Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 531: Richard’s Beast and Metal Molybdenum

Narid leaves.

It came suddenly, and it left quickly, without any muddle. But before leaving, she told Li Cha repeatedly that she would keep her three-year promise, and she would definitely come to marry Li Cha after three years.


Li Cha laughed it off.

For him, there are many things to be busy, and he has no time and no interest in such joke-like irrelevant things. Getting to know Narid is just a small episode in ordinary life, and seeing the other person's body standing up from the bathtub is just a glimpse of surprise, and I will not seriously invest in it at all.

Of course, this does not mean that he has no desires, that he is a robot. In fact, his mind is very normal, with the feelings, emotions, desires, inertia, and passions that ordinary people have.

However, he chose to use reason to lead all this, so he will always suppress his emotions, desires, passions, and so on.

Everything he did was for one purpose - to clarify the biggest doubt in his heart.

It can be said that since he came to the world, he has only one purpose, and everything else that has nothing to do with the purpose is trivial.

This is not good, this is very bad.

He also knows very well that this is of course not good.

But so what?

Not every book is a fairy tale book, not every world is a fairy tale world. Some worlds are cruel and dangerous, and the cruelest and most dangerous world is called reality.

The current world of wizards is a real world. There is no perfect and beautiful way of life here, and he has no means to change his fate against the sky. If he wants to get something, he has to pay something, otherwise, he can only live a mediocre life.

There is nothing wrong with living a mediocre life. It is the choice of many people to live in poverty and live in harmony with the situation. Being an ordinary person may be ordinary, but it has its own advantages.

If he wants to, he can live comfortably: in the Blue Lion Kingdom, he is capable of controlling the overall situation, being a wise and conservative king, usually hunting, molesting the maids, and occasionally fooling the ignorant with the knowledge of modern earth People, enjoy being adored and awed. How nice!

It's just that he doesn't want to do it.

From the first day he inexplicably came to this world, he has been full of doubts, doubting the rationality, authenticity, and scientific nature of this world.

One thing he wanted to do was figure out what was going on.

In the same situation, maybe many people will not be like him, because he obviously chose the most difficult, boring and meaningless path, but he will not regret it, because he is him.

And in order to be able to achieve his goal one day, he has paid a lot and lost a lot, such as most of his humanity - so he will suppress the emotions and desires of many ordinary people.

There is a saying: If you lose your humanity, you will lose a lot; if you lose your bestiality, you will lose everything.

Human nature refers to good things, the more he loses, the more good things he will lose, and he knows this very well. And doing so is to preserve the last animal nature.

This animal nature is naturally not the bloodthirsty, madness, and wildness of some wild beasts. It is an absolute pursuit of a certain goal, a means of abandoning everything, without mixing any emotions, and being absolutely rational.

In fact, this kind of bestiality is what is hidden in the deepest part of human beings, and it is the reason why human beings can become the overlords of the planet.

It is not because of civilization - learning to bow and salute can not make wild beasts retreat, but because of barbarism - the bestiality of human beings is more brutal and fierce than all other wild beasts combined. To survive, learn to trap, cooperate, use fire, make weapons, and use these things to mercilessly destroy any existence that threatens survival. so,

Wherever the habitat of primitive people expanded, the large organisms disappeared in that area until they were completely extinct.

This is how human beings develop step by step.

To sum it up in one sentence, it is: success is possible only at all costs.

Therefore, Li Cha will do whatever it takes to succeed.

This is his bestiality.

Of course, all actions will eventually fall into practice.

No matter how big the goal is, it must be accomplished in small things.

For Richard now, in order to achieve the ultimate goal, he must figure out the history of the world and crack the wizard's power system.

To figure out the history of the world, it is necessary to solve the ultimate secret of the Dark Lord, and to crack the wizard's power system is to complete his current research on magic materials.

Everything should be done slowly.

No matter how ambitious the goal is, it will eventually be broken down into a boring life and seemingly meaningless efforts.

Li Cha was working hard at this moment.


A few days after Nerid left.

Inside the Garden of Eden, machining sector, research room.

The Garden of Eden has almost been rebuilt, and the molybdenite brought back by Narid was also smelted by Richard to obtain a needed metal-molybdenum.


Molybdenum is an element with an atomic number of 42 in the periodic table of elements on the earth, and its chemical symbol Mo belongs to transition metals. Because the ore is lead-gray on the outside, it was confused with lead ore until the eighteenth century. It was only identified by the chemist Scheele in 1778, and was successfully extracted by Peter Jaeger in 1781.

Combining molybdenum with other metals, the alloy made has many outstanding properties:

For example, adding molybdenum to stainless steel can greatly improve the corrosion resistance of steel; adding molybdenum to alloy steel can increase the elastic limit; adding molybdenum to iron can greatly improve the strength of iron; adding molybdenum to nickel-based superalloys Molybdenum can obtain effects such as high melting point, low density and small coefficient of thermal expansion, and is used to manufacture various high-temperature components in aviation and aerospace.

Of course, the reason why Richard chose to use molybdenum for the research of magic materials is mainly because of the role of molybdenum in electronic devices.

Metal molybdenum has many incredible effects in electronic devices such as electron tubes, transistors and rectifiers. For example, molybdenum disulfide is used to make molybdenum-based flexible microprocessor chips on the earth. This chip, compared with the same silicon-based chip, is only 20% the size, and the power consumption is extremely low. The power consumption in standby mode is one hundred thousandth of that of a silicon transistor.

In addition, circuits made of molybdenum are extremely thin—silicon is three-dimensional, and the molybdenum monolayer is two-dimensional. Using technical means, the circuit can be processed to be thinner than a piece of paper, and even reach Below the nanometer level.

Circuits based on molybdenum, with their unique mechanical properties, can be used to create special thin-layer wafers with elasticity, which can be used in rollable computers or electronic devices that stick to the skin, and can even be implanted in the human body.

To sum it up: Molybdenum can be used to make amazing circuits.

But having said that, according to Richard's thoughts and inferences a long time ago: the magic pattern in the current world is actually equivalent to the circuit on the earth, but what runs inside is not electric current, but mana or free energy elements.

So, what happens when molybdenum is used experimentally on 237 alloy?


In the research room, a square metal block the size of a fist has been manufactured by Richard. Because of the addition of various materials including molybdenum, the color of the alloy is no longer the silvery white of the previous 237 alloy, but looks a little black.

At this time, Li Cha put the metal block on the processing table, controlled the stable mechanical arm, and used the two idle space iron rings fixed at the end of the mechanical arm to carve on the surface of the metal block. Finally, a high-precision magic pattern is drawn, which is used to store free energy elements and fuse with alloys.


The research room was extremely quiet, only the slight sound of the space iron ring scratching across the surface of the metal block.


outside the study.

Pandora sat on her exclusive wooden stool, biting a quill, and looked at the calculation problems on the papyrus scroll.

A linear equation in one variable has been calculated by her to the last step - "7X=21".

Pandora frowned, counted carefully with her fingers for a long time, took a quill pen, and carefully wrote the answer - "X=3". Then, look at the next question.

After a while, Pandora suddenly felt something was wrong, looked at the answer, unceremoniously crossed it out with a quill pen, then wrote "X=4", and nodded in satisfaction.

That's right.


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