Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 556 Seems to have a plan

After that, Li Cha followed Quentin all the way to a two-story wooden building on the edge of the gathering place.

Quentin pushed the door open and walked in. Instead of going upstairs, he went straight to a corner of the wooden building, lifted a wooden board, revealed a downward passage, and walked in.

Li Cha followed along and entered, and found that there was a cellar under the wooden building.

The cellar is huge, with an area of ​​three to four hundred square meters, about the size of a basketball court. Numerous torches hung on the four walls, and the lights were brightly illuminated. There were also several wooden shelves near the wall, and there were miscellaneous objects on them. I don't know what they were for.

At this time, Quentin said the second sentence to Richard so far, still without thinking: "You can call me Mr. Puster."

"Post?" Li Cha was taken aback, looked at the other party and said, "Shouldn't it be Teacher Quentin?"

"Quentin?" Hearing Li Cha's words, the other party snorted coldly, "I don't like this silly-sounding name. From now on, I only allow you to call me Mr. Puster, you know!"

"Uh, yes." Li Cha replied "obediently", but he felt that something was obviously abnormal, and there might be something inside to dig out.

At this moment, Quentin or Puster spoke up and said to Richard, "You know, what do I want you to do?"

"I don't know." Li Cha shook his head, which is the truth.

"Then you'd better be prepared in your heart." Post said, "I want you to do a very difficult thing."

"A very difficult thing? What exactly?" Li Cha asked tentatively, hoping to get more information.

Puster didn't hide anything. He probably felt that Li Cha, an ordinary and weak student, had no threat to him, and it was absolutely impossible to escape his control. He said bluntly: "Just to tell you, that is , I want you to come, not to be my student, but to be another person's student."

"Being another person's student?" Li Cha looked puzzled.

"You are very strange, right? I can briefly explain it to you." Post said, "The person I asked you to be the other party's student is the oldest wizard in this gathering place, and no one knows about it except herself. How old is she? A hundred years old, maybe a hundred and twenty years old, or a hundred and fifty years old?

Correspondingly, the opponent's strength is very strong. According to rumors, he used to be a third-level wizard, the top expert in the entire jungle hut, and can completely crush the existence of other wizard organization masters.

However, because she is too old and has suffered many serious injuries, her strength has been declining in recent years-little by little, she has changed from a third-level wizard to a second-level wizard, and from a second-level wizard to a first-level wizard. . If it continues, maybe she will become like an ordinary person, or even worse than an ordinary person, and eventually die of old age.

This also caused the other party to have a very weird personality and lose his temper easily. If there is no very important matter, the rest of the people will not get in touch with her. The wizards in this gathering place had very little contact with her, trying to forget about her in this way.

But the other party is not so easy to forget. On the one hand, the other party still has the cultivation of a first-level wizard after all, and has mastered many esoteric spells, especially spiritual spells, which are hard to guard against. Once the other party is really angry, the second-level wizards dare not confront her, and can only treat her gently.

In addition, the other party is also one of the guardians of the holy land of the jungle hut, holding the legendary key of the holy land. Although the Holy Land has only a symbolic meaning to the people in the jungle hut and most people in this gathering place, it is different for others, as long as they can get the key... ahem! "

The more Post spoke, the more excited he became, and his voice grew louder, as if there was a secret that had been hidden for too long, and he really wanted to share it with the rest. But in the end,

Still realized something was wrong, and stopped in time.

When Li Cha heard this, his heart moved: Holy land? One of the Guardians? Holy land key? Well, kind of interesting.

"Ahem." With a few coughs, Puster quickly returned to his poker face, looked at Li Cha and said, "I talk too much, and you probably don't understand. Anyway, you just need to understand that there is a man called 'Gu Luo's old witch, she is very powerful, I just want you to be her student."

"Of course, it's not easy to be her student." Poster looked at Li Cha and said, "Especially with your ordinary aptitude, it is extremely difficult, and you must train. Only through training can you become excellent." Only then can you get the other party's approval and become the other party's student, and you will benefit endlessly by then."

Hearing this, Li Cha looked educated on the surface, but he couldn't help shaking his head in his heart: Poster's words can only deceive ignorant teenagers.

Since the qualifications are not enough, why choose him? It is even more nonsense to become excellent through training. If aptitude can be easily changed through some training, then there will be no mediocre wizards in this world.

Combined with the fact that the other party has two names and other performances, Richard analyzed that the other party seems to have some schemes for the so-called holy land key.

And very coincidentally, he also needs some keys to the Holy Land.

In this case, he would rather be patient and cooperate with the other party for a period of time to see what the other party's intentions are.

Thinking of this, Li Cha had a slightly excited expression on his face, and said to Post: "Mr. Post, I will definitely work hard according to your instructions."

"That's good, right, put this on first." As he spoke, Post took a heavy thing from the wooden shelf and threw it over.

Li Cha caught it with "slight difficulty", and after unfolding it, he found that it was a vest. But it's not an ordinary vest. There are crystal plates tied around the vest. The crystal plates are engraved with strange textures, exuding faint, undetectable, but very dangerous fluctuations.

Li Cha has done a lot of research on the magic pattern, and he can be sure that the crystal plate is a very low-quality magic pattern, which is used to imitate the effect of some kind of fire spell. Compared with the white jade flakes he made a long time ago, its power is a bit higher, but not too much.

In other words, what Post threw him was a bomb vest.

After seeing the bomb vest, Li Cha was a little more certain about the previous guess in his heart. On the surface, he still looked ignorant, put on the vest obediently, walked up to Poster and said, "Mr. Poster, I Alright, what should I do next?"

Post didn't answer right away, first he went up and down, looked at Li Cha seriously, nodded in satisfaction, and then handed a dagger into Li Cha's hand.

There is also a magic pattern on the dagger. Li Cha analyzed that the function of the magic pattern should be to break a specific spell shield. The blade of the dagger was pitch black, exuding a faint stench, which made people dizzy after smelling it. This was easy to determine: it had been poisoned.

Post said, "What I'm giving you now is a precious magic item. You have to be careful not to get cut, otherwise your life will be lost."

After finishing speaking, Poster dragged Li Cha to the side of the cellar.

I saw white lines drawn on the ground here, and there were piles of sundries, which seemed to simulate something, and there was a doll in the corner, with an ugly appearance.

Post pointed at the puppet and said: "The training you have to do is to wear a vest and hold a dagger, from your current position, cross the white line and obstacles, and run to the puppet's side at the fastest speed. position, stabbing the puppet's body.

"This—" Li Cha looked at Post, "Mr. Post, what kind of training is this?"

"Very important training!" Post said without blinking, "This is the training that Master Gu Luo values ​​very much! Only through this training can you become his student.

Now you stabbing the doll is a simulation, and then you will stab Master Guluo himself. Don't panic, in fact, it is absolutely impossible for you to hurt Master Gu Luo, but if you can get close to her body, it can be regarded as excellent, understand? "

"..." Li Cha was speechless for a while, but on the surface he still cooperated, "Yes."

"That's good." Post said, and patted Li Cha's shoulder encouragingly, "Let's get started, let me see your potential."

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