Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 542: 3600 rounds in 1 second, great mercy saves the world

"Boom boom boom!"

The metal projectile hit Franklin's body and exploded continuously, tearing Franklin's flesh and splashing blood, but it didn't hurt Franklin at all, it just staggered Franklin.

Franklin was staggering, and kept approaching the people in the secret room.

The man in the mask in the secret room raised his eyebrows, said nothing, moved his finger, pressed somewhere on the machine in front of him, and made two "click, click".

The next moment, the number of projectiles flying out of the machine increased sharply, and then surged again.

If the previous pellet count was a drizzle, the blink of an eye is a squall followed by a torrential downpour!

Countless metal projectiles were almost connected in a line, bombarding Franklin's body without interruption, exploding and exploding again.

Franklin was holding the projectile before, and finally advanced three meters with difficulty, but this time he was directly shot seven or eight meters away. The projectiles were as fast as phantoms, and they bombarded his body in groups, like knives like Ling Chi, and each time they hit, they would definitely take away a large piece of flesh and blood.


Franklin roared, and the light on his body flashed again and again, as if he was about to fight back, but under the bombardment of the violent and unreasonable torrent of projectiles, it looked more like a dying struggle.

Under the bombardment of 3,600 spell bullets per minute, any resistance is meaningless!

"Puff puff puff puff!"

The bullets kept bombarding Franklin's body, taking away more and more flesh and blood, and finally the flesh and blood disappeared, revealing the white bones.

Franklin screamed again and again, and then his voice became weaker and weaker, until finally he turned into a white flesh and blood skeleton.


Franklin's unrecognizable corpse fell to the ground and fell apart, and the sound echoed in the corridor for a long time - at some point, the machine controlled by the masked man in the secret room stopped, and the entire corridor was deadly quiet.


"Da da da……"

Li Cha got up, walked out of the secret room, stepped on the corridor floor covered with pieces of flesh and blood, walked step by step, checked the corpses, and confirmed after a while: there was no one alive.

This is the result he expected.

After all, this was his home field, and he had carefully prepared to use fishing to deal with a dozen or so wizards, which was simply too simple. Even if you don't use spell bullets and spell guns, there are still many ways to choose: such as improved fungal spores, such as powerful explosives, and direct burial alive.

For him, being prepared and not being prepared are two extremes.

If he is not prepared, he can at most display a relatively outstanding individual strength. If he is prepared, he will not be afraid of any enemies. Even a god—if there is a god, as long as he is given enough time and conditions, he has the confidence to defeat or even kill the opponent.

Therefore, he was not surprised by the situation in front of him, but rather regretted it.'s too much of a waste of bullets.

Well, what a waste of bullets, really.

This killing consumed nearly half of his magic bullet reserves in just a few seconds. You know, it took him a long time to prepare for this, and this is still under the premise of squeezing Pandora's labor force-without Pandora's metal shaping ability, whether it is the mass production of spell bullets, 315 alloy projectiles, or The processing of magic firearms will encounter considerable difficulties.

However, judging by the results, it is not small. Now more than a dozen wizards have all been wiped out. Even if the last wizard has used an unknown method to become extremely powerful, he has never carried the high-speed shooting mode of magic guns.

This completely verified the power of magic firearms in actual combat. It can be said that everything is invincible.

Of course, he also knew that the application of this kind of magic firearm had certain limitations. In the narrow corridor he specially designed, many wizards of the mysterious organization could not dodge, and the natural effect was the best. If it was an open ground, the effect would be compromised.

In the open environment, at best, he killed a few wizards unexpectedly by means of a sudden attack. After that, once the wizard is alert and dispersed, it will be difficult to hit the opponent, after all, bullets do not have tracking. And if the hostile wizard is smarter, using a specific spell to attack the spell gun will make the spell gun instantly invalid.

In fact, in reality, the more powerful the appliance, the more specific conditions are needed to exert its powerful effect.

For example, a sniper rifle must be specially calibrated every time it is used. Like in the movie, it is basically impossible to quickly assemble after disassembly, and then hit the target with one shot and kill it. The greatest possibility is that the sniper pinpointed the robber's heart precisely through the scope, and then pulled the trigger, and the hostage's head exploded like a watermelon.

The sniper rifle in reality is a very complicated and troublesome firearm. Even if it is not disassembled, when it is used across regions, due to the difference in certain environmental factors in the region, such as humidity, gravity, etc., it still needs to be calibrated, otherwise it will be used. Doesn't have the desired effect.

Therefore, according to the different environments, choose different props. Or, according to the characteristics of the props, it is a scientific approach to choose the environment that can play its role best.

On the other hand, it is too thankless for a prop to forcefully apply to all environments and require it to play a powerful role in any environment.

Even tanks, the king of land on the modern earth, are developed and used according to the regional environment. If the main battle tanks of high-latitude cold countries are thrown into the humid and hot environment of low latitudes, the damage rate of the tanks will reach to an unimaginable degree.

So things like magic guns, like fungal spore biochemical weapons, are very powerful, but they need to be used under control.

Thinking of this, Li Cha stepped out of the tunnel and onto the ground.

On the ground, Pandora appeared out of nowhere, holding a huge gun in her hand. It is said to be a firearm, but it is not accurate. The barrel is short and thick, and the caliber can almost fit a baby. For reinforcement, there are several iron hoops on the barrel, which looks more like a cannon - held by Pandora The cannon, referred to as... the hand cannon.

Pandora inspected the courtyard destroyed by the wizard, she was very vigilant, her little face was tense, when she heard the sound of footsteps coming from the room, she turned the muzzle sharply, and was about to fire the built-in, shot-put-sized overweight projectiles.

Fortunately, Li Cha said in time: "It's me!"

"Scared—" Pandora stuck out her tongue, quickly put down the hand cannon, and looked at Li Cha.

Li Cha looked at Pandora, he didn't care about the fact that he almost accidentally injured the friendly army, and asked, "Apart from me, is there anyone else coming out?"

"No." Pandora shook her head and replied.

"On the street, did any follow-up people break in?"

"No." Pandora shook her head again.

"That would be the best." Li Cha responded, squinting his eyes, and said to himself, "Although it can be concluded that there must be more people in the mysterious organization, there should be only those who participated in this operation. All of them will be wiped out." After the drop, for a long period of time, it should be difficult for the other party to find relevant clues, which is relatively safe.

In addition, the iron rings in the hands of these dead people should contain a lot of information about the treasures of the Black Spirit Empire and the Black Spirit King. If they can be sorted out, they may be discovered. if that is the case……"

At the end, Li Cha's eyes lit up a little. ()

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