Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 598 The night before the tournament

Another side.

The stone building where Li Cha lives temporarily is on the fourth floor, in a slightly dirty room.

The wizard Teddy was lying on the bed, tossing and turning, wriggling like a worm, feeling uncomfortable.


After a long time, the wizard Teddy couldn't help but sat up from the bed. Rubbed his neck, rubbed his shoulders, rubbed his arms again, grinned and gritted his teeth.

"Hateful Li Cha, I treat you as a friend, but you use me as a livestock! It's easier for those brats to work together, but you use me to death, even if I'm a wizard It’s too much! Although you gave me so many crystal coins and potions, I can’t be easily bought with these vulgar things. After this exchange meeting is over, go back to the gathering place and see if I can’t talk to you well. talk."

The wizard Teddy muttered, feeling really uncomfortable, slipped out of bed, walked to the bed, opened a suitcase, and took out a glass tube from it.

There was a light red potion in the glass tube. The wizard Teddy looked at it for a while, hesitated, and finally pulled out the stopper and drank it down.

After drinking it, Wizard Teddy felt warm all over, and most of his fatigue disappeared immediately.

"Not bad, not bad." Tsk tsk, the wizard Teddy sighed, "So this potion is so effective, if I knew it, I would have used it a long time ago, it seems that I have to ask Richard for more points if I have the opportunity."

After speaking, Teddy was about to go back to bed and continue to sleep when there was a knock on the door.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Who is it?"

"Teddy, it's me, Uzra."

"Ezra?" After hearing the words, Teddy's eyes flashed, and he walked quickly to the door, opened the door with a creak, and saw a wizard about 1.6 meters standing outside the door.

The other party is a member of the jungle hut, but not from the dark forest gathering place, nor the green wind gathering place, but another wizard from the 'Blue Lake' gathering place deep in the witch forest.

When Teddy was still a wizard apprentice, he knew each other and had a very good relationship, but they separated after becoming a wizard. The two of them are in contact with each other on weekdays, but they didn't expect the other party to come to this exchange meeting and find him.

"It's you!" Teddy was slightly surprised when he saw the other party, and quickly greeted him, "Come in and sit down."

"No, no, you should come out." Esra said with a smile.

"What?" Teddy wondered.

"Many of us have found a place in Deep Blue Castle to get together, and you are the only one missing."

"I'm the only one missing? Who else?"

"Tuco, Hall, Gener, Darcy, and Valentin." Ursula quickly said a series of names, "They are all the group of people who joined the jungle hut together."

"By the way." Ursula suddenly thought of something, eyes flashed, and said teasingly, "I forgot to remind you, there is Grace inside."

"Grace?" Teddy looked confused.

"Stop pretending!" Ursula thumped Teddy's chest lightly and said, "We all know that you liked him back then."

"Nonsense!" Teddy stared.

"Okay, okay, just treat me as nonsense, but it's okay to see it. Finally, taking advantage of this exchange meeting, I have the opportunity to get together and exchange ideas." Esra said, "Don't say you don't want to Go, if you don't want to go, just admit that you really like Grace, you can't save yourself!"

"I—" Teddy was at a loss for words, and waved helplessly for a moment, "I'm afraid of you!"

After speaking, he walked out the door and left the stone building with Esla.


The stone building has three floors.

Li Cha stood in front of the window, watching Teddy and the others walk out of the stone building, and looked at the rest of the Deep Blue Castle. He could see that many corners were bustling.

In the past few days, when he was digging deep with Gero and his team, more and more wizard organizations rushed to the Deep Blue Castle, causing the number of people in the Deep Blue Castle to increase sharply.

And on the eve of the exchange meeting held here, basically everyone who could arrive arrived. It is roughly estimated that about 35% to 45% of the wizards on the entire east coast gathered here. This is an unprecedented event. Compared with the previous Baishi The East Coast exchange meeting held in the tower is several levels stronger.

And this also leads to a situation, that is: many wizards know each other, and they don't usually have the opportunity to meet each other. After the exchange conference, it is rare to get in touch with each other.

Therefore, in the past few days, the atmosphere in Deep Blue Fort has become more and more lively, and everyone is cheerful without any tension. How can it be seen that what is about to be discussed is a major event that endangers the entire East Coast?

In fact, in a sense, this can also explain the minds of most wizards.

In the eyes of most wizards, the crazy wizard organization Whitestone Tower mentioned may exist, but it is obviously exaggerated. They participated in the exchange meeting, just to give the White Rock Tower and the Deep Blue Castle a face, and go through the motions, and really don't feel how critical the matter is.

After all, there are countless wizards on the entire east coast, and there are many "monsters" with exaggerated strength hidden among them. If any organization really wants to challenge the entire east coast, and even try to restore the Black Spirit Empire, it is completely reckless.

So, it must be a joke, it must be a mistake, don't worry at all!

In this regard, Li Cha has a completely different idea.

He had seen Baishi City destroyed by a meteorite with his own eyes, and he did not think that the propaganda of Baishi Tower was fictional or exaggerated.

But it's one thing to believe, another to not care.

For him, what happened to the White Rock Tower had nothing to do with him, and it had nothing to do with him whether there was any crazy wizard organization challenging the entire east coast.

His sense of responsibility and justice has never been very strong, and he doesn't feel qualified to be a savior, so he doesn't want to pay attention to these things at all. All he cares about now is to unravel the ultimate secret of the Black Spirit King, understand the history that has disappeared, and then figure out a small part of the whole world.

Now, almost half of the suspicious places in the small village of Artis have been ruled out. After the exchange meeting is over, he should find out if he finds a chance to stay here for another ten days.

At that time, we can dig out the last treasure of the Dark Lord and find out everything.

And after figuring out everything, he can take Pandora away from the east coast, avoid all troubles, and concentrate on researching things.

Thinking of this, Li Cha looked at the night outside by the window, and murmured: "The exchange meeting, there shouldn't problem, right? Well, I hope not."


"I hope there will be no problems at the exchange meeting tomorrow."

The same words were spoken by another person in the dark.

In the corner of Deep Blue Castle, on the top of the tall stone tower, a person was sitting on the edge. His feet were dangling outside the wall, but his body was sitting upright, wearing a white shirt, and holding a large bowl of marmalade in his hand.

"Suck, Gudong!"

He dug a large spoonful of marmalade with a spoon and stuffed it into his mouth, and swallowed it forcefully, Macbeth frowned.

"The taste is not very good. It seems that there are indeed problems with what I made. I really don't have talent. Alas. After the exchange meeting is over, I will find time to learn cooking skills. After all, I don't have long to live, so I can't treat you too badly." Your own mouth is fine."

Macbeth was talking, holding the marmalade, and looked towards the rest of the Deep Blue Castle. Look at the lively corner, look at the cold corner, look at the bright corner, look at the dark corner.

After watching for a long while, Macbeth said slowly: "I really hope that there will be no problems at the exchange meeting tomorrow, or I will really have a headache. After all, my body will shorten a corresponding part of my life if I fight once. I want more Live a while and eat more marmalade."

"Ahem!" Macbeth suddenly coughed lightly, his face was a little frighteningly pale.

After the cough was over, Macbeth's face was tense, as if he was enduring some pain.

After a while, his expression relaxed, as if the pain had eased, and then he laughed at himself: "Hehe, by the way, am I stupid, what am I worrying about here alone? Dark Blue Fort now gathers almost half of the wizards on the east coast, what can I do? What happened? Even if something happens, it’s not something I can stop. Besides, I don’t own the White Rock Tower alone, do I need to worry about it? Phew, let’s go, go back to sleep.”

After Macbeth finished speaking, he shook his head and suddenly jumped to the bottom of the stone tower. The body dropped by almost half the height in a state of free fall, slipped in mid-air, and disappeared into the night like a bird.


The night was quiet, and many people were doing various things and having various ideas this night, but there were really few people who thought that something would really happen to the exchange meeting.

And under such circumstances, the final arrangements of some plans are quietly proceeding.


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