Spell · Spiked Water Arrow!

Seeing that the attack was cracked, the boy Simon frowned slightly, and was about to continue the attack, but saw that the girl Barbara had already made a counterattack.

Barbara opened and closed her lips and uttered a spell. A sticky green acid condensed at the end of the short staff. With a wave of the short staff, the acid ball quickly flew towards Simon.

Zero Ring Spell · Evocation Water Acid Branch Spell · Slug Acid Breath!

Simon responded by chanting the same incantation, the air condensed, and an air missile flew out, hitting the acid mass and crushing the acid mass. The acid dispersed and splashed all over the surface of the wooden platform, a lot of foam appeared with a "stab" sound, but Simon was unscathed.

Zero Ring Spell · Evocation Wind Spell · Air Projectile!

As Simon and Barbara continued to fight, everyone under the wooden stage watched extremely nervously.

Li Cha shook his head in the distance, feeling that this fighting method was too inefficient and conservative. The fighting method of the two is nothing more than to consume spells from a distance first, forcing one of them to run out of mana ahead of time and have to fight in close quarters, and then decide the victory. It's like playing chess, all the pieces to be dragged to one side are eaten up, and then checkmate.

Because the distance between the two of them on the stage is not close, this mode of stance output has a very high fault tolerance rate. It is impossible to make any major changes until the mana in the dual method sources is exhausted. Therefore, in the battle between the two sides, the competition is not at all combat awareness and magic skills, but the stored magic power.

Bringing into the mode on the modern earth, that is, two soldiers who are enemies, the comparison is not about accurate marksmanship or higher tactical literacy, but who has more bullets. When two soldiers meet, you take turns shooting one shot and the other shoots the other. Whoever empties the bullet first has to use the bayonet for close combat, and falls into a disadvantage.

In this mode, unless there is an advantage of crushing, in the end, the state is almost the same, and it needs a hard fight, exhausting almost all mana, energy and physical strength to win. Therefore, it is impossible for the best student to defeat two students of the same level, which will completely kill the combat effectiveness.

In Li Cha's view, fighting can be done in another way - a more efficient and faster-paced way.

The two can try to dodge each other's spells and release spells to attack the opponent's body. Even if the opponent can also dodge, they will inevitably be drawn into a mobile battle, and the chances of various flaws will increase greatly.

At this time, as long as you can seize the opponent's flaws and attack in time, you can win at a small price. Not to mention defeating two students of the same level, it is also possible to defeat three or four students.

If it is more extreme, close the distance at the beginning of the battle and directly engage in close combat, the victory can be won faster and at a lower price.

Thinking of this, Li Cha shook his head, lost interest and prepared to leave for the library. And just as he turned around, with a flash of his eyes, Li Cha noticed a somewhat familiar person disappearing among the crowd of onlookers on the wooden platform.


Li Cha raised his eyebrows, and recalled the face he saw just now with the help of his persistent vision.

It seemed to be... the face of the man from the mysterious organization that he saw while hiding in the alley after participating in the auction.

It seems to be called... Somen? !

What is he doing here? what purpose?

Li Cha became vigilant.

He has always been a little apprehensive about the other party's identity and the mysterious organization behind the other party, and according to what the other party has done before, coming to this White Stone Tower does not seem like a good deed.


Li Cha squinted his eyes towards the crowd,

Hope to find the other party, but found that the other party has disappeared without a trace, as if it has never appeared.


Li Cha frowned, he didn't think that what happened before was an illusion, so what exactly was the other party trying to do?

Looking at the wooden platform, Li Cha saw that the boy named Simon and the girl named Barbara were still fighting, constantly using spells to bombard them, and the power of the spells continued to increase.

After a while, Simon blasted out a flaming spear that was several meters long, stabbing Barbara fiercely.

Barbara continuously released water arrows, trying to defeat the flame spear. But the flaming spear called "Strike of the Raging Dragon" is obviously stronger than the previous "Little Fireball Technique". Barbara's three consecutive water arrows hit it, but it only made the flaming spear shrink in half.

In the end, seeing that she was about to be hit, Barbara yelled and swung the short staff violently, a large stream of ice mist gushed out, wrapping layers upon layers towards the flaming spear.

Like a peeled onion, the flaming spear shrinks down layer by layer, and finally dissipates completely.


Barbara breathed a sigh of relief, but her face turned pale. The "Winter's Breath" she cast was a spell close to the first level. For her, it was very expensive to release it in an emergency.

At this moment, the companions in the audience issued a warning.


"Barbara, watch out!"

"Barbara, get out of the way!"

Barbara listened, looked at his opponent, and saw that Simon had released another attack spell in the gap of her defense. It was a group of extremely compressed air, like a giant's fist punching towards her.

There was an explosion in the air, and Barbara's eyes widened, trying to resist, but the mana consumption was too high to do so, and it was too late to dodge.


With a muffled sound, Barbara was slammed into the air and hit the edge of the wooden platform. Because of the pain, her whole body curled up.

Simon looked at it, showing no sympathy at all. He opened and closed his lips, mana poured out, and a blazing flame emerged from the end of the short staff, ready to continue to attack and kill Barbara.


A majestic voice sounded, and the teacher Baishi Gaota who was maintaining order suddenly jumped onto the wooden platform, blocking between Simon and Barbara.

"Boy of Black Fort, you've won this competition, stop now, and save the people of Deep Blue Castle from trouble with you." The teacher from White Stone Tower reminded.

Simon's eyes flickered, and the flame at the end of the short staff was extinguished little by little. With his hands together, he bent over to Teacher Baishigaota, "Thank you teacher for reminding me, I understand." He walked towards the audience.

At this time, Barbara's companions from Deep Blue Fort had rushed to the stage quickly, trying to help Barbara up, fighting against injustices while doing it.

"Really, what kind of people are they from Black Castle, they are so heavy-handed!"

"That's right, it hurt Barbara like this!"

"Next time I meet them..."

As they spoke, the people from Deep Blue Castle looked at Suomen with unfriendly eyes, and Suomen continued to walk down the stage, ignoring them.

Li Cha watched from a distance, frowned slightly, and didn't notice anything wrong. Although I saw Somen, a member of the mysterious organization, appearing just now, everything is normal.


Li Cha turned around and was about to leave when a scream rang out.


Um? !

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