Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 434 Prisoners on Undead Island

Towards evening, the sea surface is golden, like melted gold water.

A small circular island floating in golden water, the beach near the sea is covered with white shells, and there are huge black reefs under the cliff. The waves crashed on the reef, making a "crash" sound, and the next moment it shattered into thousands of silver flowers, a piece of brilliance.

"Clatter, clatter..."

The sea breeze kept blowing, and the waves beat against the rocks one after another. On the distant sea, a dark ghost ship appeared and slowly drove over. Drive to the near side, skillfully bypass the cliff, and reach the side of the beach - a simple port.


The ghost ship made a sound, stopped in the port, and then the cabin opened, and the four suture monsters waved their maces, and quickly drove everyone on the captured "Naru Rongguang Fisherman" off the boat, and rushed to the beach. Go deep into the island.

Along the way through the dense woods, everyone came to a clearing.

Walk through the open space and enter a huge cave.

In the middle of the cave, there is a huge stone basin, which is filled with dark brown grease. After being ignited, a flame more than one meter high emerges, dispelling the darkness in the cave.

By the light of the fire, I can see that on the four walls of the cave, there are densely packed stone huts that were roughly hewn out, each of which is only a few square meters in size. At first glance, it is not a normal place for people to live. Like a prison cell.

Stitching monsters pushed and shoved everyone, and stuffed themselves into these cells.

The timid people naturally didn't dare to resist, and walked in obediently. The next moment, there was a "bang", and the door was locked from the outside by the Stitching Monster - imprisoned.

Some of the bolder ones resisted. Seeing that the prison cell was extremely damp and the floor was covered with dark red blood-like stains, he was already thinking about escaping. One of them, eyes rolling, stood on the spot with both feet, not moving at all.

"Roar!" Seeing that someone was not cooperating, the stitch monster immediately got angry and raised his head to roar.

The next moment, a new stitch monster appeared, running out from the depths of the cave. Compared with the four suture monsters that came down from the ghost ship, the new suture monster is taller, about 2.5 meters tall, and its skin is not a disgusting dead gray, but a healthy-looking... oily green, um , oily green. In his hand was a heavy hammer.

After the green-skinned stitching monster walked out, it glanced at the uncooperative person and let out a low growl.

The person who didn't cooperate trembled, had a bad premonition, and decisively confessed, shouted "I'll go in, can I go in?", and then went into the cell. The next moment, he was stopped by the green-skinned suture monster, and then grabbed his clothes and lifted him into the air.

"Ah, don't, let me go, help!" The uncooperative person shouted, kicking his feet.

The green-skinned stitch monster ignored him at all, lifted the man high, and then fell to the ground hard.


With just one blow, those who didn't cooperate were thrown to the point of vomiting blood.

But that's not all.

The next moment, the green-skinned suture monster held the hammer, aimed at the uncooperative person's head, and smashed it down with all his strength.

"Bang! Puchi!"

The head of a person who does not cooperate suddenly bursts like a watermelon run over by a truck, and the person who does not cooperate dies instantly.

The green-skinned stitching monster didn't stop, and didn't let go of the corpse. Like crazy, it continued to beat the corpse with a hammer, until the flesh and blood flew everywhere, almost into a meat paste.


The four gray stitch monsters couldn't stand it anymore, and shouted out of their mouths.

The green-skinned stitching monster just stopped, humming twice, holding a hammer stained with blood and meat sauce, turned around, walked slowly towards the depths of the cave, and disappeared into the darkness.

The four stitch monsters continued to push everyone on the "Naru Glory Fisherman" into the cell.

After seeing the end of those who did not cooperate, everyone on the "Naru Glory Fisherman" was extremely obedient, either alone, or in two, or in three, and they were all stuffed into cells and imprisoned after a while.

The gray stitched monster carefully checked the doors of each cell, made sure it was locked, and left the cave.


The fire in the cave brazier was burning, and the fire light shone on the faces of everyone in the cell, and everyone looked cloudy and uncertain.

In a cell in the corner, three people stayed inside, namely Captain Morgan, First Mate Williams, and... Tomya, the helmsman who drove the ship when it hit the rocks.

Captain Morgan was frowning at this moment, as if he was thinking about something - he was blown away by the Stitch Monster before, and his bones were broken, which made his movement somewhat inconvenient, but his life was not in danger.

As for the first mate Williams, he was in better condition than the captain Morgan. He was also sent flying by the stitch monster before and passed out. But after waking up in the cabin of the ghost ship, benefiting from a strong body, there are only some skin injuries, but... his head hurts from time to time.

As for the helmsman Tomya, he was in the best condition among the three. The reason why he chose to live in a cell with Captain Morgan and first mate Williams was that he wanted to make up for the guilt of being on the rocks by taking care of them.

After all, if he hadn't hit the rocks, everyone on the "Naru Glory Fisherman" would not have ended up now.

Thinking of this, he hated why he didn't notice the underwater reef. And thinking of the gloomy future again, the whole body tensed up even more.

Trembling slightly, looking at the captain Morgan, the helmsman Tomya asked in a low voice, "Captain, do you think... are we going to die?"

"Ahem..." Captain Morgan first coughed twice, then shook his head, "I don't know either. To be honest, I don't even know where I am now, let alone what the monsters will do to us."

"Undead Island." The first officer on the side, Williams, suddenly said.

"Huh? What?" Captain Morgan and helmsman Tomya didn't hear clearly.

"Island of the Undead." The first mate Williams said, repeating with a serious face, "This should be the Island of the Undead—at least that's what everyone said. I've heard people mention ghost ships in taverns in several ports. things.

It is said that the ghost ship has been wandering in the sea, attacking passing ships from time to time. Once the attack is successful, the people on board will be taken to the island of the undead. And none of the people who arrived on Undead Island could leave alive. Because there lived an evil wizard named Necromancer on Undead Island, he liked to study some ancient alchemy very much, and the people he captured were the materials for his alchemy. "

"Ghost ship? Undead Island? Necromancer?" Captain Morgan said to himself after hearing these three words, coughed, and smiled wryly, "Before, I never believed in such According to the rumors, in fact, before I saw the ugly monster, I always thought that the one chasing us was probably a pirate. Now I didn’t expect that we have actually fallen to this point. Is this misfortune or luck?”


There was silence in the cell.

Suddenly, at this moment, "bang bang bang" footsteps sounded, and the stitch monster who had left before came back again. After walking around the cell, without explaining anything for the next moment, he quickly opened the door of a cell, and forcibly dragged out a woman inside—a female passenger on the "Naru Glory Fisherman". No matter how miserably the woman screamed, the Stitching Monster walked out of the cave and quickly disappeared.


All the people in each cell lay on the door and looked at each other. They all saw their fear and apprehension, fearing that it would be their turn next. The captain Morgan in the corner cell coughed lightly, and smiled wryly again: "This is to make us die so unhappy!"

After the words fell, he let out a long sigh, and lowered his head with a somewhat slumped expression.


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