Lip narrowed his eyes and carefully looked at Holly, who looked proud and charming.。

“To kill or not to kill! “This was the first thought that came to his mind.。

“Lip, do you know why I like you so much? So do you want to be your girlfriend? “Holly looked straight at Lip with eyes full of eyes, and slowly approached him.。


“Because there is a feeling in you that I am very familiar with。”

“What does it feel like?”

“My brother’s feeling!”

“ha? “Lipp was confused for a moment: What’s going on with Holly? Could it be that the love-brother plot is rampant?

But for a little girl of this age, shouldn’t the love-father plot be more serious?

Just like Karen in the original drama treats her Dad Eddie’s twisted mentality and emotions。

“You must be wondering why I feel this way about you!”

“Um. ” Lip nodded carefully.。

“Then let me tell you my story! ”

Holly smiled and began to tell her story.

It turned out that like most children who grew up in the South District, Holly also lived in a very fucked-up family. Holly

‘s father actually had an affair with Billip’s father Frank. Worse than that.

Although Frank acted shamelessly, he was not completely conscientious.

Holly’s father was completely hopeless and inhumane.

Not only did he drink and watch fans, gamble and whore, but he also suffered from particularly serious domestic violence. Plot.

When he came home drunk, he would basically punch and kick his wife and children.

Holly’s mother fled to Mexico because she couldn’t bear it anymore.

But this did not make Holly’s father restrained at all, but instead became more violent. .

He would pull out his belt and beat Holly’s brother Dick and Holly at every turn.

Whenever Holly’s father went crazy, his brother Dick would always protect Holly with his body.

Over time, Holly became dependent on Dick.

Dick was also like a good big brother. They also protected and loved Holly in every way.

The brother and sister had fun in hardships and could barely live together.

But all this became worse one night when Holly was 10 years old and in fourth grade.

That night, Holly’s father She came home drunk as usual, and Holly didn’t pay attention at first.

But when her father approached her lewdly and took off his clothes, Holly felt a kind of panic and panic that she had never experienced before. .

She instinctively dodged around and fled to her room.

When she finally got back to the room and was about to lock the door, her father pushed open the door and caught Holly.

In panic, Holly thought of her brother Dick put the baseball bat behind her door.

After she struggled to break away, she swung the bat and hit her dad.

The stick hit her temple by accident.

Holly and her dad fell to the ground at the sound.

And she looked motionless. Dad, Holly didn’t stop.

So many years of grievance and pain seemed to be completely enveloped in an instant.���Got her.

She turned into a little devil with nothing but resentment in an instant.

Holly picked up a baseball bat and hit her dad on the head again and again.

Until her father’s head was bloody and bloody, and he couldn’t die anymore.

Holly, who slowly came back to her senses, realized the seriousness of the problem and suddenly cried in fear.

She shrank into the corner of the room and cried loudly。

“Holly, are you okay? “Li Pu looked at Holly, whose eyes were a little dull, and asked gently.。

“I’m fine! “Holly tried to force out a smile, but it was ugly, “I haven’t finished speaking yet.。”

“Okay, speak slowly。”

“Dick returned home an hour after all that had happened. As soon as he entered the door, he called my name, saying that he went to pick up scraps to sell, and used the money he earned to buy me my favorite strawberry pie.。”

“He called me many times, but I didn’t respond. I was completely frightened and I just kept crying.。”

“Later, Dick found you, right?”

“Yes, he heard the crying and came to my room. “Holly’s eyes were full of sadness, “When Dick saw the blood on the ground, the naked old bastard and me hiding in the corner shivering. ”

After all, Holly cou

ldn’t resist the destruction of the memory and shed tears.

Lip was a little entangled now. He really wanted to hold the poor girl in his arms and let her cry as much as she wanted.

But he was afraid that it was Holly’s. Performance.

But in the end, heartache and pity prevailed, and Lip hugged Holly into his arms.

Holly continued to tell.

After Dick discovered all this, he was instantly frightened and his calves became weak and he collapsed on the ground. , after all, Dick and Lip were the same age, a little more than two years older than Holly.

But he quickly stood up and came to Holly, just like Lip at this moment, hugging Holly tightly .

After a long and patient counseling and comfort, Holly just started sobbing softly.

Then she told Dick everything that happened while crying.

Dick did not complain about Holly at all, but showed all kinds of care and comfort.

In Holly After Li completely calmed down, Dick began to think of ways to dispose of the body. He would never let his only sister go to jail. At

first, Dick wanted to bury the old bastard in the yard at night.

But when dragging the body, he found that the old bastard was buried in the yard. Damn this big fat pig is too heavy to drag.

And Dick also realized that sooner or later he would be found buried in his backyard.。

“After much deliberation, Dick told me that the only option was to burn the body and the house on fire. said Holly sadly.。

“So, you just lit up the house? “Lipp thought of the fire that happened in the Lincoln neighborhood not far from Lee Wallace’s neighborhood many years ago. It turned out to be the work of the Holly brothers and sisters.。

“Originally we thought that if we set a fire and burn everything, it would be over and no one would know about it again. “Holly continued, “I didn’t expect the police and fire fighters to come quickly, and they put out the fire quickly.。”

“Moreover, they also discovered that the old bastard did not die from the fire but from blunt force trauma.。”

“��The police soon came to question us. I was so frightened that I hesitated to speak.。”

“Soon the police took Dick away。”

“Later I found out that in order to prevent me from going to jail, he took everything on himself。”

“Not only did I kill my dad, I also destroyed my brother! But I’m also trying to let everyone know the truth. I don’t want Dick to go to jail.。”

“I told all my relatives and even made a scene in court. “But no one believes that a little girl killed her own father.。”

“Everyone thinks 960 I said that to cover up Dick’s crime.。”

“In the end, I was the only one keeping this secret. Guilt and self-blame have been tormenting me deeply over the years! ”

Li Pu felt that his chest was full of wet and hot tears. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although Holly’s words were rough and concise, Lip still felt the various flavors in them. It can be felt that he also feels congested in his heart.。

“Holly, how did you live after that?”

“Later, I was sentenced by the court to the old bastard’s brother, Uncle Adam. “Holly wiped her tears with her hands and wiped Lip’s chest.。

“I’m doing okay, Uncle Adam is a nice guy. “Holly’s eyes were filled with disappointment, “I also have a cousin and a cousin.。”

“Whenever I see their family of four living happily, I feel inexplicable grievances and resentments. Why are my parents so fucked up and my brother has lost his freedom?……”

Holly suddenly hugged Lip tighter.

Lip patted Holly’s back gently and gently.

Farke! These fucking fucking parents!

How many tragedies and disasters have been caused!

Lip felt uncomfortable because he was also thinking about his bastard father at the moment.。

“I don’t know if Frank is dead or alive now. “Li Pu also felt a little melancholy.。

“Lip, do you know why I said you feel like my brother?”


“Because you can fight very well!”


Lip felt a little confused for a moment, but he was still prepared to be patient and continue to listen to Holly.。

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