Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 469: Indecent Fiction in the Library

With the illumination of the Sunshine Crystal, Li Cha glanced at the entire library, and found that although the entire library had a "private" label, it was not small at all. The whole is a rectangle with a width of about 12-3 meters, a length of more than 20 meters, and an area of ​​nearly 300 square meters.

The ground is covered with polished bluestone slabs, and under the light of the Sunshine Crystal, it is as bright as wax. Rows of incomparably tall gold bookshelves filled with books stand on the bluestone slab. Although it is not pure gold, it is enough to show the degree of luxury.

After scanning the entire library, Li Cha couldn't help sighing in his heart: So in the current world, are the private libraries of rich people like this?

Princess Ruth on the side didn't have much reaction when she saw the library like this. Whether it was the gold bookshelf or the many books, she felt ordinary, and said lightly: "Is there anything special here? It’s even a little bit smaller, I really don’t know why my father doesn’t allow me to come in casually. Hmph, I’m going to build a bigger one by then, and he’s not allowed to come in casually!”

Li Cha: "..."

"Well, what is this?" Princess Ruth suddenly discovered something new and walked over. Li Cha followed and saw a row of portraits in the corner of the library.

Each portrait is life-size, except that the whole body is black in color, every detail looks lifelike, like a real person standing there. But if you touch it, you will find that it is undoubtedly a cold dead thing, and the material is not wood, but some kind of metal. Richard speculated that it might be some kind of anti-corrosion alloy.

After looking at the portrait a few more times, Li Cha lost interest, turned his gaze back to the bookshelf, and began to quickly browse through books one by one, trying to find content related to the Black Spirit Empire and the secrets of the Black Spirit King.

Princess Ruth admired the portrait for a while, then lost interest, shook her head and walked away. First, as a supervisor, he was very competent and stared at Li Cha for a long time. Then he started yawning boredly. Sitting in the corner with his back against the bookshelf, he almost fell asleep bit by bit, and finally couldn't help it, took the books from the shelf and tried, hoping to pass the whole night.

In other words, why does it feel like being imprisoned?

Princess Ruth had such a thought in her heart, she frowned unhappily, opened the book in her hand, and saw that the inner pages of the book were densely packed with extremely small words, she felt dizzy and couldn't help throwing herself away. open.

Who wants to see this kind of thing.

Princess Ruth thought in her heart, put the book back in its original place, and took out another book, but found that it was still full of words. She read a few lines biting the bullet, couldn't understand it at all, and stuffed it back angrily.

Then the third, fourth, fifth...

Bored, not interested, can't understand, not interested, can't understand, can't understand...

Princess Ruth picked books one by one, and finally found a book with a colorful cover in the corner of the bookshelf.

Shocked, Princess Ruth felt that it might be a rare knight, so she quickly flipped through and read from the first page.

As a result, just after reading the beginning, Princess Ruth's eyes flickered, and she felt that something was wrong, but she didn't know what was wrong.

"Elizabeth II, who lives in Nobel City, is the eldest daughter of Countess Elizabeth I. Her mother was the most romantic and sexy female aristocrat in the land of Nobel City. Elizabeth II inherited her mother's characteristics since she was a child. Like to make friends with a lot of people. Well, make friends."

Read on.

"...March 15th is the full moon. Queen Elizabeth II is having a tryst with her favorite Baron Philido in the castle..."

"Is it noble love?" After reading this, Princess Ruth felt that she had discovered the truth, and said to herself, "I thought it was a knight who wrote adventure stories,

It's a bit disappointing, but it doesn't matter, just read it. I just don't know why this kind of thing that doesn't look very attractive is hidden here. "

With some doubts, Princess Ruth continued to read, her expression slowly changing.

"Elizabeth II smiled coquettishly, and touched the baron's forehead. The baron smiled back, and reached out to touch Queen Elizabeth II's body...The baron's clothes were taken off...Elizabeth's skirt was torn..."

"Brush!" Princess Ruth suddenly raised her head, her face was flushed red, as if she had a high fever. Grasping the book subconsciously with both hands, she realized that what she was reading was not a book of love, nor a book of knights—it was the very dishonest one she had heard from the maid.

Hmm, unorthodox!

"In the world, how could such things really exist!" Princess Ruth said incomprehensibly, with a bit of anger and a bit of guilty conscience, she secretly looked at Richard who was browsing books in the distance, and looked Take a long breath after finishing.

"Huh——, fortunately, I don't seem to have noticed that I read this, so quickly put it back, and pretend that I have never read it." Princess Ruth said to herself, and quickly pushed the book back to the original place.

In the process of plugging, the book turned a few pages, and Princess Ruth's eyes suddenly stared. I saw one of the pages, with a lot of colors, and realistic oil paintings on it. On the oil painting is a beautiful woman, sitting in the bathtub, stretching out her hands to caress her body, her eyes are blurred...

"Is this Queen Elizabeth II? It turns out that she looks like this, and she still looks very beautiful. I just don't know what that Baron Philido looks like, will he be very handsome?" Princess Ruth subconsciously thought, holding back I kept reaching out and flipping forward, hoping to find another oil painting that might exist.

After turning two pages, he stopped suddenly, covering his face with shame and guilt, and blamed himself: "What are you doing? You can't continue reading, this is degeneration, you must stop, you must quickly stuff it back That's fine. Yes, stuff it back."

"But, having said that, there's nothing to look at, right? Well, there shouldn't be anything."

"No, no, it must be stuffed back."

"Why are you so naive? Since you've already seen it, does it matter how much you watch? It's better to finish it."

Princess Ruth was in pain, and felt that there was an angel with white wings and a demon with black air all over her head.

The demon is bewitching her, making her think that it doesn't matter if she continues to look at the book in her hand.

The angel persuaded with righteous words: "The devil is right, don't waste time, do it quickly!"

Princess Ruth: "..."

In the end, Princess Ruth decided that there should be nothing wrong with listening to the angels——start your hands.

At this moment, the footsteps of "da da da" suddenly sounded, and Li Cha approached. At this moment, in Ruth's ears, the sound of footsteps was inexplicably loud. I don't know if it was an illusion, or even heard an echo.

"Da da da……"

"Da da……"



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