Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 436: Necromancer

Not long after, Li Cha finished his autopsy, left the Garden of Eden, and appeared on Undead Island.

"The brain has shrunk to a certain extent, the heart and lung function has been strengthened, and the appearance contains special ingredients, which can resist very strong physical damage..."

Li Cha talked to himself, summarizing the results obtained from dissecting the purple-skinned suture monster.

His eyes flickered, and Li Cha couldn't help but uttered again: "The purple-skinned stitching monster has changed like this, so what about the changes in the structure of the green-skinned stitching monster and the blue-skinned stitching monster?"

At this moment, Li Cha's curiosity flourished, and he really wanted to dissect all kinds of suture monsters, and find out the differences of all suture monsters.

Just do what you say, release your senses, Li Cha quickly locked onto a blue-skinned stitching monster wandering aimlessly in the woods, approached it quietly, and prepared to use the method he used to deal with the purple-skinned stitching monster before. The other party fell.

One hand stretched out, the lips opened and closed, the free energy elements in the body began to surge, and the spell was ready to be released.

Just then, there was a rush of footsteps.

"Da da da……"

The sound of footsteps was mixed with shouts and calls for help!

"Ah! Help! Ah! Help!"

The lone Stitch Monster was startled, let out a low growl, and walked towards the place where the sound came from.

Li Cha had no choice but to give up the arrest operation for the time being, hiding his breath, and with a bit of curiosity, he followed the strange line of blue leather stitching, and soon saw a woman with messy hair appearing in his field of vision.

The woman looked very good, but at this moment her face was full of horror, and she ran away in a panic, and a large group of shadowy sewing monsters were chasing behind her.

The woman looked back while running, shouting continuously in her mouth, bumping around in the woods like a headless chicken.

Li Cha watched this scene in the dark, and couldn't help shaking his head. He had already predicted the end of this woman in advance: If the woman can hold back her nervousness, keep calm, and quickly escape towards the edge of the island without making a sound, she might be able to escape. birthday. But now, screaming all the time, lest the stitch monsters don't know where she is, not only won't shake off the stitch monsters chasing her, but will also attract the stitch monsters from other places.

And indeed it is.

Not long after, several attracted stitch monsters appeared in the direction of the woman's escape, including gray-skinned, green-skinned, and blue-skinned ones—the target that Li Cha wanted to capture before was one of them. But no purple ones were seen.

Li Cha guessed that, on the one hand, the purple-skinned stitching monsters are relatively rare, and on the other hand, the purple-skinned stitching monsters wanted to rush over but were stopped by trees, and now they should... be hitting the first tree.

The woman who was running away was obviously taken aback when she saw the Stitch Monster intercepting her, as if she didn't realize that it was all caused by herself. But the stitch monsters chasing after her also came close at this time, and surrounded her.

The woman's face turned pale, her body softened, and she sat down on the ground with a "bang", shouting incessantly, "Ah! Help! Don't come here! Ah! Help! Don't come here!"

"Shut up!"

Suddenly an old woman's voice sounded, and then a figure walked out from the crowd of stitching monsters, his whole body was hidden under the black robe, he quickly approached the running woman who was sitting paralyzed on the ground, stretched out his hands from under the robe, Facing the woman who was running away, he slapped the running woman several times mercilessly.

The old woman's voice was hoarse and annoyed, and she reprimanded the beautiful woman who was running away: "Run, run, run! Keep running! Yell! Keep yelling! You worthless slut, if you didn't like your face, you would believe me!" If you don’t believe me, I’ll throw you into the sea and drown right now!”

The body of the fleeing woman trembled, and she didn't dare to make a sound anymore, her body kept shaking.

Li Cha, who was hiding in the dark, squinted his eyes. Hearing the voice of the robed man, his eyes locked on the outstretched hands of the robed man. He saw that those hands were extremely white and tender, like a piece of flawless jade.

these hands,

He had seen it before, and he was also familiar with the other party's voice—it was the divination woman who kept "persuading" him to leave two days later in the tavern in The Hague.

The other party is here?

Li Cha thought quickly.

After he boarded the "Naru Glory Fisherman", the other party left The Hague and came to this small island? Or, the other party first managed to board the ghost ship, chased the "Naru Rongguang Fisherman" all the way, and finally captured everyone on the "Naru Rongguang Fisherman", and then came to this island with the ghost ship? Or, the rest of the way?

But no matter which possibility it is, it proves that the divination woman is indeed inextricably linked with the ghost ship. All his conjectures before were just assumptions based on logic, but now the assumptions have become facts.

What did the divination woman want to do on this island?

Her hands are obviously out of tune with her own age, and just now she said that she wants a woman's "face", could it be...

Li Cha raised his eyebrows.

The next moment, Li Cha heard the divination woman speak again. She clicked on a gray suture monster, pointed at the fleeing woman who was sitting slumped on the ground, and ordered: "You, big fool! Pick up this woman and follow me!" Let's go together! Do you understand?!"

The divination woman repeated the sentence three times, and the gray-skin stitch monster that was touched finally reacted, tentatively reached out and grabbed the fleeing woman's clothes, picked it up, and walked towards the way with the fortune-telling woman.

Part of the rest of the stitching monsters followed the divination woman, while the other part slowly dispersed, and the entire forest quickly returned to silence.

Li Cha, who was hiding in the dark, pursed his lips, looked at the direction in which the divination woman left, and rolled his eyes. Originally, he wanted to catch a few suture monsters and dissect them, but now that the divination woman appeared, he had a new idea—to see what the other party was going to do, and to find out the situation of the entire island by the way.

In this case……

Li Cha stared at the direction in which the fortune-telling woman was leaving for a few seconds, but instead of catching up the next moment, he stomped on his feet and flew backwards.


In the center of Undead Island, there is a two-story stone building. It looks unattractive, but at this time there is a faint light shining from inside.

The divination woman appeared in front of the stone building and walked towards the stone building. The gray suture monster followed her closely, holding the beautiful woman who was still struggling violently and running away.

Walking into the interior of the stone building, the first thing you see is a hall. The walls of the hall are densely packed with wooden frames, and there are many containers on the wooden frames. Some of them were transparent glass jars, filled with pale yellow liquid, soaked in very suspicious tissues and organs such as hearts and eyes, whether they were human or animal. Others are filled with various powders that cannot be named.

In the middle of the hall, there was a huge stone table. A man was standing in front of the stone table, wearing a yellow robe, exuding a cold aura. It was... a necromancer!


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