Manual of Space-Time Interference

Vol 2 Chapter 62: in a desperate situation

Zhao Cheng instantly got up and turned around, pulled off the safety of a grenade, and threw it at the hole before continuing to run forward.


The sound of the explosion sounded again, and dust came out of the hole and fell on the three of them.

"Damaged! Damaged! The fuselage is paralyzed..."

"Dialect, your grenade is so powerful!" Guo Zhu shouted, his head that seemed a little dizzy at first has now come to his senses.

"Don't talk, run!" Zhao Cheng roared.

This is a clothing store, similar to the stuffed toy store behind it, or in other words, all the ground floor rooms in the city have almost become the same.

But outside the broken shop door, it seemed very calm, but before they went out, no one knew whether it was a dead end or a life outside...

Looking at their feet, the three rushed outside. The original plastic mannequins had been completely shattered by machine guns, and they were scattered in every corner of the store.

"Be careful to hide!"

Approaching the door of the store, Zhao Cheng shouted a warning, and rushed out with the two behind him. Then, while running, he quickly glanced at both sides of the street. There were several mechanical reptiles at the end of the street, and the sky also changed. Circling two long overdue aircraft.

They didn't stop. From the very beginning, when they found themselves surrounded after being attacked, the three of them already understood their current situation.

To stop is to die!

"Da da da!"

A few mechanical reptiles opened fire when they saw the three of them, without the slightest hesitation.

Covered by some car wreckage, the three of them hunched over and ran towards the opposite side quickly. The aircraft in the sky seemed to be a bit slow to respond, or it took a while to turn, but they didn't fire the first time.

Compared with the slightly empty streets, buildings are the best hidden places at the moment.

The street is not wide, only a few meters away. Dialect and Zhao Cheng, who were running in front, ran into the store opposite almost instantly.

"Da da da!"

The bullet, wiping the figures of the two of them, flew into the distance...

"Suffocated!" Guo Zhu scolded, his body shrank again as he prepared to move forward, a series of bullets passed through the air in front of him, and then re-fired on the car that was covering his body.

"Hurry up!" Zhao Cheng turned around and roared,

"I can't **** move, how can I run!" Guo Zhu was also in a hurry and kept yelling. The dilapidated car behind him obviously couldn't withstand a large number of bullets, and the vibration began to increase, and it seemed that it would be torn apart in the next moment.

The aircraft in the sky finally adjusted its orientation, and the muzzle of the gun slowly aimed at Guo Zhu who was still in the center of the street.

"Damn, if you die, you will die!" Guo Zhu roared, with a hint of scarlet in his eyes, looking for a gap, he rushed towards the store door desperately.

The bullet rubbed the back of his head and flew past. A burning sensation passed through the nerve center to his brain. His heartbeat seemed to stop...

"I can't die! I can't die!"

He kept roaring, and in the rain of bullets, one jumped towards the store door.

"Da da da!"

The gunshots were still ringing behind him, but the tone had changed, making it more dense. The ground in front of the store was hit with dense craters, and a burst of dust was flying.

"I'm not dead, I'm not dead!"

Guo Zhu, who was lying on the ground, raised his upper body, held the gun in his arms, shouted, and touched his face, back of head, arms, chest...

"You're not dead!" Zhao Cheng stepped forward and roared, slapped Guo Zhu's head hard, lifted his collar, and dragged it towards the store, "If you're not dead, stand up for Laozi and continue to run. !"


Zhao Cheng, who was retreating, was directly thrown away. Guo Zhu, who was on the ground, rolled a few times on the ground and hit the wall next to him. There was only dialect, and it was not affected too much...

"Cough! Cough!"

"Team Zhao! Team Zhao!"

Guo Zhu was choked by the dust and knocked twice, and a hazy sound came from his buzzing ears. He shook his head and looked over there. The three dialects were constantly slapping the faces of the three Zhao Cheng.

Holding the wall, he was about to stand up, but his feet were instantly sore. Guo Zhu sat on the ground again, looking around in confusion. He patted his head vigorously with his hands, and the sound began to return to his ears again. , the pupil, also begins to refocus.

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

"Team Zhao! Wake up!"

He was panting heavily and looked over there, the dialect was hitting Zhao Cheng's chest continuously while shouting continuously.

Guo Zhu leaned against the wall, stood up slowly, and walked staggeringly over there, beating his head constantly.

"Ugh... huh!"

Zhao Cheng suddenly straightened his upper body and lay down again. His chest began to rise and fall continuously, and blood flowed out from the corners of his mouth.

"It's alright... run!"

Zhao Cheng said subconsciously. After the pupils were dispersed, they began to shrink and focus. The world in front of him began to become clear again. He wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, put his hands on the ground, slowly, stood up again, and shook it vigorously. Shaking his head, he frowned slightly.

"Come on! Don't stop! Cough! Cough!"

Zhao Cheng shouted, but he coughed twice, and a bloodstain spread from his mouth again. Without wiping it, he walked directly to the innermost corner of the wall and threw a grenade again in the same way.


The sound of the explosion sounded again, and it also suppressed the sound of mechanical reptiles trampling the ground outside. The dust began to happily occupy every space in the Let's go! Walk! snort! "

Zhao Cheng's lying body stood up instantly, hooked it down again, let out a cold snort, and a trace of pain began to appear on his face. After watching Fang Yan and Guo Zhuyi run over, he took a deep breath. , followed.


The store next door should be a small commodity store, and outside the store, there is a crossroads, and further ahead, there is a building with a broken signboard - Wanda.

"Across from... the shopping mall!" Zhao Cheng looked at the square opposite and panted, "Going inside, we have a chance to get rid of them."

There was a hard mechanical sound behind him. Zhao Cheng turned his head and threw the prepared grenade over. The explosion sounded again. Dialect covered his eyes and nose with his hands, turned around and squinted.

The road is not long, but there is still a distance. In the first half, there are indeed many car wrecks, and in the middle of the road, there is also a leftover sandbag fortification.

But this distance of more than 100 meters is still so far away...

Next to him, Guo Zhu swallowed his saliva and looked at the door in front of him. His body that was a little sore was instantly motivated.

"Run!" Zhao Cheng shouted, "Using the vehicles and the incomplete sandbags as cover, while fighting and running, the machines will definitely be surrounded. If we don't go out, they will come too."

Dialect listened, tightened the gun in his hand, took a deep breath, looked at the intersection outside, and took his own steps.

Four directions, four roads, the sun shines on the ground at this intersection. In this place that was originally a battlefield, the sandbags that were once stained with blood, now, I don't know if a new bloodstain will be added...

Right now, they seem to be in a desperate situation...

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