Hubiwan Girl’s Monologue: Life without games will not be gentler

Looking at these comments on the Internet, Shen Jianjia frowned and felt a little angry in her heart, but after taking a look at the attitudes of other people in the studio.

She finally just shook her head.

Controlled his emotions.

Since the boss is not here, Zhang Yan is busy with animation work and has been very tired recently.

Then she, Shen Jianjia, must take responsibility.

This comes from trust and from one’s own responsibility.

“This incident is just an interlude, everyone in the studio. They are all at their respective posts, officially starting to warm up for the release of “Paper Wedding Dress”.” ”

Everything is going according to the original plan.”

“This We will release the trailer and reveal the news later. It will be released on time at 11:59 tonight. Since the boss said it, we can just do it according to his ideas.”

“Get busy.”

Shen Jianjia squeezed out a smile. , then walked into her office and started busy with others, after she took the lead in working.

The originally impetuous military spirit also calmed down.

Just an hour later.

Shen Jianjia had been brewing on her social media for a long time, typing and deleting, typing and deleting. After repeating this many times, she finally edited her own copy and what she wanted to say.

She didn’t want to explain or respond to anyone.

There is no need to explain or respond to anyone.

I just want to express something I want to say.

No matter what others thought, no matter what kind of smearing would follow after the impact, no matter whether it would cause trouble for herself, Shen Jianjia still did it.

Because the boss said it.

If he’s not here, you have to take responsibility.

Because she is Shen Jianjia.

I love my industry so much, I love what I do so much, I love every dubbing and modeling I do…

I look at this capital marketing and carnival on the hot list.

Shen Jianjia was not afraid.

In addition to my own beliefs, the more important thing is that there is someone in my heart who is the source of confidence.

Chen Mo, his boss, if he encounters this situation.

There will be absolutely no cowardice whatsoever.

This is who he is.

This is the spirit of Ninth Art Studio.

#”Life Exchange Program” officially went to Tazhai to start the live broadcast one day later. What kind of surprising encounters will happen to the rebellious teenagers in the city when they come to the poor mountain village?

#Let this world have more energy, let educational programs stop being so indifferent, stop being dominated by actors in the entertainment industry, and stop being dominated by meaningless garbage games. Everyone should repost more…

#How many people have been harmed by junk games?

#A child asked his parents many times to cheat money in order to buy a game from a certain worker. Is this a moral farm or a distortion of human nature? Is it the poison of video games, or is it the producer’s orgy of eating human blood steamed buns?

#I sent my child to a place to detoxify from Internet addiction. After he came out, he listened to me very much and did whatever I asked. Thank you to Mr. Yang, the King of Thunder and Lightning.

Shen Jianjia looked at the content on these hot lists.

Ridiculous and deplorable.

There are quite a few parents in this world who will never think about their own educational problems. In their eyes, they are always right.

Never ask your children what they want or what they want.

Just like what was said in “The Hidden Corner” before.

They just want to control their children.

No matter what happens, you must do it according to your own will.

If you resist, if things don’t go your way at all, the label of rebellion will be firmly attached to that child. Over the years, industry dragons like the Goose Factory, although not a good thing, have also been tortured and tortured by brainless parents. Ravage…

The shape of the game skills is a bit weird, and it will spoil children.

Must change!

The game characters’ clothes are indecent and lead to bad behavior for children.

Must change!

My children charge money and it’s all your fault.

Must change!

After these things, Goose Factory would simply refute at first, but now… it is basically in a state of peace.

You scold me.

I’m already open.

But Ninth Art Studio will not be like this.

As Chen Mo said at the beginning, we are not that great, and we cannot change many things in the world. We are just ordinary game producers.

However, we can make our own products carefully.

But we might be able to change the world’s perspective on gaming.

Even just a little bit.

Don’t ask for praise from others, don’t ask for approval from others.

Just have a clear conscience.

Shen Jianjia recalled Chen Mo’s previous words and suddenly felt a little more encouraged.

Yes, I just want to express what I want to express.

What does it have to do with you?


She is not the chief voice artist of Ninth Art Studio, nor is she a manager of Ninth Art Studio, nor is she an employee of Ninth Art Studio.

But as an ordinary gamer.

The identity of an ordinary person.

The send key was pressed.

Such a long article appeared on social media.

On this platform, Shen Jianjia has a lot of fans, and she is only inferior to Chen Mo in the studio. After all, the girl has natural attribute bonuses, outstanding appearance, plus her previous singing of “Lone Mang”, as well as voice actors, modelers, Original artist and other buffs.

He is simply an otaku killer in the absolute sense.

Three million fans.

As soon as it was posted, the tweet caused outrage.

[During this period, I have read a lot of negative news about games. Many people regard games as the culprit of everything and a product that poisons young people. In the eyes of their superiors, they think young people]

[The future is bright, for people like Qingbei Famous schools are at your fingertips. In the future, you can get admitted to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, serve as CEO, marry Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of life. ]

[However, because of being addicted to games, he gradually sank. 】

【Lost the originally bright life. 】

【Even the entire country has lost hope. Such a label has been placed on the head of the game production company, and it does not feel that there is anything wrong with it at all. ]

[This is the young man they imagined. ]

[However, what about the actual young people? They are very tired. ]

[The burden of life, everything. 】

【Everything must be borne. ]

[There are more people in this world than just those rich boys who are unfettered, arrogant, and squandering freely and freely as the show crew said. ]

[After compulsory education ended, or even before it ended, they shouldered the burden of the family early and had no choice but to drop out of school and work. 】

【On the assembly line of the factory day after day, busy on the mechanized real estate line twelve hours a day and night, returning to the noisy and chaotic dormitory at night, only tired and helpless. 】

【 Under the dim light, there is a dirty, crowded dormitory. The bed beneath me is a stiff and uncomfortable bed, the sheets and duvet cover are cheap and low-quality three-piece sets, and the sweat on my body sticks to the rough work clothes. ]

[What are they going to do at this time? 】

【Squandering? ]

[At this time, only by playing a game can the boring, boring, helpless, and hopeless life with no tomorrow be more hopeful and colorful. ]

[In the eyes of many of you, you can’t see what those who are struggling for life are thinking. You stubbornly think that all original sins are games. As long as you don’t play games:]

[Work hard and work harder. .

[You will be able to succeed, become famous, and marry Bai Fumei. ]

[Actually, even many of us ordinary people in life don’t play games. ]

[Life is still the same. 】

【Boring and boring. 】

【Everything, should be done as it should be, should be scolded or scolded, should be looked down upon or looked down upon, should be ignored or ignored. ]

[The originally boring life just lacks a means of entertainment. Without nightlife, young people with a small social circle can only find another way to pass the time. ]

[Yes, at this time, you high-ranking people have to ask]

[Why are you so negative, so decadent, and don’t develop other hobbies, such as skiing, golf, basketball, billiards, football… there are too many . ]

[But doesn’t it cost physical strength? Don’t need money? ]

[Furthermore, for many children, you think they will study after they stop playing games. It is games that delay learning, but in fact they don’t want to study at all. It has nothing to do with games, but with the education of their parents. relation. 】

【For many people, in other words, life will not treat you more gently and stop tormenting you just because you stop playing games. The monster of life is not so easy to pass. 】

【But, for many people. ]

[A game may make life less sharp. ]

[Same as a song, a movie, a book. 】

【We are already working hard to survive. 】

【Please don’t deny or deny our hobbies. 】

【Playing games without causing any trouble to anyone. ]

[Of course, for many minors, parents must provide guidance and not just blame them when anything happens. Do you understand? ]

[Reality is unequal, but some games can be a starting point. ]

[I’m done, thank you for listening. 】


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