Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 572: Spell Chip! (Science direction, research direction, if you don't like it, you can

After a few days.

Inside the Garden of Eden, the main laboratory.

On the table in the main laboratory are the design drawings of the "Gloves of Extermination" and the scroll of the "Right Hand of God" that was copied not long ago. Li Cha sat at the table and squinted at it.

In a short period of time, no further clues about "Artis" could be found, so Li Cha temporarily set his goal on the production of "Gloves of Destroying the World", and planned to try to study it seriously. If ideal, it would be even better to be able to make a prototype of the blueprint.

Of course, this is very difficult.

"Gloves of Extermination" is indeed a magic item, but compared with other magic pattern items, it is not an order of magnitude more complicated. According to the previous statement, the magic pattern on the ordinary magic pattern props is like a circuit diagram with anti-counterfeiting means, and it needs certain means to decipher and use it. And the magic patterns involved in the "gloves of extermination" are more like chips.

Yes, chips!

Of course, this is just a metaphor, not to say that the "Glove of Extinct World" really needs a chip, but the difficulty is similar.

Speaking of chips, this is almost one of the most representative products of high-end technology on the planet.

A chip that can be grasped by the palm of one square centimeter or less can integrate billions of transistors, complete trillions of calculations in a second, simulate a fictional world in a square inch, or calculate a All the possible development results of the matter are almost unimaginable before they are placed.

And if the chip is viewed in the current wizarding world similar to the Middle Ages, it is equivalent to a flawless illusion, or an all-knowing prophecy spell.

Of course, the ability of a chip to be so powerful did not happen overnight. It became like this after a long road of development. .

Before the most basic chip, that is, the transistor, electron tubes were widely used on the earth.

The first computer, the Atanasoff Berry Computer, was born in the United States in 1942. It covers an area of ​​150 square meters and weighs 30 tons. It uses 17,468 electronic tubes, 7,200 resistors, 10,000 capacitors, and 500,000 lines. , it is a machine, it is better to say that it is a building, it cannot be moved, let alone used.

Because of its obvious disadvantages, scientists have invested a lot of energy since then, trying to develop a new and lighter computer.


In 1947, the first semiconductor transistor was fabricated.

In 1950, the junction transistor was born

In 1958, the integrated circuit was invented.

In 1960, the photolithography process was invented.

In 1963, CMOS technology was proposed, and most integrated circuit chips are based on this technology.

In 1964, Moore's Law was proposed, predicting that the integration of transistors would double every 18 months, and integrated circuits began to enter a stage of rapid development.

In 1971, large-scale integrated circuits appeared.

In 1978, VLSI appeared, and 140,000 transistors were integrated on a silicon chip less than 0.5 square centimeters.

In 1988, VLSI was further improved, and 35 million transistors were integrated on a silicon chip of 1 square centimeter.

In 1989, the transistor integration process in the chip reached the 1μm level, that is, 0.0001cm.

In 2001, the transistor integration process in the chip reached the 0.13μm level.

In 2003, the transistor integration process in the chip reached 90nm process, that is, 0.000009cm.

In 2018, the transistor integration process in the chip reached the 7nm process, and the integrated transistors reached tens of trillions.

that's all,

Chips have gradually become the most cutting-edge products of technology.

On earth, chips are a very typical knowledge-intensive and capital-intensive industry, which can only be supported by super-attacks or countries.

Not to mention anything else, the general price of the lithography machine, which is a necessary instrument for making chips, is around 1 billion yuan, and the entire set of equipment needs more than ten Boeing 747 sorties to complete the transportation.

And this is just a lithography machine. To make chips, the lithography machine alone is not enough, and countless instruments and equipment are needed to form a complete production line.

Outside the assembly line, more research work is invested.

Without investing an astronomical amount of money, the chip industry will not produce results.

And the results do not mean success, because if the quality of the produced chips is worse than that of the top chips, there will be no sufficient market. Even if such inferior chips are sold cheaply, not to mention whether consumers will buy them, it is a huge problem just to sell how much to recover the cost and how much to sell to obtain funds to research the next generation of chips.

Therefore, once the chip technology falls behind, it is not possible to catch up with just a few people shouting slogans and working hard. It requires countless capital investment, spare no effort to support, and more than ten years or even decades of waiting before we can see the dawn of success.

This is the most important weapon of the country!

But now, Li Cha is naturally not planning to make chips. Although he knows a lot of knowledge, it is not arrogance to try to create a high-tech chip production line alone without the productivity of the current world, it is completely delusional!

But everything can be changed, he can't make a chip on the earth, he doesn't need to make a chip on the earth, and it's useless if he makes it-at least for now.

What he is going to do is to learn from some of the chip making techniques on the earth to complete the depiction of the complex magic pattern on the design drawing of the "glove of extermination".

On the design drawings, the number and complexity of the magic patterns can be said to have surpassed the imagination of ordinary people. Through a special structure, several layers of magic patterns have been superimposed to complete the production of the entire "Gloves of Extermination".

And if it is made by chip technology, it doesn't need to be like this.

After all, no matter how complicated the magic pattern is, it is still visible to the naked eye, and the accuracy is above 0.0001cm, which is the level of chip transistor integration technology on earth in 1989.

As long as his method is reasonable and can play the role imagined, the area of ​​the magic pattern can be greatly reduced, and part or all of the magic pattern of the "Glove of Extinct World" can be carved in a chip the size of a fingernail.

Then, you can avoid many difficulties in the process of making the "Gloves of Destruction", and finally produce a finished product - a magic pattern spell prop with a chip as the core, which has never existed in this wizarding world similar to the Middle Ages. .

The chips in it can be called... spell chips.

Well, spell chips.

What exactly should we do?

Li Cha pondered, tapped his fingers on the table, and after a while, he already had a general idea.

If we use some of the technology of the earth chip to make the magic chip, the core technology should be... lithography technology.

And to explain this technology in simple words, it can be simply regarded as... taking pictures.

Yes, take pictures.

In this photography, four things are needed, negative film, paint, mask and light source.

Spread the paint evenly on the negative, let the light source pass through the gaps in the mask, and irradiate special light on the negative paint. At that time, the light from the light source will react with the paint, and the desired shape will appear.

The so-called shape, on the earth chip, will become a transistor after various subsequent treatments, and on the magic chip, it will be a magic pattern.

So now we need to solve the first thing, the film.

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